Which final boss was tougher: SS, Nova or Mojo?
Now that the new contest is available and a lot of players have already fought Mojo (I’m not even on chapter 2 yet, lol), amongst the three last final bosses, which one was the toughest to defeat?
Which final boss was tougher: SS, Nova or Mojo? 153 votes
I managed to handle Mojo pretty easily this EQ with very little knowledge going into it of him and only glancing at the nodes. Nova got handled last month by Nick Fury as soon as I determined he could bleed. Surfer on that lifecycle node... even with Sym Supreme took me a few fights to get the rythm down
Really annoying when they add characters that kill you even if you fight perfectly. Domino and Mojo are the worst offenders.
Nova was pretty easy
Mojo is really easy with Domino trilogy (i didnt even read the nodes)
For Nova and especially silver surfer I had to use more revives than I felt comfortable with. lol.