New 19.0 update phone problems [Merged Threads]



  • Mana_PotMana_Pot Member Posts: 235 ★★
    I hope Kabam loses every penny they made on the 4th. They don't deserve it.
  • SamyerSamyer Member Posts: 2
    I commented a few of days ago about my phone being overheated and shutting off a few times. Since then I was good just to get on real quick to help with alliance and jump off. Yesterday morning I stayed on a little too long and my phone shutdown. I didn't really think to much about it. However, I got a check yesterday and went to upload it on my phone using the my camera will no longer focus!!!!!! I read up online and tried a bunch of different things. Nothing worked. I read that overheating could cause this....I haven't dropped it recently and it worked this weekend at some concerts I was at...I can't believe this!! I just dropped $200+ and then your game breaks my phone!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously ridiculous. @Kabam Miike you all need to fix this or at least notify people that damage can occur to people's property.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Come on enough with this shutdowns and heating issues kabam!!!! We need the game smaller in size and graphips. Every update the game gets more unplayable.
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    Kabam could you please call Apple ask them to send a software architecture engineer to connect his computer to your system, log all the errors over 1 day. Then ask them to fix all bugs and overheating problem. it's time to pay for a better services to members. Android as you say is easy to adjust and fix . I think problem belongs to you, unable to fix problem as apple have architecture patent protection on hardware and chipsets and ( kabam) do not have access to fix or change these,

    it's a very small chance that you will be able to fix . It was nice for Apple to create .11.4.1 iOS, but it does not work. stop wasting time , Ask apple for help again. pay the money .

    Probably Apple will need to access your patent protection system to run test confirm that system is fine. If you want them to grantee work for a few months .

    Please fix this problem, you are killing this game

    How many more days before this problem gets fixed.
  • VTA92VTA92 Member Posts: 374 ★★★
    edited July 2018
    Am I only one that thinks it is absolutely ridiculous we have to find work arounds, special settings, and even sign up for beta software to continue playing this game? I whaled out for the first time on the 4th swooping up most the offers and the 15k units deal(still waiting for my correct crystal, btw) and the game has been in shambles ever since. I have never experienced buyers remorse to this level before.

    -Over heating
    -AQ is broken
    -AW isn’t fun anymore with the new mini’s(especially node 30)
    -More emergency Maintanence
    -Severe lag
    -Transparecny and communication is an all time low
    -No bright light at the end of this dark tunnel
    -Continues to neglect bugs that have a negative effect on player base

    Either Kabam gets it together or the 4th of July will likely be my most expensive break up ever.

  • AlebukkAlebukk Member Posts: 2
    Siete dei caciottari! Risolvete il problema! Abbiate il coraggio di bloccare tutto e studiare una soluzione a gioco fermo! È il peggior upgrade di sempre! Vergognatevi! Con i telefoni possiamo cuocerci le uova e risolvete questo disastro con delle pezzenti schegge 5 stelle. Vergogna! Vergogna! VERGOGNA!
  • Mana_PotMana_Pot Member Posts: 235 ★★
    Ρε γαμημενα μπασταρδια της κοινωνίας,καταστρέφονται τηλέφωνα και σκάνε στα χέρια των ανθρώπων ενώ παίζουν το γαμημενο παιχνίδι σας κι εσείς δεν βγάζετε μια ανακοίνωση για το ποσο επικίνδυνο είναι να παίζουν;;;
    Ποσο γαμημενοι καριοληδες είστε τελικά γαμω τα σάπια κορμιά σας γαμωωω ρε μπασταρδοι;;;!!!!
    Στάχτη και μπούρμπερη να γίνετε γαμω τα καντήλια σας γαμω μουνοπανα !!!!

    I guess that's one way to get past the language filters. You're right though, it's absolutely inexcusable that they haven't sent out an in-game or otherwise warning.
  • Mikea117Mikea117 Member Posts: 96
    There needs to be a substantial compensation for all iOS players. This is absolutely ridiculous with the overheating and crashing problems. iOS players can’t even play AQ/AW because of it. Almost all of my entire ally is screwed because of this. Kabam you need to fix this ASAP.
  • tonyj007tonyj007 Member Posts: 276
    Litzie13 wrote: »
    No it doesn’t...iPhone X iOS beta here and I’ve had ZERO heat issues

    Good for you, but there are heat issues and some members/players dont want buy a new phone

    children play this game , how many phones need to be damaged to get a before kabam fixes this problem

    We need to focus on getting these problems fixed

    support the community
  • QuigmeisterQuigmeister Member Posts: 7
    KerayZ wrote: »
    Well after hours and hours of testing and getting some kind people who helped test it as well...

    @KerayZ thank you for posting this, I followed the instructions and was able to contribute to my Alliance for the 1st time in nearly a week. I’m going to give it a few minutes and try to do some Arena.

  • Jaker32Jaker32 Member Posts: 1
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Ahab

    I've tried submitting multiple tickets with nothing but generic responses, so I thought I's try here.

    A couple days ago, after the update, after 20 minutes of arena grinding my phone started heating up so I exited the app. turned off the phone (iPhone 7)and let it sit for about a half hour. When I turned it back on, it was still warm. I went to take a picture of my kid. Camera would work. Notification came up saying the temp was too hot. I let it cool longer.

    An hour later, the main camera still didn't work. Neither did the flash or flashlight.

    I contacted Apple. They ran diagnostics. They said the camera was now bad likely the cause of internal overheating.

    Thanks to your game and your update, I had to buy a new phone.

    What is your plan to make this right?

    Submitting a ticket clearly isn't working, so what now?

    Should I just invoice you the cost of the phone? Or should we as a group of gamers look into legal representation?

    I need an answer... and not a generic one.

  • ralliesrallies Member Posts: 6
  • BigDaddyJoeBigDaddyJoe Member Posts: 357 ★★
    Jaker32 wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Wolf @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Ahab

    I've tried submitting multiple tickets with nothing but generic responses, so I thought I's try here.

    A couple days ago, after the update, after 20 minutes of arena grinding my phone started heating up so I exited the app. turned off the phone (iPhone 7)and let it sit for about a half hour. When I turned it back on, it was still warm. I went to take a picture of my kid. Camera would work. Notification came up saying the temp was too hot. I let it cool longer.

    An hour later, the main camera still didn't work. Neither did the flash or flashlight.

    I contacted Apple. They ran diagnostics. They said the camera was now bad likely the cause of internal overheating.

    Thanks to your game and your update, I had to buy a new phone.

    What is your plan to make this right?

    Submitting a ticket clearly isn't working, so what now?

    Should I just invoice you the cost of the phone? Or should we as a group of gamers look into legal representation?

    I need an answer... and not a generic one.

    Im seeing and hearing a lot of comments like these. I smell a class action against. Maybe some better communication would fix some of it. My thoughts are, they are afraid to admit fault or anything remotely close to that because of the liability issue. I would think to cover their rears they would recommend iOS users to not game until a fix is out. Kinda like a play at your own risk kinda deal buuut someone upstairs in a office is saying if we do that then we may actually miss out on one of those idiots buying units or crystals. Seriously.... this is very plausible
  • rahul3038rahul3038 Member Posts: 107
    @Ad0ra_ That was seriously misleading people....Thanks for the update!!!
  • D_Ace_71D_Ace_71 Member Posts: 159
    Always cranks out ther clouding the real issues. Keep it real, people, bad enough as it is without lies. Lies will just lead them to ignoring things, and understandably so.
  • Ripper4566789Ripper4566789 Member Posts: 44
    My phone doesn't over heat but I have zero control of my champs in game can't evade, punch, block, or dash. Most of the time my champs just walk up to the AI and get punched. This is costing items since my alliance always 100% AQ map5x5
  • MaskwalkerMaskwalker Member Posts: 11
    Running the latest version of iOS 11 on my iPhone 7 Plus. My son is also running the latest iOS 11 on his iPhone 7. We are experiencing up to a dozen crashes a day, phone overheating and totally shutting down 3-6 times a day and it happens when on verizon cellular as well as wifi. It is causing other apps to delay and crash and at times will prohibit them from even opening. Will receive frequent notifications when the game IS operating, that it is struggling to communicate with servers or I am having wifi issues when my wifi is as strong as it can possibly be. We have been in game in fights and one minute the defender is a whole screen away, next minute, because of lagging or choppiness, it is wiping us out. We really like many of the new features but they are no good to us because the game isn't working properly. HELP PLEASE!
  • D_Ace_71D_Ace_71 Member Posts: 159
    Mana_Pot wrote: »
    @Ad0ra_ Seriously though, shouldn't you guys issue some type of warning in game? What about people that play who don't frequent the forums? You do care about them, right?

    So many of us have said this. If they continue to not do this, I would like an official answer as to why. If I were a parent who gave their phone to their child to play...and this happened? Ooohh...the anger!
  • MaskwalkerMaskwalker Member Posts: 11
    Yeah, I don't frequent the forums but this has brought me out of my bubble because this is effecting so much more than just the game. To continue to have this version out without a rapid fix is irresponsible.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike why can you just roll back the update for god sake!


    I’m missing out on everything! Questing! Arenas! Events! It’s a joke!

    Just stop the silly event quest and poor impersonation of rifts! So we can all play again!!!

    What’s so hard about going back to pre 19.0??

    I hope your gonna extend the event quest for a week, or gift out 3 refills per day for affected user as my energy has be STUCK ON 70 for 7 days now!!!! How is that right?!

    I bought an Odin, now I can’t even play the game! Nice one! Appreciate it guys! I’ve only been playing since the launch and not stopped so cheers 👍
  • Ch1efsterCh1efster Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    I want the issues fixed as much as anyone, but a rollback at this point would probably create just as big of a mess. I'm just over half explored on Uncollected event and would be a little mad if they rolled back and erased my progress and I had to start over. Unless that progress can be saved and restored when it is put back, I would be ok with it.
  • KerayZKerayZ Member Posts: 220 ★★★
    KerayZ wrote: »
    Well after hours and hours of testing and getting some kind people who helped test it as well...

    @KerayZ thank you for posting this, I followed the instructions and was able to contribute to my Alliance for the 1st time in nearly a week. I’m going to give it a few minutes and try to do some Arena.

    You’re welcome! Hope it works for a lot of people. We shouldn’t have to do it but if you want to progress it’s the only work around I could come up with while we wait
  • Y2KJBKY2KJBK Member Posts: 2
    My iPhone and iPad overheat and crash when I try to run arena. If I slowly quest I can get by with my devices just getting a little warm, but I don't want to do that often and risk the health of my devices. Ugh.
  • RidlemRidlem Member Posts: 7
    I have an iPhone se OS 11.4, sprint. It gets overheated in just a few minutes of play since update 19. I spent 180 bucks on July 4th but been on vacation from then till yesterday. Now I can’t even play the game and it’s such a waste of money. Can’t help my team in aq and I’ve had to spend on potions and revives because of overheating freezes as has been described in other comments. I’m worried I’ve damaged my phone and/or it’s battery. Wish I could get my money/ units back from a game I can’t play anymore. All the work I put in on two years of nearly everyday play show I enjoy this game but I can’t have it costing me money or a new phone for no reason. Ugh. I’m gonna have to write email to Apple to see what they recommend.
  • DaMunkDaMunk Member Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    At least they delayed war season 3. Good move. Thanks.
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