Community's Choice: Champion Update Poll



  • CatapoulpeCatapoulpe Member Posts: 101
    We need a good offensive Iron man in this game #BuffIronMan
  • BlackSaChiBlackSaChi Member Posts: 298
    The one who isnt available in 6* group should not be voted with the simple fact that it's 6* may never come in game and there may be game content where you can only use 6*s in future...
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★

    This is how he should look and a whopping 15 people agree with me #BuffAbomination

    Nah first abom should be in the basic 5&6* pool
  • Fatback420Fatback420 Member Posts: 5
    Hulk buster is suppose To be hard core but he is weak sauce 100%....just like sentry he is as strong as 3 car batteries both a joke atm
  • OUTATIMEOUTATIME Member Posts: 2
  • GuytennisGuytennis Member Posts: 420 ★★★
    It’s fun when you admit you have a bunch of useless champs and then force us to decide which we think is the absolute worst. If you guys just decided to redo all the bottom feeders that might actually make the game enjoyable for your loyal players. Rather than dole out the chintzy rewards from the previous summoner appreciation event, maybe give us an updated old champ every other week. Maybe also include just shy of enough rank up resources so we have to wait an extra month to rank them up. That way you can keep our existing level of anger/frustration/fun in the current ratio.
  • Dominator0412Dominator0412 Member Posts: 16
    #voteformyguycharliecox!! #votedaredevil
  • MavRCK_MavRCK_ Member Posts: 516 ★★★
    Tech's old school champs have fallen off - Starlord is meh, Ultron is meh, Vision is expensive meh... OG Ultron from LOL has always been trash.. SS and Sentinel are... wow, Sentinel needed a Variant 3 node to be good again...

    Buff all the techs!
  • Grimmreaper35Grimmreaper35 Member Posts: 3
    Vote daredevil they can do so much with this character and his suit. Hulbuster will just be another defender. Let’s get a great skill utility champ. Vote daredevil
  • BigdarlzBigdarlz Member Posts: 4
    100% vote iron man #iloveyou3000
  • Roguefrogger13Roguefrogger13 Member Posts: 415 ★★
    edited October 2019
    If they do Hulkbuster most likely they will do Iron Man as well. As much as I want Daredevil Netflix to be buffed I think these two tech champions are long overdue.
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,159 ★★★★★
    As much as id love to see abomination have some poison attack ability. Ya boy hulkbuster just sucks at everything.
  • Fatback420Fatback420 Member Posts: 5
    hulk is yer straight up he should be tougher than what he is...I’m going to compare him like sentry only as strong as 3 car batteries
    #BuffHulkbuster!!!!! Make him the bada** he was intended to be!
  • TheBrutalGodTheBrutalGod Member Posts: 1
    Iron man died for everyone. Give him some credit
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★

    Yo Kabam, the community is clearly split between hulkbuster and daredevil.
    Use it to grab some positive PR and buff both.

    Agreed both should get the buff.
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Welp, looks like it’s a landslide. Get to work on HB, boys 😂
  • EarthEliteEarthElite Member Posts: 879 ★★★

    Knillink said:

    Watch KT1's video. He's right, Hulkbuster will still probably only be a defensive champ, OG Ironman needs the buff and can potentially be a good offensive and defensive champ.

    Hulkbuster can be an offensive champ aswell as being defensive, and much more people have 5 or 6 star hulkbusters than Daredevils or Iron man. Plus we already have IMIW and Daredevil is a decent collector counter
    You must be an infant to think that Hulkbuster is going to be a valuable offensive champ. He’s going to be defensive 110%. Your point about people having more Hulkbusters than Daredevils is a bit obscure also. I haven’t seen anyone here mention that he would be a good use for the 3-4 2015 Tech gems if he gets buffed, but Star-Lord and OG Vision probably will be, and continue to be the best uses for that gem. Anyone who votes Hulkbuster is either doing it for their own personal gain because they have a Hulkbuster, or are so deluded to not see that they’re shooting themselves, and everyone else, in the foot by doing so. #BuffDaredevil

    Hulkbuster will be a defensive attacker like Thing, being able to deal damage (because it's freaking hulkbuster) and defend. Unless it gets something like power gain like IMIW it won't be hard to kill. And you think evade is better than armour up. Daredevil will 150% have some sort of annoying evade mechanic and will most likely be on every AW team. There are barely any counters for evade, I don't understand your point here
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,464 Guardian

    Knillink said:

    Watch KT1's video. He's right, Hulkbuster will still probably only be a defensive champ, OG Ironman needs the buff and can potentially be a good offensive and defensive champ.

    Hulkbuster can be an offensive champ aswell as being defensive, and much more people have 5 or 6 star hulkbusters than Daredevils or Iron man. Plus we already have IMIW and Daredevil is a decent collector counter
    You must be an infant to think that Hulkbuster is going to be a valuable offensive champ. He’s going to be defensive 110%.
    It also looks like the players love him 3000.
  • djquudjquu Member Posts: 8
    Iron Man.. we should love him 3000
  • MahvelMahvel Member Posts: 67
    Knillink said:

    Watch KT1's video. He's right, Hulkbuster will still probably only be a defensive champ, OG Ironman needs the buff and can potentially be a good offensive and defensive champ.

    nah. Nothing here says hulkbuster would get a defense buff while im would get an offensive one. I recall hulkbuster kicking some ass in avengers.
  • ArenurianArenurian Member Posts: 1
    DD Netflix i have AND i fell how much he need damage he hit like girl
    AND the Buff would be by two DD Netflix AND hulkbuster like kabam did with old Man Logan AND colosus
  • issamaf80issamaf80 Member Posts: 1,472 ★★★

  • JOHNOSA1995JOHNOSA1995 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    DD pls
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,464 Guardian

    If they do Hulkbuster most likely they will do Iron Man as well. As much as I want Daredevil Netflix to be buffed I think these two tech champions are long overdue.

    When they took on Colossus, they explicitly stated they would not be updating Unstoppable Colossus. My guess is that they would rather buff those two to be more different than they currently are, so they explicitly don't want to work on both at the same time. That would probably be even more true for HB and IM. They would want IM to be completely different from both HB and IMIW, which would require knowing what the final form of HB ends up being before thinking about tackling IM. That's assuming IM is on any update list in the first place, which he might not be yet.
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    I'll go with HB since he's been around So Long and has been available as 6 Star long enough for a Massive amount of people to have him, but I still think abandoning the last List is ridiculous and I'd #BuffIronPatriot if I could...
  • Gagan93Gagan93 Member Posts: 8
    #buffHulkBuster &&&&& #BuffIronMan
This discussion has been closed.