$600 5* vision Thoughts? [Merged Threads]



  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,346 Guardian
    Ozzieont wrote: »
    addisonbassist I agree with you 100% people could buy what they want with their money , and that is what Kabam keeps targeting those thirsty people that want every single champion but honestly with 600 dollars i buy me a ps4 I won't buy it and believe me I spend money in offers but this is pass way too expensive for me

    Well, Starbucks only exists because it targets people willing to spend hundreds of dollars on coffee rather than dozens of dollars on a coffee maker.

  • BigTimeBigTime Member Posts: 246 ★★

    Wolfe wrote: »
    Personally I have no issues with the price. Sure $500 is slightly on the expensive side but it is far from being outrageous. However my card is staying in my wallet for this one because I simply do not like paying $500 for a champion that I have no idea when I can awaken. My problem with this Vision deal is my same problem with the first time the 4 Star Vision deal came out. You spend loads of money, buy a good champion and then have him stuck in your inventory forever because you can't awaken him and you have no idea when the next similar offer is gonna come. Kabam needs to be more transparent with the released dates for this pay-for-champion or awakening gem deals so that people can plan ahead. If I know that maybe in three months time (don't even need to know the exact date) a similar 500 dollars for a Vision deal is coming back, I'll have bought this one without a second thought because even if there are no awakening gems deals between now and then I know for sure I can spend another 500 to awaken him down the road. Something perhaps Kabam need to consider when putting out deals like that.

    $500 isn’t outrageous? If you truly don’t think so I can only assume that you don’t value money.

    $500 is despicable and is proof that MCOC is not moving in the right direction.
  • edited April 2018
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  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    What I don't understand, however, is why players who have already purchased the 4-star version, don't automatically have the offer unlocked.

    It doesn't make any sense to me.

    The logic of it is probably that they are willing to offer 5* Vision *mostly* for units, but not entirely.

    There are other options... they could force you to still buy an Odin to unlock the deal and get their cash, but then only charge 12K units instead of 15K.

    Granted, that sidesteps my original point, but still gives a little bonus to those of us who've already taken the plunge.

    EDIT: Another thing to consider... my OG Vision is already Level 75 and I don't want him any higher than that because it becomes too easy to get pushed to your L3, and Visions L3 sucks compared to his L2... so, even if I had the funds and resources to get the deal, it would work to my disadvantage.

    Same here, as far as not leveling up past 75. There's something broken about that SP3. I don't think it's ever worked correctly.

  • WolfeWolfe Member Posts: 272 ★★
    BigTime wrote: »
    Wolfe wrote: »
    Personally I have no issues with the price. Sure $500 is slightly on the expensive side but it is far from being outrageous. However my card is staying in my wallet for this one because I simply do not like paying $500 for a champion that I have no idea when I can awaken. My problem with this Vision deal is my same problem with the first time the 4 Star Vision deal came out. You spend loads of money, buy a good champion and then have him stuck in your inventory forever because you can't awaken him and you have no idea when the next similar offer is gonna come. Kabam needs to be more transparent with the released dates for this pay-for-champion or awakening gem deals so that people can plan ahead. If I know that maybe in three months time (don't even need to know the exact date) a similar 500 dollars for a Vision deal is coming back, I'll have bought this one without a second thought because even if there are no awakening gems deals between now and then I know for sure I can spend another 500 to awaken him down the road. Something perhaps Kabam need to consider when putting out deals like that.

    $500 isn’t outrageous? If you truly don’t think so I can only assume that you don’t value money.

    $500 is despicable and is proof that MCOC is not moving in the right direction.

    It is not to me. I speak for myself I don't speak for you. I would have snap it up instantly without thinking because it is in a value range I feel is bordering on the fringes of being slightly expensive but paying more for a champion I want and need is what I feel is worth it for me. I do value money by the way, I decide what value my money is getting me and if I feel it is of good value I spend it. In this case though I didn't bite the bullet because an un-awakened OG Vision is of no value to me.
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  • SirTodd_83SirTodd_83 Member Posts: 177
    Two things, first off spare a thought for us in Australia. If you don't have the units already it will cost you almost $800 instead of one odins at $160 if you do have the units. Secondly, expect an awakening gem deal soon so kabam can continue to milk the whales that forked out for an unduped vision
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    Wolfe wrote: »
    BigTime wrote: »
    Wolfe wrote: »
    Personally I have no issues with the price. Sure $500 is slightly on the expensive side but it is far from being outrageous. However my card is staying in my wallet for this one because I simply do not like paying $500 for a champion that I have no idea when I can awaken. My problem with this Vision deal is my same problem with the first time the 4 Star Vision deal came out. You spend loads of money, buy a good champion and then have him stuck in your inventory forever because you can't awaken him and you have no idea when the next similar offer is gonna come. Kabam needs to be more transparent with the released dates for this pay-for-champion or awakening gem deals so that people can plan ahead. If I know that maybe in three months time (don't even need to know the exact date) a similar 500 dollars for a Vision deal is coming back, I'll have bought this one without a second thought because even if there are no awakening gems deals between now and then I know for sure I can spend another 500 to awaken him down the road. Something perhaps Kabam need to consider when putting out deals like that.

    $500 isn’t outrageous? If you truly don’t think so I can only assume that you don’t value money.

    $500 is despicable and is proof that MCOC is not moving in the right direction.

    It is not to me. I speak for myself I don't speak for you. I would have snap it up instantly without thinking because it is in a value range I feel is bordering on the fringes of being slightly expensive but paying more for a champion I want and need is what I feel is worth it for me. I do value money by the way, I decide what value my money is getting me and if I feel it is of good value I spend it. In this case though I didn't bite the bullet because an un-awakened OG Vision is of no value to me.

    Exactly -- those are everyday decisions that people get to make with their own money.

    I won't even lie: There are maybe...three characters that Kabam could introduce, right now, where I'd drop a chunk of cash to get. No hesitation.

    I work hard in real life. This game is fun for me. I value playing it how I want to play it more than I value another pair of pants or shoes or whatever
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  • Dexman1349Dexman1349 Member Posts: 3,060 ★★★★★
    Reminds me of my previous game: Game of War. Some very serious whales there. The average cost to stay in some of the top alliances were several hundred dollars per month. Literally drove away almost every free to play player because all the decent stuff was locked behind $offers (usually $100 each).

    I was in one of those alliances. The leader would drop $10k in a weekend to maintain his position.

    People do some crazy stuff with their money...
  • The_GrandmasterThe_Grandmaster Member Posts: 205
    He should have been awakened for this price. He is a 3 year old champ after all
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    ESF wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    What I don't understand, however, is why players who have already purchased the 4-star version, don't automatically have the offer unlocked.

    It doesn't make any sense to me.

    The logic of it is probably that they are willing to offer 5* Vision *mostly* for units, but not entirely.

    There are other options... they could force you to still buy an Odin to unlock the deal and get their cash, but then only charge 12K units instead of 15K.

    Granted, that sidesteps my original point, but still gives a little bonus to those of us who've already taken the plunge.

    EDIT: Another thing to consider... my OG Vision is already Level 75 and I don't want him any higher than that because it becomes too easy to get pushed to your L3, and Visions L3 sucks compared to his L2... so, even if I had the funds and resources to get the deal, it would work to my disadvantage.

    Same here, as far as not leveling up past 75. There's something broken about that SP3. I don't think it's ever worked correctly.

    Actually the S3 does more damage since the last update
  • bryndenriversbryndenrivers Member Posts: 443 ★★
    I misread this offer and was excited about it all afternoon at work(because I misread it). If the offer had been what I thought it was I woulda bout it which is 15k units 5* vision for 500$. That I woulda happily paid and is a decent offer. This current offer imo is absolutely awful. Nobody who would buy this offer needs those rank up materials first of all. Second of all he isn’t awakened and you can r4 so he’s east kappa useless for endgame content which is the only reason someone would buy him. Please kabam think through these offers a little better they have all been awful lately
  • bryndenriversbryndenrivers Member Posts: 443 ★★
    I misread the offer and was excited actually I thought it was like the others and you got 15k in units lol
  • bryndenriversbryndenrivers Member Posts: 443 ★★
    3things kabam should’ve thought about with this 1) anyone dropping that sort of $ doewsnt need those materials 2) the offer is too much $ (that shoulda been 1 lol). And 3) no t2 alphas so unless you have 4 laying around he’s useless for endgame content. At least throw in the awakening gem for him and maybe 2 t2 alphas at least. If they had the 4 t2 alphas and the awakening gem it’s still be a bit high but at least you could argue it was fair offer, you can’t with this offer, it’s far from fair I’m actually offended by it tbh
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  • bryndenriversbryndenrivers Member Posts: 443 ★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    Setting aside having to buy an Odin to unlock the offer, what do I think about it? I think from now on I’m going to try to grind out and sit on 15000 units and wait for the offer to come around again.

    I think it’s overpriced in terms of cash, and I don’t like the offer being gated behind the Odin purchase, but at least now I know what a 5* vision costs, and I can theoretically save for it. If they literally sold him for $500 I’d be more perturbed, but as a unit offer I think Kabam gets just a tiny bit of slack from me. I just wish it was a permanent offer players could save up for, but I doubt it is (after unlocking it I mean, I didn’t buy the Odin to know for sure).

    Even so, I think 10,000 units would have been more reasonable.

    It’s 24 or 48 hours so I’m told
  • bryndenriversbryndenrivers Member Posts: 443 ★★
    I understand why people are upset at this. I do spend regularly but this is too much for me personally. But I suspect that they will sell a lot of these.

    I'm a capitalist and I support the right for a business to set their prices. The market dictates "value".
    I bet you 15k units they don’t even sell 100
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 779 ★★★

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,346 Guardian
    I understand why people are upset at this. I do spend regularly but this is too much for me personally. But I suspect that they will sell a lot of these.

    I'm a capitalist and I support the right for a business to set their prices. The market dictates "value".
    I bet you 15k units they don’t even sell 100

    I wish I could take this bet. But if I could, I would.
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Some of us could awaken him
  • bryndenriversbryndenrivers Member Posts: 443 ★★
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    Some of us could awaken him

    Oh man I just want to say I’m sorry, you also already have magik (just like me at r4) what was the point? I really do feel bad you for. Hey if it makes you happy who cares then
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