Who do YOU use to farm ROL potions?

T-DeAdLY-JT-DeAdLY-J Member Posts: 510 ★★★★
I will list a few options which are known to be fast. If yours isn't in their, please specify with the other option.

Who do YOU use to farm ROL potions? 219 votes

ShrimkinsLeNoirFaineantChadhoganAjavedzuffyBENJI830TerraJcobra25Woody_federarsjumLilMaddogHTOsfan8StrLiss_Bliss_KerneasLovejoy72DarthPhalCx8BowTieJohnMaddog0894 48 votes
Nick Fury
Goken2345NifzLJFGAM3RGUYDanny_TJ107EasytigerTaylorCtuchikmonomuggAlexAvalonSeraphionWedgemonsterAshKetchumOwl_0wlT-DeAdLY-JkahlkorverStellanDestroy4589awesomesauceNerdNerdNerd1 22 votes
DrenlinR_D_JrSymbioticVen9MTeddersHendross_Kill_Switch_OnmixPanchulon21MitriaxLordRaymond3WoogieboogieDead1Pkarli412Pablo276 14 votes
ThecurlerUzumkinarutoSavio444NojokejaymSpiderCoolsRoronoaZoro23Hammerbro_64ThaComeUpRepto23TKS87AssumedNamercm2017LaninosSociopathRaiserRhysi0_SA777MiStaLovaShewan01Berserker22 25 votes
BigPoppaCBONEBigMoThe_OneBigbadromoAjay121Alex13369Uncle_Fatty_247DOKTOROKTOPUSStarKillerVIIStevieManWonderEdeuinkAomine_Daiki10Ibby 13 votes
Jcray705Mad_Titan_21Webby72Tyler1620DęłtåBrush 6 votes
Omega Red
Feeney234Pwf57hungryhungrybbqMoosetiptronicRakeYoungTehsigzorzkepalahotakkoNeotwismLeoCruznOuxSilver_SagaSynq_SpawnzyyhmdemeraTheWolfFenrirOctoberstackTheInfintyChewie420Brt92 18 votes
KDoggg2017Emil_LimsonphillgreenMachoNachocAncAmOGoldenSkullExHavokDonnymeijBrokenEugene_VirtuosoTheSpicyKnightRockypantherxDarth_Caedus1Amazing_Demon05AwsomediabrineKGold29-sixate-Tiger360DarkEternityBlackshadow0203 26 votes
BadroseRaganatorSpity68Solrac_2abhi7215TankRichardsonMarvzeliusNamikazeMinaka 8 votes
Other (Please specify.)
MagicBentonAnimejay70NikoBravoCharbelCirnesallinashesSpeedbumpLvernon15Patchie93AhitlawDuke_SilverJohnLocke117PufffPufffTaZ_4178joke1004Austin555555Datman25710or_StrongGrootman1294ThatOneMasterGamerDankeda 39 votes


  • T-DeAdLY-JT-DeAdLY-J Member Posts: 510 ★★★★
    Nick Fury
    I personally use Nick Fury. R5 5* with bleed synergy downs him in 50-55 hits.
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    Omega Red
    Sunspot said:

    I personally use Nick Fury. R5 5* with bleed synergy downs him in 50-55 hits.

    How long does it take tho? Killing NF off takes quite a while since WS dmg isnt high at all
  • ThatOneMasterGamerThatOneMasterGamer Member Posts: 813 ★★★
    edited January 2020
    Other (Please specify.)
    My man Sabretooth with Domino and OML synergies.
  • T-DeAdLY-JT-DeAdLY-J Member Posts: 510 ★★★★
    Nick Fury

    Sunspot said:

    I personally use Nick Fury. R5 5* with bleed synergy downs him in 50-55 hits.

    How long does it take tho? Killing NF off takes quite a while since WS dmg isnt high at all
    It usually takes 40-50 seconds to kill off NF, so I'd say under 2 minutes, or just 2 minutes. That's just my estimate.
  • AshKetchumAshKetchum Member Posts: 286 ★★
    Nick Fury

    Sunspot said:

    I personally use Nick Fury. R5 5* with bleed synergy downs him in 50-55 hits.

    How long does it take tho? Killing NF off takes quite a while since WS dmg isnt high at all
    When the fight starts just back out. So 6 seconds?
  • Lucasjones_98Lucasjones_98 Member Posts: 461
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    Sunspot. His SP2 does some serious damage. Takes about 5 minutes though he's only rank 3
  • SheDroveMeHereSheDroveMeHere Member Posts: 139 ★★
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  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★

    Sunspot said:

    I personally use Nick Fury. R5 5* with bleed synergy downs him in 50-55 hits.

    How long does it take tho? Killing NF off takes quite a while since WS dmg isnt high at all
    When the fight starts just back out. So 6 seconds?
    When you back out with nf, you still have the second life charge but he counts as dead so you can't just back out
  • Apollo107Apollo107 Member Posts: 104
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    Other (Please specify.)
    SL is the only one I have on your list. I use Aegon though, run through the whole map. First couple fights take 200+ hits but once you’re at 300 persistent charges it gets much quicker. At that point I take a hit while charging my heavy then drop a L3 and get a couple combos in with the furies which takes a large chunk of their health.
  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 864 ★★★
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  • PyrdaPyrda Member Posts: 255 ★★
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    Sunspot R1 6* or r4 5* sig100 or I use winter soldier with killmonger synergy
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  • BonzodavidBonzodavid Member Posts: 586 ★★★
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    AA - there are even videos on YouTube with a 50 sec kill on rol WS with a maxed out 5*.
    I don't have a maxed out 5* version of him but he still kills Was really quickly.
    Nick Fury and thing take ages to kill/bring down to 1% so I prefer Aa over them.
  • DankedaDankeda Member Posts: 18
    Other (Please specify.)
    I use my 5/65 Ægon. First three fights are the longest. Building up the combo meter and juggs can be a pain, but every fight after usually ends after 2 minutes. I can usually get 7-10 potions per run.
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
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    6* 2/35 Captain Marvel, 75 hits is the lowest I’ve done.
  • XdSpoodermanxDXdSpoodermanxD Member Posts: 531 ★★★
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    I usually use havok, sometimes I use aa though.
  • NikoBravoNikoBravo Member Posts: 452 ★★★
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    Ægon r5/65 level 200, paired up with Proxima, Heimdall, Thor Rags, and Hela.
  • Reverend_RuckusReverend_Ruckus Member Posts: 407 ★★★
    This team can take ROL in about 20 minutes or a little less

  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    Hyperion crushes it so fast until you get to wolverine
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Usually use my 4/55 domino but sometimes use 5* r3 thing with champion synergy. Even at r3 thing hits super hard with champion synergy
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  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★

    Usually use my 4/55 domino but sometimes use 5* r3 thing with champion synergy. Even at r3 thing hits super hard with champion synergy

    shes over 100 hits well my 4/55 domino
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★

    Usually use my 4/55 domino but sometimes use 5* r3 thing with champion synergy. Even at r3 thing hits super hard with champion synergy

    shes over 100 hits well my 4/55 domino
    My best kill with domino at 4/55& synergy team

  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★

    Usually use my 4/55 domino but sometimes use 5* r3 thing with champion synergy. Even at r3 thing hits super hard with champion synergy

    shes over 100 hits well my 4/55 domino
    My best kill with domino at 4/55& synergy team

    what synergy team do you use
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★

    Usually use my 4/55 domino but sometimes use 5* r3 thing with champion synergy. Even at r3 thing hits super hard with champion synergy

    shes over 100 hits well my 4/55 domino
    My best kill with domino at 4/55& synergy team

    what synergy team do you use
    Rhulk, masacre and magneto& cyclops for mutant synergy
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★

    Usually use my 4/55 domino but sometimes use 5* r3 thing with champion synergy. Even at r3 thing hits super hard with champion synergy

    shes over 100 hits well my 4/55 domino
    My best kill with domino at 4/55& synergy team

    what synergy team do you use
    Rhulk, masacre and magneto& cyclops for mutant synergy
    ah i didnt use that team i suspected the fight would be over 3 minutes
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