Still mad at mystic dispersion changes

The more I place mystics AW defenders, the more I get frustrated by their uselessness. I don't have much more to say because everything has already been said in the official thread (now closed, this is why I started a new one), so maybe this is just another non constructive thread, but I'm still mad and can't still believe Kabam is treating their customers this way.
Fixed that for you.
We only still place mystics for diversity (tier 10, everyone clears the map with approx 10 deaths). There's a MS, DV, Juggs, Mordo, Mephisto...yep, that is it. We switched to Domino, Medusa, IMIW for our kills. Sentinel and Gulk might get tge occasional kill. But anyway, with max diversity and always 100% we basically win every war we can clear below 10 deaths.
The day they will nerf (if ever) Blade's sinergies or abilities, I'll be mad in the same way even if I don't have him. You don't see the big picture, just acting a little bit selfishly, allowing kabam to do whatever they want with your money (or time, or resources, or whatever) in the name of "meta".
Sure, I'll be glad to stop placing mystic defenders, and I'm pretty sure you know what kind of resources we spent to rank 5* Dormammu and Magik to R5 or the "mighty" Juggernaut to R4. Guess what? I cannot switch to Domino, IMIW or the next big guy because I don't have enough resources, not because of some bad decision, but because they nerfed MD and so my champs...
I'm the first one saying MD was too powerful, but that was not a good reason to nerf it without ANY kind of refund for players who invested in mystic characters.
And BTW there are now so many powerful things and characters that make MD a joke. But hey, you have Domino and IMIW so I guess you are happy... Till the day they'll nerf them.
Still waiting for 2018 event/story quest content that rewards more than 1/3 T2AC.
You couldn't switch to IMIW, Dom, or the next big guy, whether they changed it or not. Ranking is a one-way process. We don't do it knowing we can switch later on. We Rank and use the Champs to earn more Resources to Rank again. Subsequently, taking a Champ to R5 for War Defense alone is a choice. It's also a very limited one.
So what? I didn't say "DAMN! I ranked up Dormammu and now I want the new big guy", didn't even say "DAMN! I ranked up Magik and I want a RDT because of Blade!". I'm saying DAMN, I ranked up some purple freaks and got screwed by Kabam's nerf! The difference is before I had 3 defenderes, now I have zero, not because of my bad choices but because of their nerf. Hard to understand?
I get the idea of betrayal since you got used to it being a certain way only to have the rug pulled out from under you, but just like the nerfing of SW back in the day. You knew it was overpowered, everyone knew it was overpowered, but so long as you’re on the benifiting end of that imbalance, all is well, right? lol
Everyone benefited equally from MD/dexterity's interaction. Players asked 100s-1000s of times if that interaction was working as intended, to which they got no response. We have also received no announcements about upcoming in-game content that will reward players resources to rank up additional 5* champions past r4. I can live with the MD nerf not coming with the choice to have resources like T2AC and T5BC refunded in exchange for undoing their usage on certain mystic champions, but at least give us new content that rewards those same resources in larger amounts than shards so we can rank up other champions.
Like having Blade + GR rolling through them prior to the MD nerf? Ever since Blade was introduced there has already been a steady decrease in mystic defenders in AW, with only a couple surviving eg Dorm Meph Magik Mordo Jug.
Imo the additional nerf to MD was uncalled for.
My point is it should have been fixed right from the start. I’m not sure how anyone could rationalize that it wasn’t broken, it’s pretty obvious when it becomes the “must have” mastery and mystic champs were hands down the top defenders by a very wide margin. Had they done the right thing and addressed it right away, we’d never even be having this conversation.
Let's all observe a moment of remembrance for v11.2.3, the last time we were all happy...
emma frost is not game changing
That's the 1st REAL problem. They made it sound like if they changed this and you didn't like the outcome, you could get some of the rank up resources back. So far, nada. If they do follow through, and they should, I personally wouldn't rank down anyone (well, MAYBE 1). That DOES NOT MEAN they shouldn't offer it. Yes, this needed to happen. Yes, this was left alone for FAR too long. The fallout, mark my words, is gonna be the NEXT thing they change. Danger Sense. Once they do that, Mystic champs will be a viable option again, hence likely no RDTs. Then you'll have a SLEW of players pissed off that Blade got nerfed. Which then sets a new problem into play.
The players get knocked on the noggin strictly because of AW. This means Blade will be less useful in other aspects of the game, where as previously mentioned, MD is still very useful for offensive purposes, anywhere. I doubt the same will be able to be said about Blade being as effective elsewhere in the game. Which let's face it, isn't really fair to those who run solo and do not participate in AW. The easiest, and less damaging solution to this next coming issue (as we know it's coming) is to 86 synergies in war altogether. No need to alter Danger Sense as it will be strictly limited to Dimensional Beings in AW, and won't be juiced up by the SES synergy. Personally, and I'm sure many will agree, would take that over an all out nerf. How often do other synergies for attack get used in AW? Not too often from what I've seen. Not to say they don't, just not NEARLY as often.
When they change something in the name of AW, that will likely effect the rest of the game, it's not right IMO. The MD/Dex situation needed to be addressed. It did. The fallout from the this change in AW is the Blade synergy now DOMINATING AW Attack. Plus, all Villains thanks to GR. So naturally, it's next up. I implore those at Kabam to take this reality into consideration. Don't twist something up in the name of AW that would in turn effect the rest of the game for players. This all should have been addressed long ago. As I see it, too little, WAY too late. Sometimes the simplest solution is also the best. Seeing as how synergies don't work defensively, they also shouldn't work offensively to properly balance the equation. Balance without causing imbalance elsewhere in the game. Anyone feel otherwise knowing all this?