Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Error when logging in - Android O beta - OPP2.170420.017 [Under Investigation]

Supramantt10Supramantt10 Posts: 14
edited June 2017 in Bugs and Known Issues
I get a space error when logging in. It won't allow me to login as I'm kicked out immediately after.
Screenshots below
Space error: "Your device is out of storage space. Please clear some space and try again later."
I have used 20GB out of 64GB (plenty of free space)
This happened after updating my OS to Android O beta OPP2.170420.017
Anybody else having this issue? I've tried reboots etc.
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on


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    Supramantt10Supramantt10 Posts: 14
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    Supramantt10Supramantt10 Posts: 14
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    Swe_wolfisSwe_wolfis Posts: 390 ★★
    Ouch, looks that something in the beta don't agree with the game. Best bet, reinstall nougat and wait with O until Kabam officially support it.
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    Supramantt10Supramantt10 Posts: 14
    yeah that's what I'm guessing as well - thanks!
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    Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Posts: 8,270
    Hey @Supramantt10,

    Could you let us know what your Device's Model Number is?
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    Supramantt10Supramantt10 Posts: 14
    I have a Nexus 6P
    I rolled back to the stable build - Android Nougat 7.1.2 - it's working fine now :)
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    Supramantt10Supramantt10 Posts: 14
    let me know if you are able to resolve the issue and I'll go back to the beta - thanks!
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    SamueljakeSamueljake Posts: 1
    I am having the same issue. I contacted Google to report it and they say that it's because kabam needs to release a update from there side in order to be compatible with new Android update which they haven't till now..when I contacted kabam they are not ready to accept that the mistake is on there side..which sucks...I decided not to play this game till kabam fixes this by releasing a update..
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    Supramantt10Supramantt10 Posts: 14
    Anybody tried the new update on the latest Android O release?? :)
    Once this game is working I'm going back to "O"
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    Kabam WolfKabam Wolf Posts: 1,277 ★★★
    edited June 2017
    Hey there everyone. We're still looking into this, but please let us know if you've seen any changes when playing on the newest version of the game. Thanks!
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    Supramantt10Supramantt10 Posts: 14
    Ok last time I'll comment ... I promise. Anyone tried the new update on the Android O beta? :)
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    AmarrhinoAmarrhino Posts: 4
    I had this problem since guardians of the galaxy update.It says "error occoured.please try again." I've tried again so many times. I use a Lenovo tablet 2 or 1 (I forgot) please fix. I love this game.
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    AmarrhinoAmarrhino Posts: 4
    Guardians of the galaxy vol.2 btw
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    TKOzombieTKOzombie Posts: 2
    On Developer Preview 4 on both my Nexus 6P and my Pixel C. Works fine on my Pixel C but getting the same error on my N6P.
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    Supramantt10Supramantt10 Posts: 14
    dang it ... I've got a Nexus 6P ... I'll wait until I get the all clear to upgrade to O when it's released this month
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    Not sure if still relevant I'm having this issue on my Nexus 5x on the new Android 8.0 Oreo, I can't play
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    Same issue for me, tella me no space free try again, but I have 15gb free
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    Same issue for me
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    eFekt_onEeFekt_onE Posts: 10
    So what's the status of this now you've had months to prepare and execute internal regression testing? Android O has been pushed out OTA to devices for days now and on my Nexus 6P it still exists. THE ONLY application on my phone with the issue, might I mention. Are you going to make users wait for your 17.09 build?
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    I've got a Nexus 6p and am having the same problem with the game saying out of storage space now that I have 8.0, even though my phone is only 20% full, I've got over 100gb of ROM free. Kabam has literally had months to make sure that their game is compatible with this new OS yet has still managed to drop the ball.
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    Yeah, it never worked, opp1 opp2 opp3 opp4 and official build have all the same issue. Nexus 6p here.
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    Supramantt10Supramantt10 Posts: 14
    Booo! Come on Kabam ... fix yo stuff!!
    I've delayed updating because I figured it wouldn't work. LMK when it's working please!
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    eFekt_onEeFekt_onE Posts: 10
    Booo! Come on Kabam ... fix yo stuff!!
    I've delayed updating because I figured it wouldn't work. LMK when it's working please!

    I'm hoping today's update fixes it. Otherwise, this would be considered a cold case since it's been "under investigation" since May... -_-
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    Kinda silly it's taken this long and no updates. Notification for 8 just hit my phone. 3 month old thread about a huge issue with one update that's 2 months old.
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    eFekt_onEeFekt_onE Posts: 10
    You've got to be shitting me. I just downloaded the update and the issue still isn't fixed? No wonder your user base is dropping. Clearly, assistance is needed in your development and deployment branch of IT.

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    eFekt_onEeFekt_onE Posts: 10
    @Kabam Miike what's the status on this, man? I was anticipating a fix in today's release, but it seems like I won't be able to take part in any of the August 30-September 6 incentives. I know I am not alone so what gives?
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    If it's not fixed in this major update, idk what to say. Kinda boggles the mind.
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    eFekt_onEeFekt_onE Posts: 10
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Spice @Kabam Iko can someone comment?
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