Plea to use all champs in solo events while also in alliance events

Do you want to work on fully exploring the soon to be 200+ total Paths in Act 6 but the champs you need are frequently tied up in AQ and AW? Do you have other life obligations so you can’t drop everything to binge play for 12 hours on the rare days that both AQ and AW aren’t running? Does anyone really want to put it on their calendar to remind themselves to not make real life plans on the days that AQ and AW are both down?!?
Solution: always allow access to all of your champs for solo events even if they are also in AQ or AW.
The current system of locking champs in AQ and AW was designed way BEFORE Kabam saturated maps with niche nodes that require certain champs.
Solution: always allow access to all of your champs for solo events even if they are also in AQ or AW.
The current system of locking champs in AQ and AW was designed way BEFORE Kabam saturated maps with niche nodes that require certain champs.
Plea to use all champs in solo events while also in alliance events 36 votes
Take for instance you're up against the last boss of the abyss, and find you're in the final 5% of his life left... And it's Sunday night so you can't rely on a handful of units from arenas to finish him off. And you have to work early in the morning.
Now you're stuck with either waiting and wasting energy, spending money, or quitting out.
With this option, you could assemble an alternate team to go explore say normal EQ for a few units and maybe get lucky with a revive.
But to stay on point of the original post, there should be some sort of give on this. Even if it means once a champ is KOd on defense, they're available for use.
But I do agree ultimately with this post. Having 8 champs locked up for up to 72 hours during the week, and 3 more locked for an additional 120 hours usually around the same window is tough to balance with certain content, objectives, story, EQ, side events, etc
Anyway, the game is clearly pointing to good and diverse rosters rather than having a few top champs. So having to manage champs between different categories makes sense to me.
True, right in the middle of the average work day we do have our champs for an hour or two everyday before we have to jump back in AQ, but maybe most of us have to actually work during the day so we cannot play act 6 in that little time window.
Look if Kabam wants the average low-end end-gamer to actually 100% the monstrosity that is Act 6 (aka seen by most as the biggest designing error Kabam has ever made) then they need to let us use our best champs at all hours of the day without making us drop out on our long time teammates.
Right now there is a broad gray spectrum of “end gamers”. People who have been playing for years and have plans to eventually explore all the content. Once the act 6.4 rewards come out, it will divide this end game group with a sharp divide—and this divide has never happened before. Those that 100% act 6 will have significantly better rosters for the first time ever compared to other people who do not explore it. Many of the people NOT exploring act 6 any time soon have invested thousands of dollars and thousands of hours, but now for the first time ever they will clearly be down graded from end gamers to middle tier. That sucks for people who put in so much work to get left behind for the first time after years of hard work. Many of those people will not be able to swallow that bitterness and will retire. This will affect the revenue that Kabam gets like never before, then the health of the game will be in serious question for every player after such a revenue loss.
The solution: let us work on act 6 with our best champs at any hour of any day.
Nevertheless I hope this post creates some momentum so that we can see the benefits of more people exploring act 6, less of a gap in the player base, and more money for Kabam which helps to secure the game’s future.
Wonder if you’re tune might change if your same logic were thus also applied to NOT being able to use them in ARENA (or Duels) either ??
Interesting, I mean how is a champ that is off with his team running a war somewhere (or off on a Quest for the holy Thanos Gauntlet, lol) all of a sudden allowed to take a personal leave and go somewhere else in the Battlerealm to do some Arena fighting ?
Just a thought.