Community's Choice: Champion Update Poll



  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,393 Guardian
    Hugoo said:

    Stop f cking listen to Seatin , ya are dumb

    I'm pretty sure my first post outlining my case for Hulkbuster came out a day before Seatin posted his video. In fact, it was only a little over an hour after the announcement was posted.
  • LifeswickedLifeswicked Member Posts: 217 ★★
    the people saying hulk buster will become an offensive god ya’ll are proper stupid
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,393 Guardian

    the people saying hulk buster will become an offensive god ya’ll are proper stupid

    The people saying Hulkbuster will automatically be a defensive only champ haven't been playing the game with their eyes open for the past year.
  • MaladarMaladar Member Posts: 22
    Daredevil Netflix all the way. We may not be getting a Season 4, but we sure can make sure that we honor him properly with an amazing update! Make it happen guys!
  • SuperTechMonkeySuperTechMonkey Member Posts: 6
    How is Phoenix not on this list of crapshows? :|
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  • imaginejimimaginejim Member Posts: 333 ★★
    edited October 2019
  • MuppetManiacMuppetManiac Member Posts: 10
    I know Hulkbuster is going to win, so I didn't bother voting for him. I do want him to win, cause he was a champ I used a lot when I first started playing, so seeing him become a usable champ would be cool. I did vote for Iron Man and I hope he comes in second and they have time to buff him too. I just feel like Iron is the most popular character in the lowest tier. That's just not right.
  • PutinLe2610PutinLe2610 Member Posts: 8
    I got 5* 5/6 champs here, plz buff them all, lol
  • Cryptic_CobraCryptic_Cobra Member Posts: 532 ★★★
    my vote is purely based on the 2015 gems I own :/ who cares about all the banter.
  • LordFreyLordFrey Member Posts: 3
    #TeamHulkbuster, la lavadora andante, ese personaje debe ser mejorado x q no tiene nada bueno a comparación de los demás, además masacro a hulk y a cull obsidan!!!! Merece el buff si o si
  • Karatemike415Karatemike415 Member, Administrator, Content Creators Posts: 723 Content Creator
    edited October 2019
    Dear Kabam -
    For real, #BuffDaredevilANDHulkbuster

    You need the positive PR.

    Talk about a way to literally make almost everyone happy.

    There are some LEGIT Daredevil fans out there - and yes, everyone acknowledges that Hulkbuster just needs an absolute complete do-over. But no one's hanging up posters of Hulkbuster on their bedroom walls.
    So, of course, that needs to be done - but service a fan favorite as well.

    Also, mystics in the poll next time please.
  • imaginejimimaginejim Member Posts: 333 ★★
  • MuppetManiacMuppetManiac Member Posts: 10
    We ended up getting lucky enough to get two Mutant champs buffed (Colossus and Old Man Logan). It would be cool if we got two Tech champs this time (Hulkbuster and Iron Man). And it would be even more awesome to get two Mystic champs buffed next time (Doctor Strange and Iron Fist). I know it's based on if they have time to do it. But one can hope.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★

    Ya everyone vote hulkbuster because seatin said so! Don't think for yourselves 🙄

    Just like how alot of people voting for daredevil just cause KT1 said not to vote for hulkbuster? 🙄
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    Those who make the arguement that people are voting for Hulkbuster based solely upon Seatin likely watch Seatin a tad too much themselves. I honestly had no clue the man made a video about Buffing Hulkbuster. Fact is, he's been a meme tier, butt end of many a joke, big dumpy pile of HP for too long without any real purpose. I'm also looking at a champ who will be more useful for Variant 2 AND 3 if buffed. Which could help the many players who already have a 5 or 6* HB sitting gatherinf digital dust (much like myself, lol). I'd like to have a reason to rank that sad tech 5* HB someday. So yeah #buffhulkbuster
  • TaZ_4178TaZ_4178 Member Posts: 506 ★★
    edited October 2019
    Ohhhhh Yeaaaahhhhh! In my Cole Train voice (Gears of war)... hopefully me pulling hb 6 times as a 5* will finally pay off... will see!
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★

    the people saying hulk buster will become an offensive god ya’ll are proper stupid

    U obviously never used hulkbuster to see how useless he is
  • TaZ_4178TaZ_4178 Member Posts: 506 ★★


    Imagine if they make this move into a sp1 or 2! That would be Badddd a$$ lol
  • Rake2Rake2 Member Posts: 19
    @Kabam Miike We need Gold event FREE. Pls.
  • Ketchup1791Ketchup1791 Member Posts: 114
    Hugoo said:

    Stop f cking listen to Seatin , ya are dumb

    Or; and hear me out, he's arguably the worst champ in the game and needs a buff more than anyone else does. Who cares if he ends up being defensive? He'll be more useful than he is he now. Isn't that the point of this vote?
  • TheLegend27TheLegend27 Member Posts: 1,319 ★★★★★
    I'm looking forward to this Hulkbuster update. Might take mine to R4 in anticipation. Hopefully, he has some FRIDAY type mechanic where he gets new armor pieces as his suit is damaged. So many possibilities...offensively and defensively.
  • Ganesh_ChallaGanesh_Challa Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2019
    Daredevil is my choice.
    We need someone from Skill to get buffed!
    I mean, come on ! Most of us sold Kamala Khan right after we pulled her anyway
  • Am920Am920 Member Posts: 5
    Hulkbuster is Busted at the moment definitely need rework.... Those attacks are so week...
  • AlCapone2727AlCapone2727 Member Posts: 428 ★★
    HB is my vote. He was my first sig 99 4*. (I only had 7 4 stars at the time, including colossus and IP, the game has always hated me).
  • Cat_MurdockCat_Murdock Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,095 Content Creator
  • Master_mischief69Master_mischief69 Member Posts: 242 ★★
    Hey guys, i know everyone vote for hulkbuster... But if we compare these champions Daredevil Netflix is the worst of all... Hulkbuster sp2 and 3 are good... Ironman also has the same power and he can regenerate after awkened... Kamala khan has fury, black panther can bleed opponent... abomination can poison immunity and and poison damage.... But Netflix Daredevil is the worst part of all he don't have immunity or damage over buff.... So #justicefordaredevil...
  • Turu14ReloadedTuru14Reloaded Member Posts: 1

    Summoners! Now is the time for you to decide! Which one these Champions will be next for a Champion Update! You have until 1pm PT on October 12th to make your choice!

  • imaginejimimaginejim Member Posts: 333 ★★
    Rake2 said:

    @Kabam Miike We need Gold event FREE. Pls.

    Um, wrong place?? 🤣😂🤣😂

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