Looking to take a shot at uncollected. Need some advice

I've been playing for about 75 days now and I want to know if I have the roster for it or just finish completing act 4. I'm 50% done with act 4 now.


First alliance wasent that great. I changed a month ago and its helped a lot. Especially with glory. And I play like 5 hours a day 75 days in a row..LOL
Dude 75 day ! And 9 5* champs ? How dude ? I am playing from nearly 4 months and i have only 2 5* champs ! Is Your ally is very good ? Dude please help me !
It helps with getting enough glory for t4bc and tier 1 alpha. I also purchased the 2 5* offers. 1 on July 4th I had enough for a 5 * then and got 2 more that day. And another one earlier this month. And all the 5* shards from arenas. About 2200 5* shards a week from arenas alone.
(unknowngamer1.0 is my username and i quit, Thinking about playing again tho)
I honestly think your roster is not there yet unless you have godly fighting skills but even then, when you face collector you will spend a bazillion revives. i did a rerun recently against Collector with an all R4 5* team and still got decimated but only took one team revive vs the 5 I did the first time.