Which Champ Critically Changed The Game For You?



  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    Ghost. Third 5 star and carried me to Uncollected
  • BigbowlrBigbowlr Member Posts: 129 ★★
    I was gonna say Namor because hes enabled alot of things recently but thinking back it's actually 2 champions, Archangel and Ghost Rider. I quit the game for about a year during 2018 because I was fed up with the game, sold all my champs(except 5* thank goodness that wasnt an option) and deleted the game to play Forged to Fight. A year later I leave FTF, for reasons, and log back into this. I wasnt Uncollected, I had 6 4*s to my name and my 5* roster was GARBAGE(were talking r4 Ironman and r4 Spoderman, both the OG versions). About a month in I pull and dupe Archangel in a 3 crystal span, then about 1 month later I did the same with Ghost Rider. That enabled me to clear Uncollected
  • TKS87TKS87 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    God I can't even begin to describe how big of an impact 4* SL had for me. This was waaay back when he was still easily the #1 tech, and arguably the best champ (definitely top 5) in the game. I got him after 12.0 but he was one of the few survivors of that patch.. And I had an AG for him and I was able to get him up to 5/50 sig 70ish within a week of getting him. And the rest was history..

    Back when designated boss killers were a thing, I used SL all the time in both AW and AQ. I tore through act 4 with him, and he still put in a ton of work for me in completing act 5. By the time I got around to exploration I didn't use him as much except for 5.3 as he didn't much care about the attack penalty once you go to about 30+ hits. He was my MVP in uncollected EQ's for months. He solo'd my first clear of RoL (even wolvie, with enough hits or a bit of luck from the l2 heal block he can outpace the regen). He was just so good at that time.

    Not only did he get me through tons of content, I feel he simply just made me better at the game. I had to get used to intercepting and not getting hit to maintain his damage. It helped me master how to bait specials and manage my opponents power for more combo oppurtunities. I know he's not as good as he once was, what with sparky (though I've always preffered SL over sparky), ghost and aegon out now, but I'll always love my SL. I still use him every now and then in the monthly EQ's just for the hell of it. Somehow the 5* version still eludes me, but I'd heavily consider an r5 on him just for the nostalgia.
  • KingTLRKingTLR Member Posts: 3
    capiw with skill/tech in team.
  • JohnLocke117JohnLocke117 Member Posts: 500 ★★★
    Trio of 4* maxed AA, Void, sparky.
    This trio was so valuable for me that I did the champion's clash heavyweight quest (hardest content of the time) with these.

    I was about 180k ish rating at that time. I didn't had much use for the rewards as they were too op. It was the most game changing moment for me.
  • Nightbat216Nightbat216 Member Posts: 195
    For me back then was my 3* starlord max sig
  • MasterSmokeMasterSmoke Member Posts: 569 ★★★
    OG damage king duped STARLORD!!
  • LoctiteSuperGlueLoctiteSuperGlue Member Posts: 120
    Corvus Glaive, really helped me with the speeding of exploration 100% from Act, to Variants
  • Foehammer1990Foehammer1990 Member Posts: 73
    My Sparky. He got me uncollected.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,710 ★★★★★
    edited February 2020
    Before 5*s
    Scarlet Witch
    Dr Strange

    Post 12.0
    5* Gwenpool
    5* Hyperion
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★

    I was having terrible 5* Luck from regular crystals and I don't use units to buy crystals, so I saved up my shards for a bit (back when doing so was MUCH harder). When Void's crystal came out, I opened 2 and got him. I used my Science awakening gem on him and got him to around sig 100 right away.

    He was leaps and bounds better than any of my other champs at the time. He helped me clear a ton of content. I decided to build a team around him. I used him for most fights in LOL to get enough shards to get Killmonger and Sabretooth from their featured crystal batches. I then saved up for the next champ who would synergize well with Void. Then they introduced Omega Red and I got him the first day he was introduced into the crystal.

    This 4-way synergy team was incredible. It's still my go-to team for Uncollected EQ. Void has been on my attack team for nearly every war since I got him. My favorite champ, hands down.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,423 ★★★★★
    Most recently, Warlock and Doom, but early on it was 5-star Gulk, my second 5-star champ. He helped me clear a ton of content back in the day.
  • NamikazeMinakaNamikazeMinaka Member Posts: 74
    My fourth 5*, Cap. IW, carried me very hard through act 5, AQ and AW, and still to this date.
  • Zakrw_317Zakrw_317 Member Posts: 50
    I'd have to say for me it was Corvus when I got him from a premium the day he entered the premiums. I immediately became a god lmao. But no seriously Corvus has carried me through a lot of content.
  • SleipnirrodSleipnirrod Member Posts: 228 ★★
    Corvus Glaive and Domino
  • KobeLivesKobeLives Member Posts: 44
    Cull. But not anymore
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,979 ★★★★★
    Blade—years ago, when his 5* featured made its run right after his featured arena (late 2017? Early 2018?).

    I had been sitting on a 5* skill AG since 12.0 and had nearly burned it on WS several times out of boredom and frustration. Blade popped out and immediately went to R4 and L100 same day. Act 5 wouldn’t have been the same without him.

    Dr. Zola
  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    5* Ghost ...(and somewhat 5* Iceman)
    Learning the basics of ghost ... really got me to uncollected ..

    My next jump was pulling 6* Venom (my first 6* ..)
    He's a beast ... solid champ.

    Most recently, awakening Ghost and R5 her .. is making a huge difference once again.
  • solmyrairsolmyrair Member Posts: 388

    But I’m afraid to say that to do not let Kabam nerf him:-)

    So I’m not going into details here..
  • solopolosolopolo Member Posts: 883 ★★★
    2 instances I can think of, first being 5* Voodoo. I got him out one of those 5* class crystals 2 years ago as I was finishing up act 4, and he helped me finish it off and eventually hit uncollected and complete act 5. I duped him a couple months after getting him and for 2 years straight he was my mvp, saved me tens of thousands of units over that time.

    More recently, I pulled 5* Starky last December, then duped him a month later and took him straight to r4 and he's been bulldozing through content for me. He's my first real damage champion, big change from ending every fight 50+ hits.
  • ChubsWhiteChubsWhite Member Posts: 493 ★★★
    I pulled Captain IW, Iron Man IW during the 4th of July offer in 2017 from the Marvelous Crystal. An they carried me through Act 4, especially that annoying Magneto with the Aggresive Regeneration Node!
  • H3t3rH3t3r Member, Guardian Posts: 2,882 Guardian

    I pulled Captain IW, Iron Man IW during the 4th of July offer in 2017 from the Marvelous Crystal. An they carried me through Act 4, especially that annoying Magneto with the Aggresive Regeneration Node!

    You mean 2018 right? Those champs weren't realeased in 2017
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Venom as soon as they buffed him
    Once I had him and ranked him up, I made a huge act 5 push, and 100%d it later that month

    Thanks, buddy : )
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,598 ★★★★★
    5* sparky, he was my first great 5*, took him up as my first r5, carries me through so much stuff, Shane I hardly use him now
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,362 ★★★★★
    edited February 2020
    Corvus Glaive for Act 5 & 6.
    Before him it was AA who helped me get into act 5.
  • _Reef_Reef Member Posts: 267
    5* Korg, before i learned masteries he took all the bleeds and beatings for me lol, still do tbh
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    5 Star X-23 once I Duped her, got her to Rank 4 (My First R4) and just Melted So Much Content in the Early Mid Game when I got her and beyond.
    Now it's 5 Star Duped Venom The Duck who's Wrecked the Variants, Act 5 (especially Chapter 3), and AQ, got him to Rank 5 recently (My First R5) and just Obliterates anything in his Path!
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,906 ★★★★★
    In the beginning, 4* Quake. 5th 4* or something. I would not be even close to where I am today without her. I used her so much I was doing a variation of dex/heavy before it was popularised

    Then it was 6* Killmonger. Took him to R2 and made my only other 6* Winter soldier, an absolute unit. They carried me through 6.1 and a lot of Act 5 along with Quake it’s not even funny. Killmonger was instrumental in both 6.2 exploration and 6.3 completion

    And finally, Ghost. Pulled her from my first clear of Labyrinth rewards(which I did with winter soldier). Basically took down variants, Act 6 exploration, war, challenges for almost a year now
  • kfd2010kfd2010 Member Posts: 423 ★★
    I pulled a 4* star Hulk like days after I downloaded the game. (This was in the first year of the game.) I was able to bulldoze the early content with him.

    Later on, I'd say Sparky when he gambled on a champion 5* crystal (when those were a thing) because he helped carry me a good way. And most recently, probably ghost.
  • Cx8Cx8 Member Posts: 77
    Defiantly stark Spider-Man! One of my first 5*s like it’s crazy how much he got me through
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