Quests Becoming Too Difficult (edited by mod for clarity)

zolozolo Member Posts: 4
edited August 2017 in General Discussion
Dear kabaam, ive officially given up, cant do it cant get passed (removed by mod) without revives and a stupid amout of potions, ther is a huge gap between heroic and master i and im no slouch at this game, made i all the way to the last two boards in event quest master and its way tougher than the last two, cant complete and i have a nice roster of champs with signature abilities, but none of them are maxed out 4stars, and i feel like i will never get a duplicate for my 5 stars or even get to see one on they 3rd tier, in short, i do alot of work on this game for little tono reward, it shouldn't take 2 years to get 3 tier 4 class catalyst, and i have two profiles and play both equally, yet somehow on my second profile i just maxed out my 4 star ultron, and then got 2 more tier 4 tech class catalyst, i have no ther tech champ on that profile thati like, jus sold rocket, useless, seriously feel like its gonna be another 2years b4 ima b able to max out a 4 star, and i guess these 5 stars are jus gonna sit here
Post edited by Kabam Pertinax on


  • zolozolo Member Posts: 4
    One more thing, night crawler and hyperion, seriously guys!!!!! So done
  • King_Cobra735King_Cobra735 Member Posts: 128
    zolo wrote: »
    Dear kabaam, ive officially given up, cant do it cant get passed shyt without revives and a stupid amout of potions, ther is a huge gap between heroic and master i and im no slouch at this game, made i all the way to the last two boards in event quest master and its way tougher than the last two, cant complete and i have a nice roster of champs with signature abilities, but none of them are maxed out 4stars, and i feel like i will never get a duplicate for my 5 stars or even get to see one on they 3rd tier, in short, i do alot of work on this game for little tono reward, it shouldn't take 2 years to get 3 tier 4 class catalyst, and i have two profiles and play both equally, yet somehow on my second profile i just maxed out my 4 star ultron, and then got 2 more tier 4 tech class catalyst, i have no ther tech champ on that profile thati like, jus sold rocket, useless, seriously feel like its gonna be another 2years b4 ima b able to max out a 4 star, and i guess these 5 stars are jus gonna sit here

    Not sure how u have so little in so much time, in 1 1-2 years, with no real money spent, I have a dozen 4 star 5-50s, 1 5 star rank 4, and a ton of extra t4cat (more than enough for more rank 4 5 stars) . Maybe u shound only be focusing on one account instead of diving time between two lower accounts.
  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
    Master is easy though..... they dumbed it down for you guys lol. People who haven't played for a year already have a better roster than you sadly, some people put serious work into their accounts. We don't always have time. Also hyperion is easy and nc is easy as well. Baiting, intercepting, parry, evading.
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  • UnsaferBinkie7UnsaferBinkie7 Member Posts: 658 ★★
    Exactly, better your self. Practice, look into videos to improve your skill. Get a better understanding of the games mechanics. People with r4 champs can still do master pretty well without having to use pots.
  • Hey there, I'm sorry to hear you're hitting a rough patch, it happens to the best of us! So that others can find and discuss this topic, I've made an edit to the title.
  • hero3hero3 Member Posts: 112
    yeah, I also find Labrynth of Legends bit difficult. Could kabam give me a 5* Starlord to help me complete this content? would be great.

    also to OP, i usually complete masters event quests now with no 5* just 4*s at r4 but just use ones that useful to that path etc. little to no potions used.
    youtube videos are great way to learn and get tips how to fight certain opponents etc...
  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    Seeing some of the answers here reminds me how stupid and to be honest, rubbish this community is, instead of beating in the guy just because he is finding it difficult... which we all did at one point unless mummy and daddy let you spend tons of money.

    No one ever tries to help, and the ones that do get hated on too.

    And then you all expect Kabam to help you if a bug appears or something.

    Worst community I've come across

    Hey if you can't do it then that means either u dont have the skill or the right champs to do it.
    You shouldn't expect new guys to be as good as veterans right off the bat now.
    And every community is toxic no exceptions
  • YellsomeYellsome Member Posts: 485
    hero3 wrote: »
    yeah, I also find Labrynth of Legends bit difficult. Could kabam give me a 5* Starlord to help me complete this content? would be great.

    also to OP, i usually complete masters event quests now with no 5* just 4*s at r4 but just use ones that useful to that path etc. little to no potions used.
    youtube videos are great way to learn and get tips how to fight certain opponents etc...

    Why ask just for starlord?U could ask for voodoo,Gwenpool and the others too!
  • SpiritSpirit Member Posts: 224
    zolo wrote: »
    Dear kabaam, ive officially given up, cant do it cant get passed (removed by mod) without revives and a stupid amout of potions, ther is a huge gap between heroic and master i and im no slouch at this game, made i all the way to the last two boards in event quest master and its way tougher than the last two, cant complete and i have a nice roster of champs with signature abilities, but none of them are maxed out 4stars, and i feel like i will never get a duplicate for my 5 stars or even get to see one on they 3rd tier, in short, i do alot of work on this game for little tono reward, it shouldn't take 2 years to get 3 tier 4 class catalyst, and i have two profiles and play both equally, yet somehow on my second profile i just maxed out my 4 star ultron, and then got 2 more tier 4 tech class catalyst, i have no ther tech champ on that profile thati like, jus sold rocket, useless, seriously feel like its gonna be another 2years b4 ima b able to max out a 4 star, and i guess these 5 stars are jus gonna sit here

    Hey zolo, Rome wasnt built in a day! Nor was RoL defeated in 2 months (except for maybe that Josh guy but he is special)! See everyone hits a time where its hard to get through things. Just get into an alliance and take down stuff that u can. Honestly I can understand where u are stuck.... I am guessing u are stuck on Vulture or maybe Green Goblin. But if u cant really beat them then I am guessing u dont have a big roster. So play on for like 2-3 monthsand expand ur roster. I am sure after some time will be able to clear masters easily!!
  • Timone147Timone147 Member Posts: 1,276 ★★★★
    You may need to think about a new alliance as well. I know a year back I felt the same way. Hit a wall content was getting more challenging and I found my roster not growing fast enough and also inability to gain rank up materials to help with the challenge.

    Switching to a stronger alliance I started getting more 4/5* shards, more cat shards, and now these days the AQ rewards are better too. Along with that getting into a stronger alliance pushes your gameplay and challenges you constantly as you play against content either slightly below, at, or above master mode on a regular basis(depending on the alliance of course).

    Find the right alliance and don't be afraid to go somewhere you aren't the best or top player to start as that the barrier for a lot of people I recruit. Usually those that fail aren't even failing but go running back to where they are the supreme player vs average joe but that hurts more in the long run for you and your skills won't grow.

    For me I have been with this one almost a year now and was best decision I ever made. I wouldn't be in the game anymore if I hadn't probably and I wouldn't be close to my skill set or knowledge in the game either.
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  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Seeing some of the answers here reminds me how stupid and to be honest, rubbish this community is, instead of beating in the guy just because he is finding it difficult... which we all did at one point unless mummy and daddy let you spend tons of money.

    No one ever tries to help, and the ones that do get hated on too.

    And then you all expect Kabam to help you if a bug appears or something.

    Worst community I've come across

    Hey if you can't do it then that means either u dont have the skill or the right champs to do it.
    You shouldn't expect new guys to be as good as veterans right off the bat now.
    And every community is toxic no exceptions

    I don't have a problem doing them, but just because someone does doesn't mean everyone else has to hate on the dude
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  • edited August 2017
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  • ZappZapp Member Posts: 69
    I honestly think you made a mistake when creating a second account. Unfortunatly that mistake is now long a ago an will take time to correct. I'm playing this game 8 months now (with only one account) and I currently have a rank 5 4* or rank 3 5* for every class and I'm close to getting a second round for every class (I currently have two T4CC for every class).

    You shouldn't have divided your attention but focus on building up a single strong account. What you can do now is focus your energy on doing content you can do and build up your account :).
  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    @zolo Hey man, I feel your pain. I love how the community here loves to bash people. To be fair, I remember the time when master was a pain, I remember when getting a streak in Arena was damn near impossible. The only thing I can say is to keep practicing, duel everyday, watch vids and get into a solid alliance. My alliance mates are the biggest reason for my growth, they helped me learn different features and styles of game play. I had a 5/50 DS and never played with him right until they taught me how to use him. That's the only way to grow. There are still challenges for me that make me scratch my head and there are aspects of the game that make you wanna quit (The Collector and that damn Juggs in Act 4 come to mind). My recommendation for you is to focus on 1 account only, put down the second account and learn your champs, further make sure you read the nodes in master.
  • edited August 2017
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  • BDLHBDLH Member Posts: 148
    yea master mode was pretty hard... when we only had 3 stars! look at all the vids of good players still beating them handily with only 3 stars then you'll see what you're doing wrong. Either picking wrong champs to attack with to counter the maps, or you're not as good as you think you are and need to practice the basics. This isn't a bash but TBH if anything master mode feels so dumbed down now it's just a chore to click on hundreds of nodes and get every path. The current master event is one of the easiest I can remember in a long time so if you're stuck on Gob or Doc with slow motion specials that purposely pause for you to evade in separate parts, then you really need to just work on the basics. There are vids from Seatin and Dork that shows you how to do things like parry and evade... The last somewhat "hard" master mode was probably the immune icemen melting you away with Cold Snap, but just meant you couldn't fight him at low health.
  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,170 ★★★
    Master is definitely harder than it used to be..I'm a decent player and could usually complete Master with no problems but now it have become a nightmare trying to complete
  • RandomlyGeneratedRandomlyGenerated Member, Content Creators Posts: 121 Content Creator
    awww can't beat master. You know where I got my first 4*? 100%ing act 3...had to do it with a 3/30 3* colossus. no masteries, no sig abilities, no shards, no catalyst shards back in the days. EVERY THANOS FIGHT TOOK 150+ HITS...
    for my first master all I had was a 3* SW. Sure it took a few revives. But I never bitched.

    If you wanna learn how to actually play, check out dork lessons on youtube.
  • KyrieRedKyrieRed Member Posts: 287 ★★
    edited August 2017
    3 words for you my fellow frustrated summoner 1.Master 2.Mode 3.Faceroll
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
    edited August 2017
    In defense of the OP, it's not easy to make the transition to 100% Master. The last month was more difficult, and while some may find it easy, the added difficulty is a hindrance to others. There are also certain mechanics at play that make it more challenging, faster AI, lag, etc. Not that I'm venting. Just displaying the fact that issues make the difference between surviving to Parry and Evade successfully, and taking a Special to the face. I've experienced a number myself where there is no time to respond because the controls freeze up, the AI moves twice as fast, and you get creamed before you can even get out of the way. It can be a challenge to many people. Just pointing out the fact that it's probably best not to judge so quickly because not everyone finds it as easy as PoGo. Lol.
  • DhruvgDhruvg Member Posts: 287
    Frankly speaking , this game is about skill and right champion , if you are not able to do it , its your fault . Yes there are few things which require more than skill like LOL and act 5.2 . but come one , we are getting better so the game has to be more difficult . That is the way we like it , master your champs , see which mastery setup helps you , and you will do fine . I don't play in alliance as I don't have that much time , but yes I do quest and only quest , I am growing a bit slowly but I am atleast.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Wow. I wish they would make the master quest harder. I can beat it with my best champs locked in War and AQ with no potions and I have been playing since January of 2016, so less than 2 years. Maybe you should focus on one account.
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