AQ Bracket Issue [Resolved: Compensation Given]



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  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Peace out is a very convenient way to leave a discussion when you are wrong without admitting to being wrong. @GroundedWisdom
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    It's not about right or wrong at this point. It's about a rant over things people don't know. We don't know what the Mod was occupied with, or why they didn't respond. They could have been busy. They could have been away from the Forum and popped in with an update. Could have had nothing else to add. We don't know.
    I know one thing is for sure. People are overanalyzing the **** out of everything and it really doesn't matter at this point. I'm over this conversation. It's just ridiculous the amount people will complain. When there's something major, that's one thing. When people start looking for reasons, I'm saying peace.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    @GroundedWisdom answer the question.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Lmao I asked you a simple question that you won't answer. Now you are acting like a Mod...
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    But your refusal to answer speaks volumes.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    Yes. I found it adequate. Didn't even think the comment implied anything other than play it like you would. I've already made that abundantly clear. I didn't answer because I already answered it.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Didn't ask how you found it, @GroundedWisdom. I know how you said you interpreted it. The correct message was that we should continue to run our normal AQ maps. I asked you if the statement to the community that "in the meantime feel free to run this round of AQ if you so choose" with pages of clarification requests adequately communicated to the community that we were supposed to run AQ as normal. Answer the damn question.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    Miscommunication doesn't have to be wrongly interpreted by everyone. Was the message adequately communicated?
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    You read all the posts asking for clarification and you couldn't see how anything other than your interpretation could be implied? If I thought you were stupid I would believe you. I don't think you are stupid which leaves me with the only other alternative. You are so attached to not being wrong that you aren't being honest. I'm disappointed.
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  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Easy enough.
    It's not about right or wrong at this point. It's about a rant over things people don't know. We don't know what the Mod was occupied with, or why they didn't respond. They could have been busy. They could have been away from the Forum and popped in with an update. Could have had nothing else to add. We don't know.
    I know one thing is for sure. People are overanalyzing the **** out of everything and it really doesn't matter at this point. I'm over this conversation. It's just ridiculous the amount people will complain. When there's something major, that's one thing. When people start looking for reasons, I'm saying peace.

    It's that part in the middle where you say we don't know. That's exactly correct. We don't but we should. We're just saying that this all went poorly, as easily evidenced by us even having this conversation, and that in the future we'd like to see it go differently.

    That's the point. If Kabam had communicated adequately this conversation doesn't exist. But GW backed himself into a corner by insisting there was no miscommunication and now he has to "peace out" and "I found it adequate" and all kinds of nonsense because he won't have an honest discussion.
  • KarakanliKarakanli Member Posts: 82
    edited July 2018
    Another thing Id like to See differently in the future is how we deal with @GroundedWisdom.

    Maybe just ignore him?
    113 new posts today for me and not a tiny Bit of information: as always @GroundedWisdom is fine with all and everything Kabam did, said, wrote and he had the one and only correct interpretation - After Kabam days later posted what they really wanted to express in the initial statement where they failed completely!

    And everybody else- inclusing myself - see a bunch of mistakes, miscommunication, misleading information in Kabams statement and their way to handle hundreds of further questions.

    So lets make a Deal for the Next bug Kabam implements - according to the last 3 weeks we dont have to wait too long 😏:
    When the First threads pop up @GroundedWisdom answers instead of the Kabam Mods and we all can profit from his glorious and visionary predictions. And we can Start to do the „right thing“.

    It is really incredible how one Single guy can spam a whole Forum just by insisting to be the only heaven sent angel to convince us Human beings what the Kabam god wants us to do
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    Yes. I found it adequate. Didn't even think the comment implied anything other than play it like you would. I've already made that abundantly clear. I didn't answer because I already answered it.

    If you really believe that your interpretation was the only reasonable interpretation and that no clarification was needed despite the pages of posts, you must think we are all stupid. I think you are being dishonest.

    You asked me a question. I answered honestly. Now you're just baiting.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    You’ve already lost the argument and you obviously aren’t going to admit it. Best stick with the peace out at this point if you aren’t going to man up
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    There is no argument. Other than the arbitrary argument of trying to tell me what I'm saying, when it's my mouth it's coming from. Keyboard, as it were. Prime example of what's going on here. Microcosm reflecting the Macrocosm. Someone says something, people fit it to their own agenda.
    I had a feeling all along it would be best to play through and they would work it out. That's why I didn't change a thing. Didn't know what they would do to fix it, but I definitely didn't get the same response from that comment. That's the bottom line of it. Anything else is just twisting my words to find contradictions that aren't there. Perhaps it's best to take comments as they are, rather than create a Novel out of them. It's doing communication no favors.
  • KpatrixKpatrix Member Posts: 1,056 ★★★
    As I said before, I don't agree that it was a miscommunication because I don't believe they even knew what course of action they were going to take at that time. When the Moderator gave the response, it was my understanding it was in response to whether people should proceed or not. It's really that simple for me.

    If they didn't know what course of action they were going to take then obviously it was miscommunication. They could have told us to keep running our normal maps to play it safe. They could have said we don't know what we are going to do yet and left it at that. They could have clarified after pages of posts asking for clarification. Given how many people were confused or made the wrong decision based on that communication, by freaking definition it was miscommunication and miscommunication which could have been fixed with one simple reply. So while you are free to disagree, you are objectively wrong. You may want to look up the definition of miscommunication.

    There's a big difference between miscommunication and having nothing else to say.

    One day you'll come up close and personal with a clue by four. It may even hit you in the head. Until then keep sprouting the delusion.
  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
  • BrainimpacterBrainimpacter Member Posts: 578 ★★★
    edited July 2018
    that you were the only one to interpret it correctly and posting it 30 times after the fact is not helpful to anyone else looking for information or wanting answers.
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    Stop replying to the thread derailing people. Some people’s sole intent is to get threads closed by zealously defending Kabam no matter what, right or wrong.

    Best bet is to recognize these tactics and not fall into the quagmire.

    It’s obvious the message was vague, and despite requests for clarification nothing more was given,. This was intentional on Kabam’s part. They chose not to clarify or follow up, which is just as bad as the decision they made afterwards.

    I don’t know what is going on at Kabam, but I do not like it. Time to get the old team back on the game and right this ship before it goes Titanic,
  • Batman05Batman05 Member Posts: 351 ★★
    I would say the comment made by the mod could have been taken either way. But as players we should know tonalways err on the side of caution. It is not the mods fault for not having information that some people wanted. Players should be aware by now that there offices run Monday thru Friday with limited staff on the weekends. That means even limited mods on the forums. There was no way for the mod to made disions and give answer as to the course of action they would be taking without first having the whole game teams input. Players should be very aware this is how the team works by now. If you chose to run lesser maps knowing there was a chance this aq would not be a throw away then you played yourself not kabam
  • skullduggery72skullduggery72 Member Posts: 224 ★★
    So of an alliance normally scores say 120 mil in AQ expert tier but this week after being wrongly placed on normal tier decides to run easy free maps due to fear of losing treasury and as a result only score 60mil will that 60 mil count in the final rankings as this will result in lower than usual rank rewards or even demotion.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,444 ★★★★★
    Posting it here because this thread has gone a little sideways.

    Dr. Zola
  • skullduggery72skullduggery72 Member Posts: 224 ★★
    @Kabam Spice can you answer my constructive question above or pass it to the team please.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,170 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    @GroundedWisdom Take the clownshow somewhere else. *EVERY* *SINGLE* *TIME* that AQ reset and alliances were picking new maps, this thread was flooded with posts seeking clarification of what the Mod said. At any point in the 48+ hours of silence, they could've piped back in and said "Do what you would normally do; we'll sort out fair rewards later. Official statement coming once we iron out the exact details."

    Or they could've eliminated map costs at the time of the first statement and the alliances wouldn't have needed to make a risk/reward calculation.

    Hell, I went back and looked, and there were a half dozen questions just on the *page* where Zibiit posted her "free to do AQ" comment. No reply. This wasn't Kabam blindsiding us with a change. This was a situation where forum posters made it *obvious* that the mod's meaning wasn't clear to them, and instead of clarifying, all the mods went silent for days.
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    In reality the mistake here is clear. They should have had the statement say play as you normally would while we figure this out. The way they worded it was ambiguous on what steps we should take because they were scrambling. Easy in the world of business when words are not thought through before communicated to miss word something and make your problem worse.

    They should be accountable for this imo as it is poor communication on their end that caused this in the way they worded that response.
  • Nick_Caine_32Nick_Caine_32 Member Posts: 587 ★★★★
    I wake up to another day of posts to catch up on, and it's the same person blaming the player base and acting like a kabam translator. Shocking. I think it's best we just ignore guys. He's said peace out at least twice on this thread and still continues to comment, antagonize and double down on all of it. It's just not worth it. He succeeded in derailing this thread from the majority's intent to hold kabam accountable for this AQ situation and their decision to make up for it. Go back and read through 700+ comments and see the ratio. There's been maybe 3-4 people total including him who believe it's all our faults and we should have just known better and known what to do from their statement. Ok. Glad we established that. He's not responding or using logical thinking, he's holding the water for Kabam in their silence. That's all it is. Let's get back to what we are here for, because it's clearly not to change his mind or have him engage in a respectful or thoughtful manner.

    So, in that spirit: I'll tag just one moderator on this. @Kabam Miike You have a lot of upset players who are veterans of this game. My alliance in particular has been in expert tier and ran map 5 for over 2 years now. We've never EVER jumped down to map 2 for any reason. We do the exact same thing every single AQ week. Whether the moderators intended to calm the waters or clarify in their first message isn't really the issue, because you can clearly see neither worked even after the decision was announced on their fix. And to be clear, no one is asking for "oprah" size rewards here, although if you combine all of the issues leading up to this from the year alone including the last two weeks, some Oprah sized 12.0 style rewards are probably a smart way to earn some goodwill back from your player base. Nonetheless, what people are asking for is something we have seen happen multiple times before, and that is to be treated fairly. Compensate the groups who ended up doing map 5 this week with those crystals and resources they would usually earn. Let those who ran lower maps keep those resources as well. Then next AQ week, the groups who were in expert tier would stay in that tier, and the groups who ran higher maps THIS week who WEREN'T in expert tier last week would advance there. It's really as easy as that. You would satisfy both groups of people instead of leaving a bunch of long time expert tier alliances upset and feeling punished because they didn't "choose" correctly. It wasn't for lack of trying to get clarification over the weekend, and I'm sorry, but we've had huge issues happen before over the weekend and that's not an excuse for everyone just magically being gone and not being able to answer or decide something that affects one of the most important game modes. This seems to be the next excuse I see on here: "Oh, they weren't there in the office (not true, as mods were deleting comments and responding to other topics), and they didn't know anything more, so that's not radio silence, they gave a clear answer and we all just read it wrong." A bunch of players didn't magically turn into newbies overnight and they all interpreted it as "make your own decision and you're free to run what you want, then we will talk about fixing it later in the week." As a business that would make the most sense given the situation and how badly things are going lately in general. We had no idea if we were going to be running map 5 and not getting any of the normal resources and milestones back, and those maps (for everyone who actually DOES run them and understands this) are very costly to each player in an alliance. It's not something you just freely say "Oh, well it won't hurt us guys even if we aren't getting any of this back or getting anywhere near the normal rewards, it won't hurt to keep doing the same aq we've always done!" No, the problem is it WOULD hurt a lot of people if they wasted gold, BC and loyalty and aren't getting anything but some map 2 crystals and a pinch of glory for it, instead of normal rewards. The whole thing was just a mess and many of us did the best we could with the information we had, probably like the mods as well.

    The problem is with whoever made the bad decision to punish groups who should still be in expert tier, who will drop out of it because they ran map 2 or 3 this week. Mine will probably be one of them. And if a bunch of us drop down, I know the you tube content creators are ready to cover all of it, much like they are all the rest of the issues going on right now. People in my group couldn't even log on without fear of burning their phone up to even RUN AQ AT ALL, so running map 5 this week was gonna be a problem even IF things hadn't started botched from the beginning. So kabam, I highly encourage you to rethink this decision and read all of these comments. The majority of them are in agreement this was all around terrible. You need to listen to your players and make it right, and you have done it before which makes this decision even worse.

    And to everyone else on this thread who is of the same mindset, keep the pressure on THEM and just ignore the three people trying to derail this for attention. They aren't worth it and probably don't even run these maps to be affected at all (that I can almost guarantee). We're wasting energy bickering with them when we need to hold the company accountable. None of those guys speak for this company or this game, and they should be treated and dealt with as such.
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