AQ Bracket Issue [Resolved: Compensation Given]



  • KbugiiKbugii Member Posts: 167 ★★
    I’m still confused why I got a warning just for politely asking someone to check in on this topic so maybe we could get a reply on what we should do.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    edited July 2018
    I don't know what's the big issue, I am still playing the game, just the way its supposed to.

    Cool off and Put down your pitchforks guys.

    literally almost no game mode is working the way it's supposed to and people's devices are overheating so they can't even play the game. You're ignoring page after page of known issues with the game. Stop trolling.

    Apart from the iphones over-heating, there's no real issue preventing you from enjoying the game. Yes, there are bugs, more than usual, but you can still play and enjoy unless you are just doing AQ right now.

    There's Event quest, Arena, story quests, and AW and everything is working as expected. Get a grip.

    Also, you can actually put down your phone and take a break. I don't understand, say if Tesla would analyze and say that Don't use Auto-pilot mode because it can cause bodily harm, then it is best to NOT use it until it is actually fixed.

    If your local county issues a warning NOT to drink tap water since it might have harmful contaminants, do you still keep on drinking it. Wait for a fix and stop this mass hysteria. ITS A MOBILE GAME.
  • ASV27ASV27 Member Posts: 91
    You have to give us an update before dropping more resources on another map 5.
  • Nick_Caine_32Nick_Caine_32 Member Posts: 587 ★★★★
    edited July 2018
    This is pretty crazy. I mean we're going on over 500 comments and haven't heard ANYTHING from one moderator for 2 days, to clarify our questions. We're approaching the launch of the third map of the week, and have no better idea of what we're facing than we did on friday. I'm actually kind of stunned at this level of complete silence and blatant ignoring of players. I have 29 other guys asking whats going on and questioning what we're doing and I know I'm not alone. Most of us don't have time to sit on this forum and check back all the time to hear from a moderator, besides one person at least I see on here.

    My group collectively decided we're doing map 2 for the rest of the week. We have no idea if it's gonna hurt our placement going forward, or count at all. At this point most of us actually stopped caring, because we clearly were putting more thought into it than Kabam themselves. Pretty sad. The game is broken in every sense now. Ball's in your court Kabam.
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  • KbugiiKbugii Member Posts: 167 ★★
    This is pretty crazy. I mean we're going on over 500 comments and haven't heard ANYTHING from one moderator for 2 days, to clarify our questions. We're approaching the launch of the third map of the week, and have no better idea of what we're facing than we did on friday. I'm actually kind of stunned at this level of complete silence and blatant ignoring of players. I have 29 other guys asking whats going on and questioning what we're doing and I know I'm not alone. Most of us don't have time to sit on this forum and check back all the time to hear from a moderator, besides one person at least I see on here.

    My group collectively decided we're doing map 2 for the rest of the week. We have no idea if it's gonna hurt our placement going forward, or count at all. At this point most of us actually stopped caring, because we clearly were putting more thought into it than Kabam themselves. Pretty sad. The game is broken in every sense now. Ball's in your court Kabam.
    @Nick_Caine_32 this is exactly why I politely asked if someone could chime in for us since it’s been 2 days and everyone is asking what to do. I was warned and told to be patient. I replied back why I was being warned just for asking for someone to please follow up to help clarify and didn’t get a response.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,170 ★★★★★
    @rockykoston Right, but if Kabam is our local government in this little world, they've now advised us not to drink the water because it might have lead in it, not to turn on the lights because it might start a fire, and that public roadways are unavailable for long stretches of time because they were poorly designed or managed. Also, we know we were supposed to process your tax refunds two weeks ago and many of you were relying on that income, but there's been a delay. You'll get that at an unspecified future date.
  • Kbyman22Kbyman22 Member Posts: 6
    Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and excepting different results. Well Kabam has proved that they are insane, they continually launch new content with the same approach, let’s just see how many bugs there will be and then blame someone else and not compensate appropriately. They always say how this new update will be awesome and has been tested, but as always, they let us down...
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  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,170 ★★★★★
    We got time to close threads and make posts disappear, but can't get a "We're really sorry for the delay. Our investigation is ongoing. Map costs have been removed for the rest of the cycle. We expect to have further details on Wednesday." A majority of the handwringing would go away if Kabam would eliminate the map costs and give alliances some glory to get by on while this is sorted out.

  • Joey0480Joey0480 Member Posts: 126 ★★
    So where is the update? Another board room meeting needed for this too?
  • ZzyzxGuyZzyzxGuy Member Posts: 1,292 ★★★
    They merged my topic into this one... we know they see it.
  • Nick_Caine_32Nick_Caine_32 Member Posts: 587 ★★★★
    I don't know what's the big issue, I am still playing the game, just the way its supposed to.

    Cool off and Put down your pitchforks guys.

    literally almost no game mode is working the way it's supposed to and people's devices are overheating so they can't even play the game. You're ignoring page after page of known issues with the game. Stop trolling.

    Apart from the iphones over-heating, there's no real issue preventing you from enjoying the game. Yes, there are bugs, more than usual, but you can still play and enjoy unless you are just doing AQ right now.

    There's Event quest, Arena, story quests, and AW and everything is working as expected. Get a grip.

    Also, you can actually put down your phone and take a break. I don't understand, say if Tesla would analyze and say that Don't use Auto-pilot mode because it can cause bodily harm, then it is best to NOT use it until it is actually fixed.

    If your local county issues a warning NOT to drink tap water since it might have harmful contaminants, do you still keep on drinking it. Wait for a fix and stop this mass hysteria. ITS A MOBILE GAME.

    My iphone is getting too hot to play and the game is crashing like everyone else. My alliance is running quest and war and I'm not able to play the game. I really don't care if you think that is not important or if you think I should be spending my time elsewhere, and there's a lot more unresolved issues from previous weeks building up here that hundreds of others in pages of posts are bringing up. You are the minority here in that you think everything's rosy. Using the "it's a mobile game" line is lazy and kind of silly, in that you're on this forum for "just a mobile game" arguing with someone about it. Maybe take your own advice? I mean players like you like to be contrarian and tell everyone to calm down, but you'll still reap the benefits from everyone else's pressure on kabam if they send out compensation, right? So what exactly is your point here at all, besides yelling into the void at thousands of players who are upset? Would you like to come tell my alliance that I run, full of adults, that the game is all good and there's no problem, just don't play it - maybe use your bad tesla analogy? Cuz there's a few of them too who can't log in without superheating their device, and we're about to lose this war because of it. I'm sorry you have a problem with those of us who are asking for answers and some actions from Kabam, but if we all acted like you, nothing would get fixed. Hysteria by definition is exaggerated emotion, usually describing a situation where it's not deserved. If your argument is that Kabam doesn't deserve the comments coming their way, thank god you aren't employed there.
  • MattyloMattylo Member Posts: 234
    Let there be an error where players were given too much of something or any kind of advantage. They will call in everyone thats needed to get it resolved within a few hours or will take it down all together.

    This is an ongoing trend and honestly not even surprised anymore. i dont even care to think about their "compensation" package bc I can assure you it will never help you out. We wont get the glory we missed this week all while they added harder nodes when those of us that try to spend reasonably use that to fund our AW.

    Anyways another pointless rant by me.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Still no answer. This is amazing. Thank you kabam. You are managing to make the game less fun by the day, helping me to kick the habit. Please keep it up. It’s better for me in the long run.
  • MenkentMenkent Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    As I type this people will be starting maps for day 3, still with nothing approaching meaningful response about how this is being handled. Not even a token move like 30min timers.
  • BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    Run477 wrote: »
    Still no answer. This is amazing. Thank you kabam. You are managing to make the game less fun by the day, helping me to kick the habit. Please keep it up. It’s better for me in the long run.

    Took less than a week for them to go back to not communicating with us after the apology post that promised more transparency and better communication lol
  • DanielRandDanielRand Member Posts: 498 ★★★★
    The transparent communication complaint has been constant for years. It improves for a while after every debacle and then quickly falls off. Expecting anything more is pointless.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    "Thank god the log out day and July 4th sales are over. Now we can do whatever we want." - Kabam, Probably
  • PrinceEldarionPrinceEldarion Member Posts: 80
    Primmer79 wrote: »
    "Thank god the log out day and July 4th sales are over. Now we can do whatever we want." - Kabam, Probably
    this is so true and this lack of communication is ridiculous. A simple thorough statement answering questions is all we ask

  • ASV27ASV27 Member Posts: 91
    I'm so disappointed in the lack or communication. I hope we get refunded for running map 5 all week once we learn that this week won't count for anything.
  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike can devs throw us a bone and put the AQ requirement to open the next battlegroup (BG2, then BG3) back to 1 player instead of the old 3 players that it reverted to Saturday? Pretty please?
  • SighsohardSighsohard Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    Without any confirmation of compensation for runnning map 5 for substandard rewards milestones and ranks my alliance has elected to do map 3. Should this come back to harm us that might be the straw that breaks the camels back. Most of us are sick of the issues with this game and if we’re firther punished because kabam cannot communicate in a timely or professional manner a dozen or so of us will likely throw in the towel and walk away from this game, finally. The community can only take so much man. There’s plenty of games out there that this kinda **** wouldn’t be a problem.
  • RiegelRiegel Member Posts: 1,088 ★★★★
    Lol how has has there been no more information, or at least a clarification on the last mod post yet? :confused:
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Sighsohard wrote: »
    Without any confirmation of compensation for runnning map 5 for substandard rewards milestones and ranks my alliance has elected to do map 3. Should this come back to harm us that might be the straw that breaks the camels back. Most of us are sick of the issues with this game and if we’re firther punished because kabam cannot communicate in a timely or professional manner a dozen or so of us will likely throw in the towel and walk away from this game, finally. The community can only take so much man. There’s plenty of games out there that this kinda **** wouldn’t be a problem.

    So our alliances that ran map 5 should be punished instead? I’m confused.
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  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    Run477 wrote: »
    Sighsohard wrote: »
    Without any confirmation of compensation for runnning map 5 for substandard rewards milestones and ranks my alliance has elected to do map 3. Should this come back to harm us that might be the straw that breaks the camels back. Most of us are sick of the issues with this game and if we’re firther punished because kabam cannot communicate in a timely or professional manner a dozen or so of us will likely throw in the towel and walk away from this game, finally. The community can only take so much man. There’s plenty of games out there that this kinda **** wouldn’t be a problem.

    So our alliances that ran map 5 should be punished instead? I’m confused.

    I think hes saying nobody should be punished. This week should basically not count.

    I guess here’s the problem. Kabam has not told us anything. So some of us are running map 5 assuming we are going to get the rewards we should have got. Others are running map 3, I assume, thinking they will get the rewards they got last week. If this is accurate, whichever compensation kabam produces is going to tick people off. And it could have all been avoided if one mod would have came on here and just told everyone what the outcome would be.
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