Best champion for farming Realm of Legends Potions

Disgruntled_User_123Disgruntled_User_123 Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
What’s your fastest go-to champ for farming potions in Realm of Legends?

Best champion for farming Realm of Legends Potions 59 votes

BigPoppaCBONESeverus35X_Factor_AgentCaptainPoll 4 votes
Nick Fury
SungjWoozieKevanproGLordNeoTerribol0512Plinko 6 votes
PhotimeQmonBrokenJack_OHaraTheSpicyKnightUsername19273Narwhal52xErik_Killmonger1001cataclysmSightburner 10 votes
Furion17Huskers327 2 votes
TerraMathking13TheDuke899MiStaLovaGiganteaTheBestinTuakauMawrCalleachGiodood_1Aomine_Daiki10TheToxicCactus 10 votes
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ChadhoganSpity68LosspikPrickerDuo_KulioNEO_mr_AndersonLvernon15Kamikaze_TurtleNOOOOOOOOPEEEEENojokejaymJohnLocke117rcm2017iceC408Colinwhitworth69Neotwismphil56201Karatemike415SeraphionPeaRatBenQcSlayer 27 votes


  • PeaRatPeaRat Member Posts: 152
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    OR with max suicides and sabretooth synergy. Takes WS in about 30 seconds
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    Colossus at Rank 5 he can literally have Auto do the work
  • GoldenGoatGoldenGoat Member Posts: 10
    Cull can kill them all with L3 after the first few fights
  • TheInfintyTheInfinty Member Posts: 1,495 ★★★★★
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    Omega red
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  • PitPenguinsPitPenguins Member Posts: 22
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    AA. Huge damage with almost no thought.
  • SeraphionSeraphion Member Posts: 1,496 ★★★★
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    AA with nick quake quake hawkeye synergy team
  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★
    Nick Fury
    Slow at WS at first but I take him all the way to just before Wolverine and it's not even a minute per kill at that point (I use CMM on the Vision)
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
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    For me, I can use the Domino Trinity with maybe Human Torch and Warlock for the mystics and Wolverine . . . or I sometimes run Hype with two Black Bolts, Kamala Khan and Ronan, and I just do the first 6-7 fights and stop at Wolverine. The Hype team is just a lot of fun, because that synergy gives him 120 percent increased buff duration, and you quickly get into a sp2-heavy-heavy rotation that just demolishes the defenders.
  • BenQcSlayerBenQcSlayer Member Posts: 867 ★★★
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    Clossus, i got 5* 4/5 duped sig 100... with OR, EF, Dom, and Jugg as synergy... average of 60-70 hits per fight, only fight that took long was Wolvie, i had to built 30 armors to out damage his regen.
  • phil56201phil56201 Member Posts: 987 ★★★
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    Omega Red w/full synergy team (w/Void for Wolverine) when I have suicides on.
    Hyperion w/CAIW, Gamora, BB, and Ronan.
    AA plus mutant crit team for WS over and over.
    Sentinel w/mutant crit team.
    NF w/Heimdall, Angela, BPCW, and HE.
  • ThebgjThebgj Member Posts: 635 ★★
    edited March 2020
    What am I doing wrong? I have a OR max sig rank 4. He’s not doing it in seconds as previously mentioned. I did use full synergy for OR-wolverine-void-ST and one other

    My AA rank 5 is doing it in around 2-3 minutes.

  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
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    Hyperion runs the the entire rol really quick
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Thebgj said:

    What am I doing wrong? I have a OR max sig rank 4. He’s not doing it in seconds as previously mentioned. I did use full synergy for OR-wolverine-void-ST and one other

    My AA rank 5 is doing it in around 2-3 minutes.


    You’re using 4* I guess?
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
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    This is my fight with WS...66 hits...

    And, this is my last fight with Hulk. All done with Colossus...
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    PeaRat said:

    OR with max suicides and sabretooth synergy. Takes WS in about 30 seconds

    Not 30 seconds, but pretty good.
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★


    This is my fight with WS...66 hits...

    And, this is my last fight with Hulk. All done with Colossus...

    Time is key when farming. Not hit count.
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
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    SDP said:

    Time is key when farming. Not hit count.

    66 hits is fast, but, if you say so, who am I to argue.

    'nuff said.
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    edited March 2020

    SDP said:

    Time is key when farming. Not hit count.

    66 hits is fast, but, if you say so, who am I to argue.

    'nuff said.
    Not necessarily fast. Depends on the playstyle. My personal best is with Domino. Low hit count and fast time. 34 hits in 55 seconds.
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  • Ben345qBen345q Member Posts: 168
    Iron fist, armor break
  • ChadhoganChadhogan Member Posts: 463 ★★★
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    Purely for speed of takedown I use carnage it's more hits but fast heavy then spam sp1 rapid bleed damage ?
  • frunderfrunder Member Posts: 63
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    Blade duped because he heals as he fights and that saves you from using potions or Dr. Doom because he does so much damage and nullifies everything and putts good amounts of debuffs on the enemy
  • frunderfrunder Member Posts: 63
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    And anyone who said AA is right especially duped because I with a rank 2 once duped 4 star AS I one shotted ROL Winter Solder
  • NimorNimor Member Posts: 110
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    Using suicides all the time so all below are with that in mind. I usually stop at colossus cause he is annoying and restart. Fastest reliable time is OR (max sig) with ST synergy. I d say if you play great and the ai isn't ridiculously passive you average around 1m15s or something. I don't think 30secs is possible but 1min is if everything goes your way. Fastest potential kill is probably domino. I ve had 35 second kills when i got lucky with double crit bleed on sp2 but the average kill is a bit higher than OR. Another potential candidate for fastest average times is ghost with heavy spam in the corner. Right now my r2 6* is a bit slower on average than OR and domino but she is not awakened which i think would push her to OR levels. Hype is great, fast and a lot of fun but still not as fast as or/domino. Honorable mention to HT with prefight who melts ws with class disadvantage really really fast. AA and NF must be great but i don't have any high ranked to test.
  • Duo_KulioDuo_Kulio Member Posts: 185 ★★
    edited March 2020
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    Ronan + Black Bolt and CAIW + Thor or Gamora
  • JohnLocke117JohnLocke117 Member Posts: 500 ★★★
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    I use my 5/65 Carnage. Tears apart fights fasst and is really fun to play
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
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  • Stevenfan2Stevenfan2 Member Posts: 91
    Man it depends on your champs if you don't have any above mentioned champ in 5* and have only 4*s then go with Starlord (awakened) any star.
    You can also use loki with hela synergy just keep on doing SP2 as early as possible it will directly take down 7% of opponents health even if loki is 2*
  • Furion17Furion17 Member Posts: 267
    Thing for sure...
    Only first fight he takes more than a minute after winter s he can bring everyone in less than 45 hits...
    In less then a minute so I can say he is the man...
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