(without actually creating a thread about it...) When you look at another person’s Profile, in the bottom left box where it has info about that person's alliance, the AW Gold/Silver/Bronze Bracket # does NOT show what that person's alliance is. Instead it shows WHAT YOUR OWN alliance is (the person who is viewing another person's profile).
So you could be in a low Silver or Bronze Tier, and go look at someone who is up in Platinum, but when you look at that person's profile it will show you that he is in the same Silver/Bronze Level that you are.
Has basically been like that forever, no matter where you initially look at another person's profile from (global chat, search, etc). Think at one point there was one type of case where it showed correctly, but otherwise has always been displaying incorrectly.
@Kabam Miike Bishops story line over the last couple of years has been the best for me, got to love a time traveling mutant story. Cable and Bishop are like the Planes, Trains and Automobiles duo lol
When you play mcoc do you listen to the sounds and focus 100% into it or are you like me who always has a tv show or movie on when playing?
I play with the sounds on when it’s something I really need to focus on like a tough fight in AW or Variant/Act 6 questing, it helps me just hone in on my parry/dex timing.
How does it feel to be the sounding board for the entire game? The mods get attacked so much for things that go wrong with the game. Seems like it would be taxing.
If you're going into an unknown piece of content and you need to be prepared for anything (and you had access to every champ) what five champs are you bringing, and why?
This definitely wasn't a question I didn't get to ask on the podcast, nope...
Not at all
My team would be Domino, Red Hulk, Masacre, Blade and Ghost Rider. Red Hulk is only a 4-Star, so he can’t really cut it in some of our more end-game content, but if for whatever reason I lose the major Players in my team, like against a Boss, Masacre and Ghost Rider (also only a 4-Star) are 2 Champs that I really love to use.
I have multiple questions. 1st : Can u show us your roster 2nd : Can u give a tip about where we at community event ? (reached half way already, close to half ..etc) 3rd : Variant 4 for December or January ?
Cant yall lower it to like 50 even
Go to Champ is harder... I would have to say my most used Champ is Domino, but Killmonger is up there with her too!
Mine is OG Tomb Raider...loved spending ours trying to figure out how to open a door. I actually miss that focus in the newer versions.
My team would be Domino, Red Hulk, Masacre, Blade and Ghost Rider. Red Hulk is only a 4-Star, so he can’t really cut it in some of our more end-game content, but if for whatever reason I lose the major Players in my team, like against a Boss, Masacre and Ghost Rider (also only a 4-Star) are 2 Champs that I really love to use.
1st : Can u show us your roster
2nd : Can u give a tip about where we at community event ? (reached half way already, close to half ..etc)
3rd : Variant 4 for December or January ?
Besides that, what country outside of the one you living in right now would you really like to visit?