Been demoted from leader? <MERGED THREADS>



  • Blackfriar63Blackfriar63 Member Posts: 92
    Happened to me while I was logged in a d didn't realize it for an hour. Still not fixed...
  • its_kenits_ken Member Posts: 35
    edited October 2019
    i was promoted to leader and had to re-promote our leader back to leader. i also promoted someone and then demoted them for fun. lol
  • Strve_514Strve_514 Member Posts: 1
    #metoo Kabam Mike
  • SlothKiller50SlothKiller50 Member Posts: 2
    I just checked and I’ve been removed as leader in both alliances I have accounts in! WTF Kabam?
  • hungryhungrybbqhungryhungrybbq Member Posts: 2,197 ★★★★★
    Sigh.. I begged them to kick me, but he just promoted me back to leader instead 😒 Just when I thought I was gonna get a break:)
  • GinjabredMonstaGinjabredMonsta Member, Guardian Posts: 6,479 Guardian
    Check the forum posts below for an update on it
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269
    We have found and fixed the cause of the bug. We are now collecting the data on all Alliances that were affected by the issue, and will work to resolve it as soon as we can.

    Unfortunately, for us to gather the Data, and create the tools needed to restore Alliance Leadership to the correct Leader, we will need some time. We're working to do this as soon as we can, but it will not be tonight.

    In the meantime, we are working to disable the ability for Alliances to Kick Players out.
  • Scmex21Scmex21 Member Posts: 85
    This need a quick fix due to AW placements are up.
  • CynchoticCynchotic Member Posts: 186
    Where do I find it? All I saw was moved and it didn’t take me anywhere
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian

    We have found and fixed the cause of the bug. We are now collecting the data on all Alliances that were affected by the issue, and will work to resolve it as soon as we can.

    Unfortunately, for us to gather the Data, and create the tools needed to restore Alliance Leadership to the correct Leader, we will need some time. We're working to do this as soon as we can, but it will not be tonight.

    In the meantime, we are working to disable the ability for Alliances to Kick Players out.

    If you won't be able to repair leaders immediately, you should start thinking about what to do about alliances that only had one officer, and that officer got demoted in exchange for a player that might not log in tomorrow early enough to start AQ. If the problem was wide spread, the odds of that happening are decent.
  • CynchoticCynchotic Member Posts: 186
    Ok found it
  • THEORYTHEORY Member Posts: 4

  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian

    We are working toward getting the demotions fixed but this may take a bit of time. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this and will let everyone know as soon as we have any additional details.

    Question, if we fixed it ourselves, will there be an additional swap we should watch for? Not that I'm really concerned in my group, just curious if we should be prepared to do it again.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian
    Also, I feel compelled to state this. If someone was working on an autodemote, the tools necessary to manually revert a bug should have existed before that code was checked in. Under no circumstances whatsoever would I have allowed someone to check in such a feature, if the ability to revert autodemotions that went berserk didn't exist yet and were not fully tested prior. Especially given the operational separation between the live environment and dev.
  • LibkenLibken Member Posts: 19
    So people can’t sleep or work or eat with out being demoted? Nice move kabam
  • Tat2GrimesTat2Grimes Member Posts: 1
    Happened to our alliance too
  • JeraassJeraass Member Posts: 1

    We have found and fixed the cause of the bug. We are now collecting the data on all Alliances that were affected by the issue, and will work to resolve it as soon as we can.

    Unfortunately, for us to gather the Data, and create the tools needed to restore Alliance Leadership to the correct Leader, we will need some time. We're working to do this as soon as we can, but it will not be tonight.

    In the meantime, we are working to disable the ability for Alliances to Kick Players out.

    My posts are getting deleted. FYI, the next day and this is still occurring. We've had several leadership changes within the last hour.
  • jdrum663jdrum663 Member Posts: 551 ★★
    I can't believe I'm saying this, Kabam, shouldn't you shut the game down until you fix this? At least freeze promotions, demotions, kicking, and all.
  • MatanacosMatanacos Member Posts: 67
    ROFL!!!! The loudest guy in our ally doesn’t have Line. He was made leader, then demoted to member. The lowest member made leader and other changes.

    The one without Line is throwing a fit!!!!
  • Nos4atuNos4atu Member Posts: 33
    I was demoted to officer from leader. A member was promoted to leader. Thankfully we don’t have anyone who would go full rogue. When totally fixed, I hope Kabam rethinks messing with alliance leadership or code that does.
  • Gematria78Gematria78 Member Posts: 11

    This happened as well in the alliance that I’m an officer in @Kabam Miike
  • ShellbellShellbell Member Posts: 2
    I have been demoted and was not aware this is crappy hope you fix
  • 1Salty_Siren1Salty_Siren Member Posts: 50
    Happened to us too
  • NinjaSliceDiceNinjaSliceDice Member Posts: 17
    Literally promoted one of the lowest members in my ally to leader. Not even an officer. The way their bug glitched their update makes no sense ... even the bug itself is bugged! lol :p
  • 1Salty_Siren1Salty_Siren Member Posts: 50

    Glad my alliance is peaceful. I wonder just how many alliances have self destructed through this error

    Yeah I bet there was some pandemonium in the battlerealm today
  • WeezerKDI1WeezerKDI1 Member Posts: 228
    Happened to us. It promoted one of my officers and left me as an officer.
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