$600 5* vision Thoughts? [Merged Threads]



  • BahamutBahamut Member Posts: 2,307 ★★★★
    This seems a bit... odd. You have option to pay 100$ to unlock an offer for a 5* champ. The cost of said 5* champ? 15K Units. That’s almost 500$ worth of Units. I don’t really see anyone buying this. You can buy 2 PS4s for that much money, plus there’s the tax for the Vision offer. I don’t really see the point to this. If anyone bought it, could you explain why?
  • KnightarthusKnightarthus Member Posts: 419 ★★★
    If they included 4 t2alpha and an awakening gem it would of sold like crazy.
  • Zuko_ILCZuko_ILC Member Posts: 1,524 ★★★★★
    Can we get a spotlight or a breakdown of prestige and sig at max? Since we are buying this character we should have access to his stats.
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    The 4* Vision is free with the Odin purchase which is pretty awesome in my book. As far as the 5* Vision is concerned, you spend units not money. How you get the units is up to you.
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    Vdh2008 wrote: »
    Kabam, in case you're wondering... That's more than 1 weeks wages for about 40% of Canada... And you want that price for 1 5 star champ.

    So? Should Ferraris be cheaper so more people can afford them?
  • MasterFlintMasterFlint Member Posts: 97
    Anyone have the synergies? Thanks.
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Setting aside having to buy an Odin to unlock the offer, what do I think about it? I think from now on I’m going to try to grind out and sit on 15000 units and wait for the offer to come around again.

    I think it’s overpriced in terms of cash, and I don’t like the offer being gated behind the Odin purchase, but at least now I know what a 5* vision costs, and I can theoretically save for it. If they literally sold him for $500 I’d be more perturbed, but as a unit offer I think Kabam gets just a tiny bit of slack from me. I just wish it was a permanent offer players could save up for, but I doubt it is (after unlocking it I mean, I didn’t buy the Odin to know for sure).

    Even so, I think 10,000 units would have been more reasonable.

    I agree. These trophy champs should be perm offers that folks can work toward like Unstoppable Colossus.
  • Isman1998Isman1998 Member Posts: 520 ★★★
    500 dollars for 1 character? No character in this game is worth 500 dollars. Shoot that 4 Star Vision wrapped in with all those units ain't even worth 100 dollars. You could buy a decent gaming PC or a PS4 for that type of money and a couple of games on top of that. You could buy groceries for a month with that man. That price is just insane.
  • Orangeblood19Orangeblood19 Member Posts: 21
    MarzGroove wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Setting aside having to buy an Odin to unlock the offer, what do I think about it? I think from now on I’m going to try to grind out and sit on 15000 units and wait for the offer to come around again.

    I think it’s overpriced in terms of cash, and I don’t like the offer being gated behind the Odin purchase, but at least now I know what a 5* vision costs, and I can theoretically save for it. If they literally sold him for $500 I’d be more perturbed, but as a unit offer I think Kabam gets just a tiny bit of slack from me. I just wish it was a permanent offer players could save up for, but I doubt it is (after unlocking it I mean, I didn’t buy the Odin to know for sure).

    Even so, I think 10,000 units would have been more reasonable.

    I agree. These trophy champs should be perm offers that folks can work toward like Unstoppable Colossus.

    He's far from a trophy champ. Very usable - he's one of the rare 4* champs I even use anymore.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    Let the people who want to buy it buy it. I think it’s a ridiculous amount of money to get a minuscule gain within the game, but it doesn’t affect the players that much. OG Vision is good but not the wrecking ball he once was in today’s meta. There have been people clamoring for 4* OG Vision offer to come back and this 4* offer is a steal compared to the last.

    If this same deal came out without any 5* OG Vision offer, people would be praising how good of an offer the 4* OG Vision is. Probably a bunch of the same comments saying how the game is past 4* and we need 5* Vision. The people who have more than enough money to spend will get a nice champ that will hardly make a dent in the game. It’s no different than those who spend 5+ odins on FGMC’s really. I’d rather spend 5 odins on FGMC than 5* Vision anyway if I had to choose.
  • NDK13NDK13 Member Posts: 620 ★★
    I really like og vision sad that I can't buy this offer as it's too expensive. Well atleast I know how much he goes for now gotta start the grind or I might just save those 15k units to do lol and get an ultron who's better.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Setting aside having to buy an Odin to unlock the offer, what do I think about it? I think from now on I’m going to try to grind out and sit on 15000 units and wait for the offer to come around again.

    I think it’s overpriced in terms of cash, and I don’t like the offer being gated behind the Odin purchase, but at least now I know what a 5* vision costs, and I can theoretically save for it. If they literally sold him for $500 I’d be more perturbed, but as a unit offer I think Kabam gets just a tiny bit of slack from me. I just wish it was a permanent offer players could save up for, but I doubt it is (after unlocking it I mean, I didn’t buy the Odin to know for sure).

    Even so, I think 10,000 units would have been more reasonable.

    I actually have enough units to get the 5* Vision because I’ve been super cheap and didn’t spend them on anything other then energy refills. But I’m not willing to pay the €110,- to unlock the offer. That’s two weeks worth of groceries. Or a 4th of my rent. Or half of my monthly tuition. It’s 3 times my monthly cell phone bill. On top of the units I grinded and saved for months. The combination is just insane.
    Their excuse will be this deal is not for everyone, no one is forcing you to buy it as it is only meant for people who are willing to empty their bank accounts on us.

    But seriously guys don't do it unless you earn 10k a week or something because it is just a joke at this point. You might as well spend the 15k units on featured grandmasters. Actually what am I saying upgrade your PC, get a new mobile device do anything else.

    That’s it though, I can’t go to the store and say “I have 15k units saved up, I’d like a
    Zuko_ILC wrote: »
    Mana_Pot wrote: »
    15000 / 3100 = 4.838
    4.838 X 99.99 = $483.75
    Call it $500.00.
    You have lost your everloving minds Kabam.

    The 4* was round $400 if I remember correctly so its kinda where the market is willing to pay for him

    Where are you getting that $400 from? Last two times it was a unit offer where you buy a 3* for 500 units and with that you unlocked the 3500 unit offer for the 4* version.
  • trip08trip08 Member Posts: 1
    This “deal” is a complete slap in the face to all of Kabam’s patrons. It merely furthers the devide from people playing for fun and their love of Marvel (maybe willing to spend when they can here and there if need be) vs. those willing to throw large sums of real money in to have the best of the best and ensure easier wins.

    Great job Kabam, reward the rich and punish the poor! You want to make it right, only let the fools willing to pay for this deal war against the other fools willing to pay for it. Keep us people that can’t afford to give you $600 on two day notice out of it!
  • MannysmokerMannysmoker Member Posts: 327
    I mean why buying a 5* vision when dormamu does the same and can heal....
  • wolverinesbrowolverinesbro Member Posts: 24
    Yes he’s a collectible. but as people said unduped is useless and what would he do if maxed out?
  • ViolentEdViolentEd Member Posts: 11
    Hello all, and hello all at kabam. I have seen other "deals" like this one for vision in the past, spend a lot of money to get just one champion or to get the things you need to progress your champions. It is just a money grab that plays to the wealthy and elite ways of life. If you have money you can go far and buy your way through, if you are blue collar and work for everything you have then you will be continually working toward goals that are always just out of reach. Yes this offer is rediculous but it won't be the last rediculous offer they have. It is saddening to see the prices of something that does not exist in real life, something you can't touch or use anywhere else other than in a digital world. Pixels are not worth it to me and many others, even those with the disposable incom,e to waste on something such as this. A lot of things could change for the better including offers like this one, but that is doubtful. So we can all mouth off that this deal is no good but it will not change anything.
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    I have been a 4* OG Vision owner for a long, long time. Cleared a lot of content with it. Love the character.

    15,000 units for an unduped 5-star...wow. That's...wow.

    That's....wow. I don't quite know where to go with that.

    I don't fault Kabam because it's a business. There is absolutely no requirement to obtain this character, and it is the right of any business to set a price.

    That's just...15,000 units. Wow. I can't justify anything close to that, because 15,000 units in this game unlocks everything an above-average player would want to clear -- LOL, Act 5 100 percent....you would be able to do all of it, if you haven't already and don't quite have the roster.

    You could spend your way to it, with that many units
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  • CLMPitombeiraCLMPitombeira Member Posts: 51
    Damn, what were smoking to think that was a brilliant idea?
    That weed must have passed the expiration date.
    I know what offers should be created to have some profit in the game, and I even agree with pay-2-win system or Vip modes (fair and moderately, of course). But, what he's been doing with the game is getting more and more ridiculous. it's a great shame as I'm a fan of Marvel when I barely knew how to read, and see that a game I love so much becomes that trap to rip off money.
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    My concern is the rarity and power of champs are progressing and making lower rarities lose value in-game, but Kabam is not adjusting the value in terms of currency. A 5* champ was questionably worth $500 2 years ago. Makes you wonder the price tag Kabam places on a random 6* champ...

    Fix the game economy. Because I’ve played for more than a year, I have to spend $100 or more for any offers that present value to me in terms of progression. My guess is you would sell more than 10x as many Visions if the price was $100. Stop worrying about blocking progress of players, let us acquire and rank champs that we want. Please?
  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    Bahamut wrote: »
    This seems a bit... odd. You have option to pay 100$ to unlock an offer for a 5* champ. The cost of said 5* champ? 15K Units. That’s almost 500$ worth of Units. I don’t really see anyone buying this. You can buy 2 PS4s for that much money, plus there’s the tax for the Vision offer. I don’t really see the point to this. If anyone bought it, could you explain why?

    I know 4 players that have bought it so far.... why? b/c og vision is a beast.
  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    $500 in US prices, that's $750 here in New Zealand...
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★
    MarzGroove wrote: »
    Vdh2008 wrote: »
    Kabam, in case you're wondering... That's more than 1 weeks wages for about 40% of Canada... And you want that price for 1 5 star champ.

    So? Should Ferraris be cheaper so more people can afford them?

    LOL Troll logic, if a 5* Champ who needs to be awakened is a Ferrari, then what is a 6* Champ that can only go to r2, a Formula 1 car.

  • HatshipuhHatshipuh Member Posts: 146
    @Kabam Miike
    The German translation of the offer is wrong, it says you have to buy ALL deals to unlock 5* Vision offer, not just the Odin. You better not tricking people into buying more than necessary...
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    edited April 2018
    I would compare vision to a Ferrari. You could easily use a cheaper car just like you can use any 5* you get from a crystal. But one is a lot more rare than the other. You can’t compare the price of vision to any 5* in the crystals. It’s a limited edition champ. It’s always going to be more. You don’t have to have it but it is a nice shiny toy if you can get the units to buy it
  • RetroRocksRetroRocks Member Posts: 68
    I’m so upset that Kabam have gone back to really bad offers.
    Over the last year the MCOC offers have got pretty decent, not exactly value for money but every now and then they offer something decent.
    But this is wayyyy off that!
    The fact you can’t purchase the 4* for units but 18 months ago you could, even though he’s now less valuable, seems crazy.
    As a unit hoarder and lucky owner of a 5 and 4* tech awakening gem I’ve been waiting for this offer for a year. And this is what they offer? Admittedly I was tempted at first , but in principle I’ll have to decline cos I feel it’s just over priced, no one really needs a vision that badly in the modern game. Give vision a utility buff to be as good as blade and maybe, but the world has moved on, he’s just not as hardcore god tier as he used to be, but he’s being treated as a game killer still.
    Kabam missed the sweet spot , shame, so I’ll be saving for another year then!
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