$600 5* vision Thoughts? [Merged Threads]



  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,593 ★★★★★
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    I would compare vision to a Ferrari. You could easily use a cheaper car just like you can use any 5* you get from a crystal. But one is a lot more rare than the other. You can’t compare the price of vision to any 5* in the crystals. It’s a limited edition champ. It’s always going to be more. You don’t have to have it but it is a nice shiny toy if you can get the units to buy it

    I'm torn. 20K units, but no tech gem. Grumble.
  • AmusttodestroyyahAmusttodestroyyah Member Posts: 5
    Im from the caribbean and were spending more because we have to pay in us and its way more can we get our payments in our countries currency or is that not an option cause we spend way more when our money is converted to US dollars.
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    abn86 wrote: »
    MarzGroove wrote: »
    Vdh2008 wrote: »
    Kabam, in case you're wondering... That's more than 1 weeks wages for about 40% of Canada... And you want that price for 1 5 star champ.

    So? Should Ferraris be cheaper so more people can afford them?

    I don't really think that is a good analogy. A Ferrari provides some sort of value - at least in the ability to get from point A to point B. A single champ out of a pool over 100 in a class that's slowly being phased out as we chase the new goal is nowhere near close.

    This was a bad deal - but I've been around this community for years. If it's more important to you to buy this as proof that you can afford it (or because you think it's necessary as you're a "content creator"), then hey, so be it. But let's not pretend that this is a good deal. It's not. And never, ever compare a champ in a video game to a Ferrari. Please. It would honestly be more refreshing if we saw posts saying "I bought it, but it's definitely a rip off.." but that's not likely. Oh, well.

    By the by, if anyone else has $500 they can't find anything else to do with it, feel free to donate it to abn. I don't have a charity or anything - but, my logic is I provide the same amount of real world value as 5* Vision.

    Value is in the eye of the beholder.
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    Blax4ever wrote: »
    MarzGroove wrote: »
    Vdh2008 wrote: »
    Kabam, in case you're wondering... That's more than 1 weeks wages for about 40% of Canada... And you want that price for 1 5 star champ.

    So? Should Ferraris be cheaper so more people can afford them?

    LOL Troll logic, if a 5* Champ who needs to be awakened is a Ferrari, then what is a 6* Champ that can only go to r2, a Formula 1 car.


    You don't understand what logic is or what trolls are. I could have said "So? Should iPhone Xs be cheaper so more people can afford them?" and the logic would hold.
  • CLMPitombeiraCLMPitombeira Member Posts: 51
    Hatshipuh wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike
    The German translation of the offer is wrong, it says you have to buy ALL deals to unlock 5* Vision offer, not just the Odin. You better not tricking people into buying more than necessary...

    Brazilian Translation is trolled too.
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  • abn86abn86 Member Posts: 107
    MarzGroove wrote: »
    abn86 wrote: »
    MarzGroove wrote: »
    Vdh2008 wrote: »
    Kabam, in case you're wondering... That's more than 1 weeks wages for about 40% of Canada... And you want that price for 1 5 star champ.

    So? Should Ferraris be cheaper so more people can afford them?

    I don't really think that is a good analogy. A Ferrari provides some sort of value - at least in the ability to get from point A to point B. A single champ out of a pool over 100 in a class that's slowly being phased out as we chase the new goal is nowhere near close.

    This was a bad deal - but I've been around this community for years. If it's more important to you to buy this as proof that you can afford it (or because you think it's necessary as you're a "content creator"), then hey, so be it. But let's not pretend that this is a good deal. It's not. And never, ever compare a champ in a video game to a Ferrari. Please. It would honestly be more refreshing if we saw posts saying "I bought it, but it's definitely a rip off.." but that's not likely. Oh, well.

    By the by, if anyone else has $500 they can't find anything else to do with it, feel free to donate it to abn. I don't have a charity or anything - but, my logic is I provide the same amount of real world value as 5* Vision.

    Value is in the eye of the beholder.

    Hm, yes I suppose that's what it always comes down to.

    That's also why I thought it was insincere when Kabam changed the game (aka 12.0) it was about Haves v. Have nots. NEWS FLASH! This is ALWAYS about haves vs have nots. The game is meant to be that way. Putting out Vision for 15k units (plus forced Odin purchase) only furthers that. You either HAVE the units or the money to get vision or you don't.

    If you have - and you perceive value - it's worthwhile. I do wish though that those that HAVE considered those that HAVE NOT. Whether you have the money or not, it doesn't make it a good deal for anyone. It's not a deal for those who are uncollected. It's not a deal for the most skilled, longest tenured, or most popular gamers. It's a deal for those who HAVE.

    And just to add - I'm not the one to shame people for spending their own money. You do what you want, you earned it. Regardless though, it's not appropriate for anyone to feel the need to spend that money on a game that may or may not be around in 5 years. So, even if you don't agree with me, I just want it to be cheaper for everyone. But I've been around this game for long enough to know it won't change. Oh, well.
  • The_GrandmasterThe_Grandmaster Member Posts: 205
    the only thing about this offer that is F'ed up is the exclusion of the gifting badge. That was just petty.
  • gannicus0830gannicus0830 Member Posts: 704 ★★★★
    This "offer" right here is simply the modern-day, kabam version of the classic "let them eat cake". That's about how out-of-touch they've become with us, the players.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    edited April 2018
    @CLMPitombeira I have been around for about 2 and a half years. He’s always been in the 2* crystal. He’s only been released through deals as a 3* or better champ. That kinda makes him “limited edition” not as much as red Deadpool or thanos that were only given out as a limited number, but that’s not the point of my statement. My point was about people not wanting to spend that much for a 5*. It’s not like you are buying a champ that you could get at any moment out of a crystal
  • SirTodd_83SirTodd_83 Member Posts: 177
    So..... with the release of a 5* version of original vision, does this mean a 5* scarlet witch is on the horizon?
  • Blax4everBlax4ever Member Posts: 683 ★★★
    I think Vision may be more like a Cadillac or 5 Series BMW something that many people may want and would be nice to have but far from top of the line. Ferrari’s are top of the line new vehicles. If 5* Vision is worth 500 USD, what is a 6* Blade or Star Lord worth? A space ship, stealth jet or a submarine. The logic with some of you is laugh out loud funny.

    FYI Rare in this game is Thanos.
  • DrOctavius2_2DrOctavius2_2 Member Posts: 434 ★★
    They should make this a 4/20 tradition make a offer for $600
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian
    Bahamut wrote: »
    This seems a bit... odd. You have option to pay 100$ to unlock an offer for a 5* champ. The cost of said 5* champ? 15K Units. That’s almost 500$ worth of Units. I don’t really see anyone buying this. You can buy 2 PS4s for that much money, plus there’s the tax for the Vision offer. I don’t really see the point to this. If anyone bought it, could you explain why?

    I'm not buying him, because I don't have the units and I'm unwilling to spend five hundred dollars to get the units. However, I suspect Kabam will make this offer again. If I can save enough units for the next time it comes around, I'd buy him. I don't think he's worth $500 of cash. But I think he is worth 15k of units if I grind those units through game play.
  • WolfeWolfe Member Posts: 272 ★★
    Personally I have no issues with the price. Sure $500 is slightly on the expensive side but it is far from being outrageous. However my card is staying in my wallet for this one because I simply do not like paying $500 for a champion that I have no idea when I can awaken. My problem with this Vision deal is my same problem with the first time the 4 Star Vision deal came out. You spend loads of money, buy a good champion and then have him stuck in your inventory forever because you can't awaken him and you have no idea when the next similar offer is gonna come. Kabam needs to be more transparent with the released dates for this pay-for-champion or awakening gem deals so that people can plan ahead. If I know that maybe in three months time (don't even need to know the exact date) a similar 500 dollars for a Vision deal is coming back, I'll have bought this one without a second thought because even if there are no awakening gems deals between now and then I know for sure I can spend another 500 to awaken him down the road. Something perhaps Kabam need to consider when putting out deals like that.
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  • KnightarthusKnightarthus Member Posts: 419 ★★★
    If it had 4 t2alphas and an awakening gem with it I would have made Kabam $600 richer
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    If it had 4 t2alphas and an awakening gem with it I would have made Kabam $600 richer

    If it came with the gold to get it to R4...I might've, as well

    If I could've R4'd it on the spot...maybe an 80 percent chance I would've
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,974 ★★★★★
    I'm not personally up for it, but I'm not bothered by it. It's Limited Edition. How other people spend their money and Units is entirely up to them. I see no point in getting bent out of shape over something I'm not even buying.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Ummmm yeah...you don't smell pay for play coming in a big way? The google gift cards "just buy the champ you want"? I don't wanna buy a 4*,5* or any star! The 5s are nearly undupable for a signifigant portion of the player base. As a result no dupe shards or max dupe shard crystals...buy a dupe...buy a six...buy, buy dix shards, buy swakenings...buy you're very own "Legendary title"...
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    "Pay to win" rather.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian
    What I don't understand, however, is why players who have already purchased the 4-star version, don't automatically have the offer unlocked.

    It doesn't make any sense to me.

    The logic of it is probably that they are willing to offer 5* Vision *mostly* for units, but not entirely. Units are not equal to cash: we can buy them, but we can also grind for them. Theoretically speaking if they offered Vision for just 15k units, that would mean there would be a segment of the player population that grinds huge amounts of units that could buy him literally for no money. Locking 5* Vision behind the 4* Odin means there is a minimum amount of cash that any player must pay to get 5* Vision.

    In other words, 5* Vision costs something between $100 and $500, depending on how many units you currently have and are willing to spend on him.

    (It doesn't cost $600 as some people have been saying, because obviously the first $100 to unlock the offer also generates the first 3k of units simultaneously).
  • Rednick69Rednick69 Member Posts: 325
    LOL Kabam. Nice one.
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