Why would the moderators want to be open with us?

I know I’m going to get hammered for this and that’s ok. I’m not brown nosing Kabam or anything like that. This is just a thought and I could be totally wrong. Yes right now the game has a lot of problems. I have been playing since the start and I do believe this has been the worst time span for the game. I also had to replace my iPhone battery because it was ruined while the overheating issue was happening. I’m asking for everyone to take a minute to think before posting things. We are all more then a name on a screen. Every time something happens in the game some of us get really nasty to the mods on the forums. I don’t think they have anything to do with how the game is running. Anyway I know that if I knew I was going to be called some really nasty things or get hammered every time something happens I would get the “screw them” attitude for sure. I was here the night we had that really long outage. That conversation started to become respectable and the mods that were there that night opened up big time. On that note I would like compensation,a game that doesn’t go down and a lot more transparency from Kabam on problems. I think one of the ways we could do that is showing some respect for the people that are just trying to work and make a living. I am an adult player and I fully believe in give respect get respect. Once again this is just a thought as I would really like to find away to help the community and the Kabam mods to find a middle ground that suits everyone. Thanks for reading god bless.
Coincidentally... I think we are in the same alliance...
I’ve seen people post death threats about them, which is disgusting and utterly ridiculous. People just use the anonymity of the internet.
Good post OP, let’s appreciate the good things the mods do. For example like you said, that night the servers went down. Adora and Mike (others too but I don’t remember exactly) both stayed there for ages chatting with people, they didn’t have to do that.
Pretty sure it was the egg. I don’t think dinosaurs were birthed.
But Thor is the god of Thunder
Yep it’s their job but it might not be the simplest thing. If you’ve ever worked as a referee, you know people get upset at close calls and if you make a mistake, they hound you and say horrid things to you personally as if they forget you are another human...when I first started reffing, I got yelled at a bunch for like 3 minor mistakes and it made me hate it and want to never ref again. Of course, I talked to my assigner and he said just to ignore it, and it works🤷🏻♂️
TLDR harassment and criticism make people want to shrivel up and hide.
If we would treat our Forum mods with respect they might tell the game team about how the forums have gotten more pleasant toward some them (It’s definitely noticeable, promise) and they will not want to disappoint people who are kind to their co-workers and thus, work a little harder on fixing stuff.
A moderator's job is to moderate, not to participate. To the extent that they participate, it is due to the fact that most of the moderators are part of the community coordination group, and it is that job title, not moderator, that implies that they should interact with the community to some extent where it would be beneficial to the community.
But it is not their job to answer every question posed to them. It is actually partially their job to encourage players to communicate with each other and help them with answers to their collective questions. It is in fact against the forum rules to demand replies from them or call them out.
The moderators aren’t causing the problems in the game
And on the other side, my post got closed and hidden then get level 2 warning just because requesting them to guide us through what we can do when we found our war rating keep dropping.
Isn’t there an announcement function in there somewhere too? Sort of an “informational” role?
I think that’s the point some are trying to make—namely, that mods or community organizers or whatever they are have a duty to inform and, once they’ve informed, they have also undertaken a duty to correct or update whatever information they provided.
At least that’s how it works in the non-phone game world.
Dr. Zola
I agree that there is a great deal of disrespect that goes on. They're people doing the best they can with what they have. I'm sure they've developed thick skin as a result of the job, but that doesn't make it any less rude to take our frustrations out on them. I think a little more respect in general would go far. I can't imagine it's nice to deal with each day. Been there, done that. Customers can be demanding.
Yes, there is, and to some extent they've done that and to some extent they haven't always done that well. But I was responding to a comment that implied it was the moderators' explicit job to engage the players in the forums in the general case, which it is not.
And in that we agree. Community coordinators or whatever they are called have functions distinct from mere moderation.
Dr. Zola
People should be polite to other people, especially if they are interested in the other person helping them.
Moderators are just doing their job, sometimes they don't have information, other times they cannot give the information, but it is their job, and people shouldn't make their lives hell at work.
On the other hand, players have normal questions about kabam and the game sometimes, and those threads get closed down. Sometimes someone would tag the moderators demanding something unrealistic, but other times it is just a normal conversation about game performance. My guess is players usually get upset when the thread gets shut down when it doesn't look favorable to Kabam. Which, again, is not the moderators fault, as they are doing their job.
That is why I think people should stop complaining in these forums, as complains are not welcomed. You have a few specific threads where you can report issues, and then you have the bug and known issues category. The rest is supposed to be a "positive" exchange of opinions. Which is basically not a forum.
I suggest going to reddit for something other than rank up questions, and help the moderators do their job in peace.