Quests Becoming Too Difficult (edited by mod for clarity)

Dear kabaam, ive officially given up, cant do it cant get passed (removed by mod) without revives and a stupid amout of potions, ther is a huge gap between heroic and master i and im no slouch at this game, made i all the way to the last two boards in event quest master and its way tougher than the last two, cant complete and i have a nice roster of champs with signature abilities, but none of them are maxed out 4stars, and i feel like i will never get a duplicate for my 5 stars or even get to see one on they 3rd tier, in short, i do alot of work on this game for little tono reward, it shouldn't take 2 years to get 3 tier 4 class catalyst, and i have two profiles and play both equally, yet somehow on my second profile i just maxed out my 4 star ultron, and then got 2 more tier 4 tech class catalyst, i have no ther tech champ on that profile thati like, jus sold rocket, useless, seriously feel like its gonna be another 2years b4 ima b able to max out a 4 star, and i guess these 5 stars are jus gonna sit here
Post edited by Kabam Pertinax on
Not sure how u have so little in so much time, in 1 1-2 years, with no real money spent, I have a dozen 4 star 5-50s, 1 5 star rank 4, and a ton of extra t4cat (more than enough for more rank 4 5 stars) . Maybe u shound only be focusing on one account instead of diving time between two lower accounts.
I'm honestly trying to figure out how someone can complain about making progress in an MMO that is clearly not the best MMO player in the world and yet is attempting to progress in two accounts simultaneously. That's diluting your time and effort. That's like complaining that casinos are trying to rip you off while you sit at blackjack tables playing two spots simultaneously at the table limit.
Most MMOs, and this one in particular, reward time and effort. If you want to make the most progress in the shortest amount of time, you should not be playing two accounts at the same time. You should be trying to do as much as you can to complete monthly events to the best degree possible for the rewards, grinding the catalyst events for upgrade materials, and if you still have time you should be arena grinding at least for the reachable milestones for the amount of time you have. And if you choose to spend money, for gods sake focus your cash on a single account.
I can understand having a main account and another one you play casually. I can imagine someone that just spends a ton of time and/or money on the game choosing to play two accounts. But when I hear someone complain that they cannot make progress as fast as they want to, and they admit playing two different accounts, I get the feeling that is not the only way in which they are self-sabotaging their own efforts.
see how that works?
i cleared act 3, 100% to get MY FIRST GOD DANG 4* CRYSTAL back in the day, WITH no masteries and NO sig abilities.
u call that harD? oh wait THERE WASNT EVEN "alliance" let alone Summoners advancement,Alliance War,Alliance (3day mission) back in the day. blah blah everything to hard for me, pleae kabam make it easier.
and T4 "b" was a Feakin myth back in the day,now i have over 20 + in my stash and overflow.
good luck ever beating LoL and RoL
maybe u need sit down in ur lane and know where u belong.
also to OP, i usually complete masters event quests now with no 5* just 4*s at r4 but just use ones that useful to that path etc. little to no potions used.
youtube videos are great way to learn and get tips how to fight certain opponents etc...
No one ever tries to help, and the ones that do get hated on too.
And then you all expect Kabam to help you if a bug appears or something.
Worst community I've come across
Hey if you can't do it then that means either u dont have the skill or the right champs to do it.
You shouldn't expect new guys to be as good as veterans right off the bat now.
And every community is toxic no exceptions
Why ask just for starlord?U could ask for voodoo,Gwenpool and the others too!
Hey zolo, Rome wasnt built in a day! Nor was RoL defeated in 2 months (except for maybe that Josh guy but he is special)! See everyone hits a time where its hard to get through things. Just get into an alliance and take down stuff that u can. Honestly I can understand where u are stuck.... I am guessing u are stuck on Vulture or maybe Green Goblin. But if u cant really beat them then I am guessing u dont have a big roster. So play on for like 2-3 monthsand expand ur roster. I am sure after some time will be able to clear masters easily!!
Switching to a stronger alliance I started getting more 4/5* shards, more cat shards, and now these days the AQ rewards are better too. Along with that getting into a stronger alliance pushes your gameplay and challenges you constantly as you play against content either slightly below, at, or above master mode on a regular basis(depending on the alliance of course).
Find the right alliance and don't be afraid to go somewhere you aren't the best or top player to start as that the barrier for a lot of people I recruit. Usually those that fail aren't even failing but go running back to where they are the supreme player vs average joe but that hurts more in the long run for you and your skills won't grow.
For me I have been with this one almost a year now and was best decision I ever made. I wouldn't be in the game anymore if I hadn't probably and I wouldn't be close to my skill set or knowledge in the game either.
I don't have a problem doing them, but just because someone does doesn't mean everyone else has to hate on the dude
You shouldn't have divided your attention but focus on building up a single strong account. What you can do now is focus your energy on doing content you can do and build up your account
for my first master all I had was a 3* SW. Sure it took a few revives. But I never bitched.
If you wanna learn how to actually play, check out dork lessons on youtube.
If the guy has a problem with content and needs to vent then either help him or let him be. Everyone here has been frustrated over content at some point in their progress. What is the point of getting to the peak of Mount Everest and then hurling insults at all the other climbers trying to get there?
Anyway, my suggestion to the author of the post is to just play the game for fun and be happy where you are at. Time conquers everything and you will beat the content someday. It does not have to be today or tomorrow. I have been playing since release and I still have tons of stuff to complete and I cannot do Master mode. That's fine though because I am only competing against myself and in that game there can only be one winner - me. So good luck dude and just ignore these comments that are a waste of everybody's time.