Crossbones deserve better

Winner66615Winner66615 Member Posts: 129
Although Crossbones is a fun character to play, he could still get a minor buff to improve his game.
I request few changes that won't make the character OP, yet fun to play.

1. His heavy attacks should give him 1 fury that last x duration longer than his regular fury.
2. While in overrun, when he dash forward he should be unstoppable (like rhino).
3. Crossbones should also start his fight with physical resistance.
4. Depending on the fury stacks, Crossbones incinerate should also stack. E.g, if Crorssbones have 4 fury stacks, sp2 should deal 4 stacks of incinerate.
5. Sp3 should just bring crossbones to overrun instead of just refreshing the cooldown time.


  • JakearoundJakearound Member Posts: 434 ★★★
    I don’t hmm he needs buffed but he needs to shrug off debuffs better. My Xbones hardly ever shrugs debuffs off yet when I fight him in the game (even with he has class disadvantage) he seems to shrug off every other debuff.
  • EnderDraco58EnderDraco58 Member Posts: 957 ★★
    He's already good. These would be OK changes except for the 1st one.
    Heavy attacks give him fury. Just think about how overpowered that would be.
    Heavy Attack, Heavy Attack (Repeat 10 times) One shot with sp2.
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  • djr17djr17 Member Posts: 717 ★★★
    tufan_1974 wrote: »
    Jakearound wrote: »
    I don’t hmm he needs buffed but he needs to shrug off debuffs better. My Xbones hardly ever shrugs debuffs off yet when I fight him in the game (even with he has class disadvantage) he seems to shrug off every other debuff.

    This is because of Kabam's cheating AI.

    Or by you inflicting more debuffs than you receive...
  • Neroa65Neroa65 Member Posts: 302 ★★
    Dude Xbones is okay. Instead of asking for a great champ to be buffed, turn your attention towards..
    HULKBUSTED! (Get it? hulkbusted? No? Tough crowd)
    VENOMPOOL! (This one autocorrected to "vomit").

    I could keep going but meh you should get my point now.
  • MightylibraMightylibra Member Posts: 185
    It would be great if his furies are passive and he’s immune to incinerate.
  • KennadoKennado Member Posts: 1,014 ★★★
    OneManArmy wrote: »
    Bro... CB is already top 3 skill champ. Stop complaining hes a awesome champ. There are like 50 champs that could use a buff before him

    Taskmaster and Killmonger may have eclipsed him there.... Still in the Top 5 though. Great champ to pull and immediately r3 unduped as a 5*.
  • Winner66615Winner66615 Member Posts: 129
    I dont think these buffs are really going to be a game changer. It just makes Corssbones more fun and maybe in the top three skill champs again.
  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    Cb doesn't need a buff but the sig is useless.
  • xananabananaxananabanana Member Posts: 495
    Is 5* unduped Crossbones worth rank 4?
  • KennadoKennado Member Posts: 1,014 ★★★
    I wouldn't r4 because of the dearth of t2a. In the future I'll r4 mine if t2a is regularly available.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Although Blade is a fun character to play, he could still get a minor buff to improve his game.
    I request few changes that won't make the character OP (couse he already is, yep), yet fun to play.

    1. Let his bleed drain power
    2. if enemy is bleed immune, let him suffer from shock instead
    3. Give him some damage increase based on time in battle (like sl's, but just on time, not combo counter)
    4. Something like icearmor would do a great job
    5. the last, but not the least - when enemy combo counter is 0, let him turn of any of their abilities
  • I say make make CB better
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  • NikskiniNikskini Member Posts: 237
    I think he's ok but I would like to see his overrun and fury buffs duration increased
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