Which Champ Critically Changed The Game For You?

At any point in your game progression, who was a champ who, whether by pulling, ranking, or duping, literally changed your game progression? Was there a bit of content that you just couldn't complete until this champ?
I had several that I can remember but really there were two:
- Way back in my days of Act 4, I finally pulled a 3* Scarlet Witch. Then, like many others, I bought that now infamous pre-12.0 offer of a 3* awakening and max-sig gem package, and duly maxed Wanda out. She then almost single-handedly carried my progression through exploration of Act 4 and made a world of difference.
- More recently, I've got a tie between Corvus Glaive and Ghost. Between the two of them, these two have catapulted my game progression from struggling to get through a single completion of Act 5 after the Collector, to breezing through 5.4 Exploration and then gaining Cavalier.
Who's done it for you?
I had several that I can remember but really there were two:
- Way back in my days of Act 4, I finally pulled a 3* Scarlet Witch. Then, like many others, I bought that now infamous pre-12.0 offer of a 3* awakening and max-sig gem package, and duly maxed Wanda out. She then almost single-handedly carried my progression through exploration of Act 4 and made a world of difference.
- More recently, I've got a tie between Corvus Glaive and Ghost. Between the two of them, these two have catapulted my game progression from struggling to get through a single completion of Act 5 after the Collector, to breezing through 5.4 Exploration and then gaining Cavalier.
Who's done it for you?
Recently Ghost and Claire Voyant have made act6 exploration (still early stages) a little easier.
And I just duped Aegon, I’m already having a lot of fun with him even if I didn’t really take him where he shines yet apart from 6.1.3
Hands Down ... Aegon..
Became Cavalier , ROL, LOL, Var4
Then 4* Archangel, duped - man, the AA is just crazy, damage is insane, made me hate poison immunes, but he helped me do so much in the middle stages of my (career, I guess).
Most recently, it's 5* Ghost. Jesus. Just steamrolls everything in sight, doesn't really care about immunities, just... wow. She's going to carry me through Variants 3 and 4.
I got a 5* killmonger the day he was released and he is one of my top champs to this day. I know him like the back of my hand and if there is a fight I know I can usually beat it with him. He changed the game for me and got me hooked. Used him thru uncollected and cavalier. I still consider him one of the best skill champs in the game.
Void was my next 5/65 and while r5 isn’t a necessity for him, his ability got me through a lot of difficult content that I don’t know if I could have otherwise.
I’ve had a lot of great rank ups since, but those two were easily the most significant.
I was stuck on 5.3 for a long time (bloody Antman) until I got AA, then I ranked him up and tore through it
Was not using him a lot, but, after the buff, he was my main Mystic killer.