What would you like to see Kabam tackle first?

Hey all, sure Seatin may have sparked something this evening, but a lot of us have been feeling this way about certain content for a long time. If you could suggest a starting point for Kabam to begin 'fixing', where would it be?
What would you like to see Kabam tackle first? 205 votes
Change Act 7 design to include buffs that increase champion viability (Incursions style)
Change AW design to cap alliances at 10 members, and create reward-specific arenas to keep competition balanced
Change Arena design from a mindless grind to something a little more puzzling or rewarding
Change Resource management strategy to improve Summoner access to difficult content (buff energy, ISO)
Invest more time reworking weaker champions to balance out the crystal pool and improve overall content viability
Or maybe I'm silly
I made a post about Magneto yesterday or the day before that was deleted IMMEDIATELY
That shows you that someone just doesn’t understand the frustration that players feel
This game is five years old, and people have been begging for buffs to weaker characters or popular characters for years. Just begging for them
And they just won’t do it, but they keep releasing harder and harder content that a lot of people don’t want to try because they don’t trust their roster
People would be so happy if Kabam buffed characters that they liked consistently, with purpose and energy
Can you imagine the excitement if a Magneto buff was announced? Or OG Hulk or the StarkTech characters like OG Iron Man, Superior Iron Man or Iron Patriot?
But they just won’t do it
I think that for the game’s future, a positive release of Book 2 is essential, as a poor one is going to turn off the most loyal and most importantly for Kabam, some of its biggest spenders.
I wrote in a different post that I thought that the Grandmaster fight was the best fight in the game because it doesn’t test your roster, it tests your skill. In theory I could bring Groot in there and solo it (I can’t because I’m not good enough, but there are plenty of players who have that ability). The true limitation of high end content should be player ability, not roster. If I’m going to plank to a champion, I want it to be because I failed to dodge a special or pushed to Sp3 etc. Not because there’s only one champion that can handle that specific node combination and I don’t have the lucky 1/24 to pull it from the featured - or even worse if I’m a newer player and can’t pull it from the 1/170 in the basic pool.
Hard, difficult content is fine if it’s in this format, a few quirky nodes here and there aren’t a bad thing, but you need a masters degree to decipher some of the stuff that they’re pulling out of the woodwork at the moment.
Best content - V2-4 because they either ramped up certain types of champ and allowed you to use previously redundant rarities.
Worst content - 6.2
I think AW in and of itself isn’t in burning need for change - at the top end mistakes are punishing, which is what I would expect at the pinnacle. What I would like to see though is reward for that extra stress and skill. Losing a war in T2 and getting 180 4* is a farce. If I’m beating one of the top 50 alliances in the game I should be getting 2k 5* and 500 6*. At the end of a month’s hard playing, placing in that top 50 should get me the resources to rank up a lot of high end champions and a cash prize to go with it too.
TL/DR - AW format ok IMO rewards awful.
I think that the biggest resource that F2P players struggle with is taking champs to a high signature level. I’ve got 15 R5s, all awakened, some naturally, and only 4 are max sig. The only permanent sources of 5* sigs are LoL, UC MEQ, Master MEQ so on average you’re looking at almost 2 years to max sig a champion so you’re almost never getting the full experience of playing with your roster unless you dump some serious pennies on the game.
I play this game only to have fun, and I define fun as collecting new champs that I like or are fun to play. I like challenges but am in no way interested in battling stupidly hard node combinations or spending my way thru a quest just so I can be faced with something even more stupidly difficult.
Incursions was a sign that Kabam cares about players having fun. We could use more of that.
See, if you ask Kabam, they will probably tell you that Synergies are buffs.
When it is actually the opposite, when you are forced to use limited resources to rank up characters and then drag them along in tough content because the original character doesn’t have the buff applied
They just don’t see the game the way a lot of us do — how could anyone who plays this game think that it’s a good feeling to grind for months and pull a 6-star DPX or Juggernaut?
That’s how you know that Kabam lost the plot — it’s about the characters and their kits
Everything else comes second, and by a lot
Act 6 is pretty much a gone case and at this point we shouldn't expect them to actually fix any of the bs in that piece of content. They can at least learn from it tho and take down the beta and come up with a post that states they have understood our feedback and will look to make book 2 chapter 1 actually refreshing and enjoyable to play as opposed to feeling terrible as you try to clear through it (which is how I'm feeling exploring act 6).
Arenas need to be revamped because it is just horrible, terrible time sink. Gold and iso need to be more accessible either through specific quests that give a good amount of both OR increase the iso you can get from duping champs. It makes no sense that duping a 6* is the equivalent of duping a 4* in terms of iso. This is completely illogical.
Alliance wars are complete waste of time. It should not be a 48 hour time sink. Maybe reduce the duration and decrease timer from 1hr to 30mins and boost those rewards. At the moment even with all the reward increase they have done, it still isn't worth the time or effort to deal with flow/siphon. If they get rid of global nodes completely it would be awesome because it has not promoted diversity whatsoever.
Almost every character released before mid-2017— not every single one, but many, many of them — need at minimum a 15 percent attack boost and a 25 percent special attack boost
People think I am joking, but look at a character like Green Goblin or Elektra
They just aren’t viable to play
While roster strength is definitely a big plus, managing a 30 people alliance is quite another feat.
I am thinking more that at lower tiers the number of alliance members starts with 10 and once achieving into a certain bracket then only can grow to 20 or 30.
So even if the 10 member alliance is stack with 6* r3, they should not be able to get rewards of alliance with more than 10 members. I am over-simplifying the idea but breaking up alliance to smaller grouping does not sound correct.
Honestly if they put their minds to it, think of all the cool things they could do. @UmbertoDelRio suggested introducing bases. Now imagine those bases are set in various Marvel-themed arenas (Wakanda, Atlantis, Latveria, etc) and the objective is to build the strongest base by unlocking different nodes for your base and strategically building an optimal base. Then, the rewards could be arena-specific.
Latveria: Catalysts & exclusive Latverian title (& a Doombot lol).
Atlantis: Gold & exclusive Atlantean title, etc.
Wakanda: ISO & exclusive Wakandan title, etc.
Just an idea.