The debate. Who’s the better cosmic?



  • TalhamazizTalhamaziz Member Posts: 124
    Captain Marvel(movie)
    Everyone in the list is a beast but the most lethal one is cmm, in every aspect.
  • Legendary_PoeyLegendary_Poey Member Posts: 209

    Ahitlaw said:

    Yeah she handles debuff immune at a snails pace. She has no incinerate mechanic or insane power gain to constantly special intercept

    There are other ways of fighting than interrupting with a special. That’s just lazy get good.
    Why would you ever want to fight a debuff immune with sparkles, it's like fighting with both your arms behind your back and hooping on one leg.
    Meant to say hopping lol
  • Legendary_PoeyLegendary_Poey Member Posts: 209
    Ahitlaw said:

    Sunspot still has a higher burst than her lol

    Idk how bursty he is I don’t have him but I do know it ramps up really high and really fast and easy so you may be right there 🤷‍♂️
    xNig said:

    Not gonna get into an argument over who the best cosmic is when there is one outright winner who:

    - regenerates health with suicides on
    - cannot die upon having certain conditions fulfilled
    - hits hard initially and increasing harder as he progresses across more fights
    - doesn’t rely on debuffs or stunning the opponent to deal damage, nor taking damage
    - ignores all physical and armor of the opponents


    Haha, amazing corvus argument. Corvus and sparkles r the goats. Literally the only one imo who rivals sparkles. That guy i need. Prayin for the 6* version someday!
    This is an outright lie
  • EthanGamerEthanGamer Member Posts: 357
    Corvus is a very close second but hype has that power gain which is so useful. True strike matchups go to Corvus though.
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Captain Marvel(movie)

    Ahitlaw said:

    Sunspot still has a higher burst than her lol

    Idk how bursty he is I don’t have him but I do know it ramps up really high and really fast and easy so you may be right there 🤷‍♂️
    xNig said:

    Not gonna get into an argument over who the best cosmic is when there is one outright winner who:

    - regenerates health with suicides on
    - cannot die upon having certain conditions fulfilled
    - hits hard initially and increasing harder as he progresses across more fights
    - doesn’t rely on debuffs or stunning the opponent to deal damage, nor taking damage
    - ignores all physical and armor of the opponents


    Haha, amazing corvus argument. Corvus and sparkles r the goats. Literally the only one imo who rivals sparkles. That guy i need. Prayin for the 6* version someday!
    This is an outright lie
    What lol
  • PsyLifePsyLife Member Posts: 399 ★★
    Venom the duck.
    xNig said:

    Not gonna get into an argument over who the best cosmic is when there is one outright winner who:

    - regenerates health with suicides on
    - cannot die upon having certain conditions fulfilled
    - hits hard initially and increasing harder as he progresses across more fights
    - doesn’t rely on debuffs or stunning the opponent to deal damage, nor taking damage
    - ignores all physical and armor of the opponents


    Wake me up when everyone realizes that venom the duck can do this too.
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Captain Marvel(movie)
    PsyLife said:

    xNig said:

    Not gonna get into an argument over who the best cosmic is when there is one outright winner who:

    - regenerates health with suicides on
    - cannot die upon having certain conditions fulfilled
    - hits hard initially and increasing harder as he progresses across more fights
    - doesn’t rely on debuffs or stunning the opponent to deal damage, nor taking damage
    - ignores all physical and armor of the opponents


    Wake me up when everyone realizes that venom the duck can do this too.
    I mean yeah true
  • Legendary_PoeyLegendary_Poey Member Posts: 209
    Ahitlaw said:

    Ahitlaw said:

    Sunspot still has a higher burst than her lol

    Idk how bursty he is I don’t have him but I do know it ramps up really high and really fast and easy so you may be right there 🤷‍♂️
    xNig said:

    Not gonna get into an argument over who the best cosmic is when there is one outright winner who:

    - regenerates health with suicides on
    - cannot die upon having certain conditions fulfilled
    - hits hard initially and increasing harder as he progresses across more fights
    - doesn’t rely on debuffs or stunning the opponent to deal damage, nor taking damage
    - ignores all physical and armor of the opponents


    Haha, amazing corvus argument. Corvus and sparkles r the goats. Literally the only one imo who rivals sparkles. That guy i need. Prayin for the 6* version someday!
    This is an outright lie
    What lol
    Plenty of champs can rival and are better than sparkles
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Captain Marvel(movie)

    Ahitlaw said:

    Ahitlaw said:

    Sunspot still has a higher burst than her lol

    Idk how bursty he is I don’t have him but I do know it ramps up really high and really fast and easy so you may be right there 🤷‍♂️
    xNig said:

    Not gonna get into an argument over who the best cosmic is when there is one outright winner who:

    - regenerates health with suicides on
    - cannot die upon having certain conditions fulfilled
    - hits hard initially and increasing harder as he progresses across more fights
    - doesn’t rely on debuffs or stunning the opponent to deal damage, nor taking damage
    - ignores all physical and armor of the opponents


    Haha, amazing corvus argument. Corvus and sparkles r the goats. Literally the only one imo who rivals sparkles. That guy i need. Prayin for the 6* version someday!
    This is an outright lie
    What lol
    Plenty of champs can rival and are better than sparkles
    Talkin cosmic.
  • Legendary_PoeyLegendary_Poey Member Posts: 209
    Ahitlaw said:

    Ahitlaw said:

    Ahitlaw said:

    Sunspot still has a higher burst than her lol

    Idk how bursty he is I don’t have him but I do know it ramps up really high and really fast and easy so you may be right there 🤷‍♂️
    xNig said:

    Not gonna get into an argument over who the best cosmic is when there is one outright winner who:

    - regenerates health with suicides on
    - cannot die upon having certain conditions fulfilled
    - hits hard initially and increasing harder as he progresses across more fights
    - doesn’t rely on debuffs or stunning the opponent to deal damage, nor taking damage
    - ignores all physical and armor of the opponents


    Haha, amazing corvus argument. Corvus and sparkles r the goats. Literally the only one imo who rivals sparkles. That guy i need. Prayin for the 6* version someday!
    This is an outright lie
    What lol
    Plenty of champs can rival and are better than sparkles
    Talkin cosmic.
    Hype is better ;), corvus and her are right behind him.
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    Captain Marvel(movie)

    Ahitlaw said:

    Ahitlaw said:

    Ahitlaw said:

    Sunspot still has a higher burst than her lol

    Idk how bursty he is I don’t have him but I do know it ramps up really high and really fast and easy so you may be right there 🤷‍♂️
    xNig said:

    Not gonna get into an argument over who the best cosmic is when there is one outright winner who:

    - regenerates health with suicides on
    - cannot die upon having certain conditions fulfilled
    - hits hard initially and increasing harder as he progresses across more fights
    - doesn’t rely on debuffs or stunning the opponent to deal damage, nor taking damage
    - ignores all physical and armor of the opponents


    Haha, amazing corvus argument. Corvus and sparkles r the goats. Literally the only one imo who rivals sparkles. That guy i need. Prayin for the 6* version someday!
    This is an outright lie
    What lol
    Plenty of champs can rival and are better than sparkles
    Talkin cosmic.
    Hype is better ;), corvus and her are right behind him.
    Got that turned around bud lol
  • J0eySn0wJ0eySn0w Member Posts: 1,001 ★★★★
    edited February 2020
    Alright guys, seems y'all won't come to an agreement so I emailed Kabam Mike and verdict came: Ready for it?

    It's a DRAW!
    Between CMM, Hyperion and Corvus. They all score the the same in the performance test.

    I'm glad we know the answer. 😁
  • LordRaymond3LordRaymond3 Member Posts: 394 ★★★
    Corvus Glaive
    If you have a r5 Corvus you know the answer :wink:
    The dude literally makes every UC EQ a cake walk
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    Captain Marvel(movie)
    Corvus, the 30-hit wonder... then he’s redundant. Got nothing but respect for Hyperion, but I personally find CMM way easier to ramp up and tear down content with.
  • GraydroxGraydrox Member Posts: 413 ★★★
    edited February 2020
    Corvus Glaive
    Corvus is just so easy to play and he dominates so many fights... If you look around at 3 man rosters (AW and AQ) so many have a Corvus. And if they don't it's probably because their corvus is tied up elsewhere. The guy, to me, is lights out the most useful champ in the game(in general guys, don't talk about ghost as she takes lots of practice. most people can't use ghost properly). He doesn't require high skill to play and with a couple persistent charges he is OP is most general content. His combined assets of being easy to use, no ramp up DURING the fight, and incredible and consistent damage make him the man.

    YES, if you get gud enough then you can make CMM a great replacement for corvus. But, for most people, Corvus is gonna be their mvp.
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  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    Ahitlaw said:

    Whats the point of this poll if you cant even discuss properly with others who have differing opinions?

    I accept others have different opinions, but if they are wrong they are wrong 🤷‍♂️ simple
    No such thing as a wrong opinion
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    Ahitlaw said:

    I state facts n y’all gettin butthurt about it? Should I start stating facts about other champs so y’all can say I’m defending them too? Lol this is a fun poll.

    No you are stating opinions and calling them fact and pretty much the only toxic person here
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    Ahitlaw said:

    phil56201 said:

    Ahitlaw said:

    phil56201 said:

    Guy starts a poll about who is best. Gets mad at anyone who doesn't agree with him lol

    Not mad, would just like realistic arguments without lying about what a champ is capable of. Not mad at all lol,make sense otherwise I’ll keep telling you why she’s better. I’m makin valid points while others are devaluing what a champion is truly capable of.
    Here’s another one for ya, Sparkles is better than Ghost.( n yeah I have both at R5) :)
    You just come off as over bearing and intense with it. Its cool. We are all gonna like who we like. I don't care for Capt Sparkles personally. Doesn't mean she's bad, I just prefer Corvus and Hypes playstyle. That's as deep as my arguments gonna get.
    I’m an overbearing and intense person haha, that’s personal opinion on who you like better and I see nothing wrong with that, this poll is about who’s better, therefore would like facts on why you think so-so is better, polls don’t work out well on the forum anyway it’s always a popular vote
    If you believe so then why make one smh
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    DalBot said:

    Repto23 said:

    @DalBot whats that sparkles needs other champs to be good? Huh i thought we were talking about 1 champ 🤷🏻‍♂️
    Also Hyperion can handle thorns by either spamming sp1 or sp3, doesnt need to use physical contact (basic combo or sp2)

    Tell us more about how you just take one champ in to every quest, AQ or AW 🤷🏻‍♂️

    I'll take a champ that gets even better with other great champs over one who is moderately better with useless partners.

    Also CMM shines in stun immune situations or other times where getting a heavy off isn't a pre-requisite. She shines in so many more situations than Hyp.

    So many people here have had Hyp for years and either don't have CMM or don't have her at a high rarity/rank/sig.
    The discussion is about who is best not who is best with others around
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    Ahitlaw said:

    Cap marvel is clearly still losing on your poll. I’ll let that speak for itself

    Of course, most of these are popularity votes. Btw hype is MORE rng dependant, not completelRNG dependant. Give it more time, sparkles value will go up much higher as time goes on.
    But if everyone agreed with your vote it would suddenly be a fair poll 🙄
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    DalBot said:

    Call me when Hyp can handle thorns, recoil and so many other abilities. Brie Larsen/Sam Jackson/Ryan Reynolds is the best Trinity in the game and it's not that close. Keep CMM at 23-24 charges from fight to fight and she destroys everything with no RNG needed and regens like crazy at the start of every fight, plus Nick Fury is a Top 10 champ as well who also gives you other good synergies. That's ABSOLUTELY something to consider when you're comparing champs.

    He can avoid thorns with l1 intercept, I have used this technique to pass a lot of content in the game, oh and his l3 can heal almost 20% so technically that can easily combat recoil...

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  • Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    Venom the duck.
    Unpopular opinion: Venom the Duck

    Many people would disagree with my choice but I will always rep my boy because he's the reason I finished Act Five 100%. His toxic armor combined with his 10 buffs at the start of the fight, helped me continue punching/tearing my way past all my opponents.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    Corvus Glaive
    Got all 3 but not at R5 yet..CG r5, CMM R4 and Hype R3 (for now)... will have to say CG makes EQ, AW and AQ so easy. It's like cheating. I got quake and Fury and I still prefer to team them up with CG than CMM because I find her play style can be a bit iffy depending on the match-up - having to take damage to build up charges and then having to get in all your hits quickly to keep them..I'm not a fan of being forced to rush my fights. If I use her more it might grow on me but I prefer CG. Hype I need to get to R4 soon, but the need to heavy is also a deterrent depending ont eh match up.

    So potentially hype is the biggest damage dealer, but CG is easiest to use, and with suicides and immortality the man is also a potion saver! I grind for all the 20% revives knowing I won't need to use health pots or buy 40% revives once he's in the team.
  • InxInx Member Posts: 115

    Way too much utility to be over shined. He has the damage, he has the regen, he has the powergain, he has the poison immunity, he has easily one of the best heavys in the game, he is the man! What more could you ask for?

    He is Doctor Stranges successor. Rip my boy Strange, libations for the universes #1 SorcerER Supreme.
  • PsyLifePsyLife Member Posts: 399 ★★
    Venom the duck.
    Inx said:


    Way too much utility to be over shined. He has the damage, he has the regen, he has the powergain, he has the poison immunity, he has easily one of the best heavys in the game, he is the man! What more could you ask for?

    He is Doctor Stranges successor. Rip my boy Strange, libations for the universes #1 SorcerER Supreme.

    Seriously tho, what does venom the duck not do in this situation.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    PsyLife said:

    Inx said:


    Way too much utility to be over shined. He has the damage, he has the regen, he has the powergain, he has the poison immunity, he has easily one of the best heavys in the game, he is the man! What more could you ask for?

    He is Doctor Stranges successor. Rip my boy Strange, libations for the universes #1 SorcerER Supreme.

    Seriously tho, what does venom the duck not do in this situation.
    Has zero immunity. Can be incredibly tedious to ramp up taking quite a long time over multiple fights waiting for the right buffs.
  • InxInx Member Posts: 115
    PsyLife said:

    Inx said:


    Way too much utility to be over shined. He has the damage, he has the regen, he has the powergain, he has the poison immunity, he has easily one of the best heavys in the game, he is the man! What more could you ask for?

    He is Doctor Stranges successor. Rip my boy Strange, libations for the universes #1 SorcerER Supreme.

    Seriously tho, what does venom the duck not do in this situation.
    I don't know, its venom the duck :/...

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