Cancelled war enlistment [Merged Threads]



  • tHe_RuDe_kILLrtHe_RuDe_kILLr Member Posts: 86
    great, i just realized i joined the alliance before cutoff, and only got 1 war in. Will i still be compensated or receive season rank rewards? Still no one has answered me why other alliances are getting BYE Rewards or POINTS still with no opponents; when we are booted out 2 wars now!
  • DangerPenguinDangerPenguin Member Posts: 7
    edited November 2019
    Maybe something like this:

    - drop the results of the last two from season points
    - give some major compensation for both the lost season points and unplayability
    - waive the 5 war requirement or make it 3
    - finish the season with the last 3 wars or bolt on another week to make it a full season.

    Except for the question of how much compensation, that’s seems to cover all the bases for fairness.
  • RayzeRayze Member Posts: 1
    Same here 2 wars without fight when does it ends? You really mess out this time we hope really soon this been fixed and all goes to relative tranqulility guys
    Make a good and honest rewards please
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Jester123 said:

    Lormif said:

    Jester123 said:

    Lormif said:

    Jester123 said:

    Lormif said:

    Jester123 said:

    geoff78 said:

    Happened to us too, but as long as they make it right, I'm okay with it. We got more points from the bye than we average.....

    We also got victory rewards

    So a quick calculation that 209,000 means
    Win bonus, 3 bosses cleared, 100% exploration, perfect attack bonus, perfect dd and 41.4 defenders remaining.
    Pmsl and that’s fair!!!
    Even the top alliances have never seen a score like that
    that is because it counted as scoring perfect attack bonus and the opponent getting no kills, as well as perfect diversity.
    It’s great for you guys but a total joke for other alliances
    who is "you guys". My alliance did not get a bye, never has. Even still how do they award a fair score for a bye short of this?
    Sorry thought it was your alliance, the only fair way do do a score is by an individual alliances average winning score for this season, even then it’s still not fair as every team that didn’t get a match can’t all get a win as in a normal aw a minimum of 50% lose
    That is not how any bracket system works.
    There is no fair way to do it by giving a bye
    There is no fair way to do it without giving a bye.
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    They should just cancel the war season and offer up a ton of stuff for compensation. It's too far gone at this point to fix it in a way that is fair for everyone.
  • felohcfelohc Member Posts: 3
    Sirs @Kabam Miike

    I've been able to play a war for a few days and not counting the one that was given as compensation for maintenance, now I can't register my alliance to play war for game problems.
    and I risk running out of end of season prizes
  • Gr8CornholioGr8Cornholio Member Posts: 87
    There is the other problem. We have new players who just joined and with two wars missed even though we had enlisted, they risk missing even the lesser rewards we are set to obtain. Lesser rewards we don’t freaking deserve.

    Other alliances getting byes when we (and others) get nothing.

    Kabam keeps making comments about “balance” with the game and the champs. Where is the balance here?

  • Judge_PainJudge_Pain Member Posts: 93
    So many people posting that Miike and others not saying a word, when all they had to do is click through the earlier pages of this same thread to see them responding a lot, and to the very same questions that they are now asking, and on a sunday. But go ahead and keep @'ing them past midnight in the US and getting angry that they aren't immediately getting back to you...
  • Deacon03Deacon03 Member Posts: 235 ★★★
    This has a lot more ramifications than just war ratings and positioning as others have stated. This has a huge effect on AQ with loyalty donations and requirements. This is not a simple fix as many people are stating and they have already stated compensation is coming. I would rather them focus on fixing this problem causing it, then quickly pass out compensation before the problem is truly fixed. I also agree that is post is HILARIOUS with the amount of I will quit if I don't get XYZ for compensation or we all should get a billion of this and that. @Kabam Miike and others are the voice of kabam on here and we quickly place blame on them for no answers, we need to be patient and wait for the programmers and other works to find out the problem and fix it. We do not deserve minute to minute updates as that would just case more and more attacks and arguments. Everyone needs to calm down, work on other aspects of the game like EQ and if you have already finished all of EQ. Enjoy some down time, go read a book lol.
  • Judge_PainJudge_Pain Member Posts: 93
    edited November 2019

    great, i just realized i joined the alliance before cutoff, and only got 1 war in. Will i still be compensated or receive season rank rewards? Still no one has answered me why other alliances are getting BYE Rewards or POINTS still with no opponents; when we are booted out 2 wars now!

    They are getting bye points because the system didnt delist them. So when the matchmaking began, due to all the allies delisted, it wasnt able to find an opponent, and the normal process when that happens is a bye.
  • 1Salty_Siren1Salty_Siren Member Posts: 50
    Yeah dropped ours too. This cost us being able to close the season in a higher bracket.
  • Dewy4Dewy4 Member Posts: 216
    It’s really bad. I’m not even upset about what’s going on because this can happen to any programming. I’m waiting to see how they really show us they care about their customers with whatever “compensation” they come up with.
  • Gr8CornholioGr8Cornholio Member Posts: 87

    But go ahead and keep @'ing them past midnight in the US and getting angry that they aren't immediately getting back to you...

    It’s after 8am PST so 11am EST. Both are in the US. Midnight is where for you?

  • MikeGreyDogMikeGreyDog Member Posts: 13
    2 days and no any answer... Because of your emergency maintenance we fall down from Gold2 to Gold3. Excellent... :(@Kabam Miike
  • Gr8CornholioGr8Cornholio Member Posts: 87

    great, i just realized i joined the alliance before cutoff, and only got 1 war in. Will i still be compensated or receive season rank rewards? Still no one has answered me why other alliances are getting BYE Rewards or POINTS still with no opponents; when we are booted out 2 wars now!

    They are getting bye points because the system didnt delist them. So when the matchmaking began, due to all the allies delisted, it wasnt able to find an opponent, and the normal process when that happens is a bye.
    Not accurate. I know one alliance that got a bye and they were unenlisted just like us. That and you can’t tell the time.

  • cvelecvele Member Posts: 1
    Same here. Missed 2 wars. Nego su ovi moji nesposobni i tako bi izgubili oba pa cute kao zaliveni.
  • SighsohardSighsohard Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    Whatever it is it better make sense. Because it’s rrally unfortunate for people like my alliance who are bouncing between P1 and P2. So many resources spent this season and we missed a war due to this.
  • Mobius360Mobius360 Member Posts: 70
    Two wars now missed, no "bye" rewards have been distributed to our alliance. How do we go about getting this addressed? You've given out rewards to some alliances but clearly not all.

    We are enlisted (again) for the next war. Has the main problem been addressed of people not getting matched?
  • PeacockJazzPeacockJazz Member Posts: 120
    edited November 2019
    Just adding us to the list too. AvBtl has been un-enlisted from the last 2 wars with no bye rewards either. We have fallen from Gold 1 to Gold 2 and I am sure we will fall a lot again when the scores from this war, that we are missing, come in. I understand there is a lot to figure out on this one Kabam but as a team that is not currently getting any war rewards, while other teams are, it is worrisome that we will not be compensated any differently than those teams. Patiently awaiting more info on the decisions.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    2 days and no any answer... Because of your emergency maintenance we fall down from Gold2 to Gold3. Excellent... :(@Kabam Miike

    they have a forum post up about it, and several comments in thread, they have spoke about it, they said they are trying to figure out how to fix and compensate, what more acknowledgement do you need?
  • Gr8CornholioGr8Cornholio Member Posts: 87
    Lormif said:

    2 days and no any answer... Because of your emergency maintenance we fall down from Gold2 to Gold3. Excellent... :(@Kabam Miike

    they have a forum post up about it, and several comments in thread, they have spoke about it, they said they are trying to figure out how to fix and compensate, what more acknowledgement do you need?
    Action and not just “words”. Kabam has been infamous for shuffling things under the rug when they choose it is easiest. This is too significant to be ignored. And as others have stated the alliances who have not been unenlisted will probably get the same compensation as those that were. My money is on the fact that your alliance was not affected.

  • felohcfelohc Member Posts: 3
    Sirs @Kabam Miike

    I've been able to play a war for a few days and not counting the one that was given as compensation for maintenance, now I can't register my alliance to play war for game problems.
    and I risk running out of end of season prizes
  • Gr8CornholioGr8Cornholio Member Posts: 87

    May I suggest that war season should end after the war attack that ended on Friday the 8th. Also that all members, no matter when they joined, be eligible for season rewards. This should be the minimum that kabam should do to accommodate all alliances for the war screw up.

    This has been suggested by others. I 100% agree with it determining the season standings. But that compensation for the missed wars should be provided also. (Compensation to me should be averaged. 2 wars missed should be the equivalent of 1 win and 1 loss imo.)

  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    They’re looking st it all
  • reversereverse Member Posts: 21
    Same thing for us, support close each time pour tickets.

    Lot of rewards loss :
    -participation and wins rewards so we can't make solo progress and points for alliance évent,
    -our ranking season is falling for one or two from plat3 to gold 1
    -one of our récent player cannot reach 5 Wars to be eligible for Season rewards

    Need more communication and faster.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    2 days and no any answer... Because of your emergency maintenance we fall down from Gold2 to Gold3. Excellent... :(@Kabam Miike

    they have a forum post up about it, and several comments in thread, they have spoke about it, they said they are trying to figure out how to fix and compensate, what more acknowledgement do you need?
    What would be helpful in the meantime is for Kabam to just cancel wars for everyone until they get the issue resolved. Why allow it to continue knowing it’s having a major impact on some alliances? They have clearly acknowledged war is still bugged, so why keep going? Our alliance was kicked out of the last two matchmaking sessions. Then longer they continue the more complicated it gets in terms of compensation, etc.
    Because they may have ideas that allow them to salvage it. I think it is best to cancel it as well, but leaving it up until the last possible minute does not hurt anything.
  • MjolinarMjolinar Member Posts: 157 ★★
    It’s really too bad @GroundedWisdom left the game. This is just the type of thread he lived for...
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    Lormif said:

    2 days and no any answer... Because of your emergency maintenance we fall down from Gold2 to Gold3. Excellent... :(@Kabam Miike

    they have a forum post up about it, and several comments in thread, they have spoke about it, they said they are trying to figure out how to fix and compensate, what more acknowledgement do you need?
    Action and not just “words”. Kabam has been infamous for shuffling things under the rug when they choose it is easiest. This is too significant to be ignored. And as others have stated the alliances who have not been unenlisted will probably get the same compensation as those that were. My money is on the fact that your alliance was not affected.

    So they are supposed to act on something they dont know is the best course of actions is? really, just throw stuff widly at the wall and see if it sticks is your suggestion?

    they are acting to fix the issues, next is acting to figure out the proper compensation. They are not stuffing anything under the rug here, and they are not ignoring it other than in your mind.

    You would have lost your money, as my alliance going for p2 was unlisted as well, I am just calm and rational about it.
This discussion has been closed.