@Ad0ra_@Kabam Miike since we have some downtime can I get an answer on dominos sp2.... how does the taunt work? There isn’t a timer associated to it in the description and doesn’t show up as a debuff.
We don't have that answer right now, but I'm passing that question on right now. We might not have an answer for you for a couple days (I'm sorry, It's a long weekend here), but we'll try to get it for you as soon as we can.
so, I'm a horrible person because I asked you all a question that I really struggle to answer myself.
I REALLY love the X-Men. The entire commentary about being outsiders but also trying to better/help a society that also shuns them, and the stuff surrounding being different.... really resonated with me as a kid. I was an awkward as hell, nerdy kid that got bullied a lot when I was most big into that cartoon.
I was a pretty big fan of the most recent X-Men movie, I know a lot of people didn't dig it. I thought Black Panther was AMAZING and on the next level. I love how different the Deadpool movies are, and the irreverent fun that comes with them. And Infinity War made me cry because I am a damn sap. Oh and Logan. Logan was just wonderful. I really want to see the B&W edit of it, but haven't yet.
So... I dunno? Hah hah hah.
I liked Deadpool 2 a lot. They did a good job fixing the timeline & mistakes in some of the X-Men movies, mainly how bad they had screwed up on Juggernaut previously. He was the Unstoppable Juggernaut everyone expected & grew up with in the comics.
yeah, DP2 was great! I love it when I can see a movie and laugh that much. These days, with how serious everything feels... laughter is good!
What time is it for everyone rn ? It's 12:35 AM for me lol ! I'm waiting for the servers to come back so I can't continue u Act 4 exploration lol... Probably should've done that before Act 5 Uncollected run 😂🤔
What time is it for everyone rn ? It's 12:35 AM for me lol ! I'm waiting for the servers to come back so I can't continue u Act 4 exploration lol... Probably should've done that before Act 5 Uncollected run 😂🤔
Well Kabam should really give everyone playing the Gold Arena either a 4* Deadpool or a 5* Goldpool since a lot of people’s grind time got screwed. Of course greed will never
Am I the only one who wants to see "X-Men Vs. The Avengers"? Was thinking about that so long that I was tempted to write a Screenplay. Lol.
Write it!!
Considering it. I have an idea for a Horror Film as well. Grew up on them.
Is it about someone lurking on the forums looking to antagonize other forum members and players in a popular mobile game? Titled ‘The Lurker’ 😂😂 kidding 😜
lol I think they might be testing us to see how many people are eagerly wanting to play the game because I thought we were in the middle of a boycott ,this shows them that even though there is still a lot of issues in the game we still really want to play and that the boycott threat is nothing more than that.
This game has been down for over 5 hours now. Let us know what is going on, and let us know how this is going to effect aw and aq. I’m not asking for compensation. F compensation. Check my account, I dont give a **** about meaningless comps that don’t do us any good. I only care about when we get to play, coz that’s when I spend.
@Austin555555 I hear ya bro lol I'm just chilling watching Ted.. Ted 2 DeadPool.. After Deadpool goes off I'm heading to bed lol ! Putting in Ted 1 rn so about 4 hours till I'm going to sleep
just a little help guys, use some of that money people spend on the game and upgrade your servers, I pay for Xbox live and there stuff never crashes...a lot of people are grinding the arena and this is lost time they can’t get back.
so, I'm a horrible person because I asked you all a question that I really struggle to answer myself.
I REALLY love the X-Men. The entire commentary about being outsiders but also trying to better/help a society that also shuns them, and the stuff surrounding being different.... really resonated with me as a kid. I was an awkward as hell, nerdy kid that got bullied a lot when I was most big into that cartoon.
I was a pretty big fan of the most recent X-Men movie, I know a lot of people didn't dig it. I thought Black Panther was AMAZING and on the next level. I love how different the Deadpool movies are, and the irreverent fun that comes with them. And Infinity War made me cry because I am a damn sap. Oh and Logan. Logan was just wonderful. I really want to see the B&W edit of it, but haven't yet.
So... I dunno? Hah hah hah.
That's a very short answer. Btw Logan made me cry more than Infinity war did. I did r3 my 5* OML, he was my 2nd one, because I loved the movie and comics, both are very much different.
yeah, Logan cut deep. ESPECIALLY the trailer they did with Johnny Cash singing Hurt. I thought that was perfect, and breathtaking, and emotionally devastating. I loved that trailer.
hahaha. Would people really want that? Maybe we could do an occasional off-topic Q&A session?
As for the chill part - well. We are a bit stressed given the current state of things, but wanted to stay here with y'all and chat because you are admittedly being very patient with us and we really appreciate that. Really [/quote]
I think it’s a good thing you guys are chatting with us, kudos to you both
Am I the only one who wants to see "X-Men Vs. The Avengers"? Was thinking about that so long that I was tempted to write a Screenplay. Lol.
That was one of my favourite events in Marvel ever! I mean, House of M, Messiah Complex, Messiah War, and Second Coming is my absolute favourite, but the Phoenix Five, and the way they did a complete 180 on the ideals of the X-Men was great.
I'd like to see a cross over MCU movie version of "Fear itself" where Collosus because Unstoppable Collosus when Odin's brother Serpent gave Asguardian Hammers to Hulk, Attuma, Juggernaut, Grey Gargoyle, Thing & Absorbing man. That would be insane to see on screen.
@Kabam Miike and @Ad0ra_ you guys are great. Thanks for chatting with us while the game is down. I probably wouldn’t be on here right now if it weren’t for u guys.
so, I'm a horrible person because I asked you all a question that I really struggle to answer myself.
I REALLY love the X-Men. The entire commentary about being outsiders but also trying to better/help a society that also shuns them, and the stuff surrounding being different.... really resonated with me as a kid. I was an awkward as hell, nerdy kid that got bullied a lot when I was most big into that cartoon.
I was a pretty big fan of the most recent X-Men movie, I know a lot of people didn't dig it. I thought Black Panther was AMAZING and on the next level. I love how different the Deadpool movies are, and the irreverent fun that comes with them. And Infinity War made me cry because I am a damn sap. Oh and Logan. Logan was just wonderful. I really want to see the B&W edit of it, but haven't yet.
So... I dunno? Hah hah hah.
That's a very short answer. Btw Logan made me cry more than Infinity war did. I did r3 my 5* OML, he was my 2nd one, because I loved the movie and comics, both are very much different.
yeah, Logan cut deep. ESPECIALLY the trailer they did with Johnny Cash singing Hurt. I thought that was perfect, and breathtaking, and emotionally devastating. I loved that trailer.
Yeah that's true I actually thought you and Mike were ignoring my posts. This confirms you ain't.
@Ad0ra_ - I have to ask now that devices have been brought up. Is the random screen flip mid battle an Android thing, or does that happen with iOS devices too? It drives me nuts every time it decides to just flip without warning. At 1st I thought it was aggressive play that caused it. But no. No. It occasionally just happens when the phone is sitting still on a load screen. I wish screen lock prevented it, but alas no. On a final note, thanks for sticking with us, and the causal chat here. I can only imagine the frustration on that end.
P.S. - Not looking for a fix, just confirmation if it happens with iOS. As I may go for an iPad down the road as a second device. I won't buy an iPhone though (yes, I'm being redundant lol)
Do we get half hour timers for AQ time that we have lost? @Kabam Miike
It's been 12 hours (almost) since the AQ was started and the team isn't able to clear section 1! Please compensate the maintenance at least with 30 mins timers for today!
So the game will be down for a couple days?
yeah, DP2 was great! I love it when I can see a movie and laugh that much. These days, with how serious everything feels... laughter is good!
with the movies doing pretty good and Disney no longer boycotting them I doubt they will cancel them
Same as Ad0ra_, an iPhone 7 Plus that I have dropped way too often.
1:35 am. Going sleep at 2
I have the first GotG soundtrack on vinyl AND tape cassette.
As for alliances, it's all over the place.
This game has been down for over 5 hours now. Let us know what is going on, and let us know how this is going to effect aw and aq. I’m not asking for compensation. F compensation. Check my account, I dont give a **** about meaningless comps that don’t do us any good. I only care about when we get to play, coz that’s when I spend.
@Kabam Miike lmao sounds like you guys need pop sockets ;D
No they are still making some, the dark pheonix may be the last one under fox sometime after that we'll find out what Disney is going to do.
yeah, Logan cut deep. ESPECIALLY the trailer they did with Johnny Cash singing Hurt. I thought that was perfect, and breathtaking, and emotionally devastating. I loved that trailer.
Couldn't be bothered to pop for the 8-track, I see.
Yeah can we see that?[/quote]
hahaha. Would people really want that? Maybe we could do an occasional off-topic Q&A session?
As for the chill part - well. We are a bit stressed given the current state of things, but wanted to stay here with y'all and chat because you are admittedly being very patient with us and we really appreciate that. Really
I think it’s a good thing you guys are chatting with us, kudos to you both
Schedule maintenance, really?
I'd like to see a cross over MCU movie version of "Fear itself" where Collosus because Unstoppable Collosus when Odin's brother Serpent gave Asguardian Hammers to Hulk, Attuma, Juggernaut, Grey Gargoyle, Thing & Absorbing man. That would be insane to see on screen.
Yeah that's true I actually thought you and Mike were ignoring my posts. This confirms you ain't.
P.S. - Not looking for a fix, just confirmation if it happens with iOS. As I may go for an iPad down the road as a second device. I won't buy an iPhone though (yes, I'm being redundant lol)
It's been 12 hours (almost) since the AQ was started and the team isn't able to clear section 1! Please compensate the maintenance at least with 30 mins timers for today!