Hulkbuster Buff - 130 days

It has been 130 days or 4.5 months since the poll for the next buffed champion concluded and Hulkbuster has emerged as the winner. How much time did OML and Colossus buffs take (from announcement to going live in game)? Can we use that information to get a feel for when we can expect to see the buff for Hulkbuster go live in game?
(As an owner of a brand new 6* Hulkbuster I can't wait!)

(As an owner of a brand new 6* Hulkbuster I can't wait!)

Hulkbuster could be a simple sp2 -> stack armor breaks go big damage rinse and repeat champion with big health pool and most people would probably be happy with him.
A lot of people are on the mind set of "it's been months buff him already gosh kabam so slow".
I do not share this mind set, I am excited about it so I posted the number of days as a reference point in order to compare it to the OML/Colossus buffs.
You could make him Bleed immune (explained that the heavy armour protects the pilot inside), could also justify Poison Immune due to air filtration
In Age of Ultron, Tony loses an arm for the armour, and "Veronica" sends down a replacement - this could translate into regenerative abilities, maybe similar to the % Health stages healings like Ultron & Howard or just a chance to regen as struck.
Of course the whole armour stacking could work similar to Colossus whereby more armour = more damage output
All possibilities, and that's not even looking into NEW abilities, which is what I expect they're actually doing.
Unless it still applies...
Dr. Zola
We don’t even receive a tip of news of rework on Hulkbuster by far.
I also believe that HB was probably pushed back a bit because of the rebalancing stuff.
We complain about "bugged" champs and how they don't ever test anything, blah blah blah. Now you want them to rush through a major update. Can't have your cake and eat it too.
If you look at what they’ve done in the recent months you have AOL which is a huge piece of content to have created and tested, 6.2, 3, 6.4 is pending, V4 has come out, V5 is in the works I believe.
On top of that they put a lot of work into the rebalancing of 6? Champions in one go so it’s probably been on the back burner.
I’m quietly confident that when it comes out it’ll be good. So far the only buff that they’ve done which has even remotely missed the mark is OML, so it’s a pretty good hit rate so far.