Would you like to see projectiles being incorporated into basic attacks for future champions?

Would it be too crazy and chaotic if future champions (let's say, Bullseye) were to have basic attacks/heavy attack which are projectile based?
I don't mean non-contact attacks like IMIW's repulsor or Havok's medium attacks, I'm talking about fully blown projectiles like Domino's SP1, Moon Knight's SP1, Karnak's SP2 etc. Something that you cannot outrange, you'll have to evade or block. Would it be too overpowered? Vote and comment down below your thoughts, thanks!
I don't mean non-contact attacks like IMIW's repulsor or Havok's medium attacks, I'm talking about fully blown projectiles like Domino's SP1, Moon Knight's SP1, Karnak's SP2 etc. Something that you cannot outrange, you'll have to evade or block. Would it be too overpowered? Vote and comment down below your thoughts, thanks!
Would you like to see projectiles being incorporated into basic attacks for future champions? 64 votes
- cyclops red
- cyclops blue( both with diffrent medium n light as beam attack so they can b slightly diffrent and armour break for 3 seconds)
- Hawkeye (first medium and last light as arrows that bleed and shock to bleed immunes)
- black bolt (sonic sound blast from first and last light attack that disorients opponent for 50% ability reduction for 1 second)
- Electro ( shock blast as first medium)
- Hela (she already uses only weapons on her mediums should b stun immune)
- Og Thor ( hammer strike that gives him 1 extra armour break triggers through block even to stun immunes)
- Sentry (his first light should light blast that gives him fury and armour break for 3 seconds)
- warmachine (first light as hand gauntlet gun strike that bleeds and has chance to crit bleed for every 20 seconds passed in fight also make him available as 5*!!)
- vision (both) first and last light attack that is a phase attack so cant be parried,missed or evaded only first medium)
- all these champs should b parrry immune as well like domino
What you are trying to suggest is for these projectiles to have a longer reach, which is generally a bad idea for the future of the game, in all honesty.
I just feel like it would really fit with characters like Bullseye, just a unique thing that 1-2 champions have.
This would be a nightmare ability for any champ to have, IMO. You would have two choices. Evade. Or die from block damage.
The 6* version cannot come quick enough.
F**k NO!