Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Charlie21540Charlie21540 Member Posts: 948 ★★★★
    Dude it simply is time to introduce 5* wolverine and scarlet witch. The excuse that they would be too power doesn't apply anymore and is just a really poor excuse for not bringing them in. There are some 6* versions of super elite champs (ex. Corvus, Ghost, Aegon, Domino, Symbiote Supreme, Dr Doom, etc.) but we can't get a 5* SW or Wolverine? No more excuses, bring those characters up to the 5* level.
  • FlupjuckFlupjuck Member Posts: 12
    I would like to request:
    Ka zar and zabu (and even Shana.)

  • Supercaptain18Supercaptain18 Member Posts: 166

  • MinvisMinvis Member Posts: 200
    More Asgardians!

    In order of desire

    The Enchantress
    The Destroyer
    The Executioner
    The Warriors Three
    Malekin (evil elf guy)
  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    Minvis said:

    More Asgardians!

    In order of desire

    The Enchantress
    The Destroyer
    The Executioner
    The Warriors Three
    Malekin (evil elf guy)

  • Kidd_lucky1Kidd_lucky1 Member Posts: 29
    Well I don’t understand what’s going on in this game why does a cavalier title holder clear the same eq content with uncollected title holder. Sometimes cavalier title holders receive same rewards as uncollected title holders. Well the crystal vault area being a cavalier you need strong champs why should there be 3*-6* odds what am I gonna use a 3* for. Please kabam address this thank you.
  • FlupjuckFlupjuck Member Posts: 12
    Riot would also be a great champions
    With Venom it would be a great team to play with
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    Well I don’t understand what’s going on in this game why does a cavalier title holder clear the same eq content with uncollected title holder. Sometimes cavalier title holders receive same rewards as uncollected title holders. Well the crystal vault area being a cavalier you need strong champs why should there be 3*-6* odds what am I gonna use a 3* for. Please kabam address this thank you.

    This is not the place to discuss this. You should consider making your comment in the General Game Feedback thread.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★


    Class: Mutant

    Signature Ability

    Feel the Burn
    The damage dealt by Pyro's incinerates is increased by +438 energy damage for every new stack of Incinerate present on the opponent.


    Pyro takes no damage from Incinerate effects, unless under a Concussion effect. For each Incinerate on Pyro, he gains +359.6 attack rating. Whenever an Incinerate effect is applied onto Pyro, it refreshes all current Incinerate effects on Pyro.
    While either Pyro or his opponent are suffering from an Incinerate effect, his block proficiency cannot be lowered.

    While Staying Idle
    If at least 1 Incinerate debuff is currently on the opponent, every .1 seconds, all Incinerate debuffs are refreshed and a new Incinerate debuff is inflicted for 7 seconds, dealing 1045 energy damage. For every stack of Incinerate that is present on the opponent, the time Pyro has to stay idle to refresh all stacks is increased by .1 seconds. If Pyro is suffering from a Concussion effect, all stacks of Incinerate are removed after 2 seconds. Max stacks: 20

    When Facing an Incinerate Immune Opponent
    For every Incinerate debuff that would have been placed on the opponent, one is placed on Pyro for 7 seconds, dealing 1045 energy damage.

    Heavy Attacks
    Inflicts an Incinerate debuff that deals 1045 energy damage over 7 seconds.

    Basic Attacks
    20% chance to apply an Incinerate debuff on himself, dealing 1045 energy damage over 7 seconds.

    When Struck
    If Pyro is under an Incinerate effect, 60% to inflict an Incinerate debuff on the opponent, dealing 1045 energy damage over 7 seconds.

    Special Attack 1
    Pyro's flamethrower torches the opponent, inflicting an Incinerate debuff, dealing 4283 energy damage over 10 seconds.

    Special Attack 2
    Pyro psionically controls the fire around him, doubling the number of Incinerates and refreshing all stacks of Incinerates present on himself and his opponent.

    Special Attack 3
    Stuns the opponent for 3 seconds and transfers all active Incinerates on the opponent to himself.


    I'm Hot and You're Cold/Romance–with Iceman
    Pyro takes no damage from Coldsnap effects and Iceman takes no damage from Incinerate effects.
    Pyro: Max stacks of Incinerate is now 40
    Iceman: Coldsnap debuffs reduce all healing abilities by 50%

    Too Hot to Handle–with Human Torch, Mephisto, and Sunspot
    All energy damage dealt is increased by 35%

    So to clarify, although Pyro places Incinerates on himself, they don't do any damage to him unless he is suffering from a Concussion effect.
  • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 290 ★★
    White fox abilities:

    Signature ability:
    With her heightened senses, White Fox can detect when an enemy intends to evade, reducing the opponent's evade ability accuracy by 40% (up to 100% based on sig level).


    Immune to exhaustion and weakness.

    Basic attacks:
    45% chance to cause bleed, dealing 65% of attack over 15 seconds. For each bleed debuff, critical rating increased by 321.4. If the opponent is immune to bleed instead receive 55% additional attack rating.

    Critical hits:
    Grant 25% less power and life steal 10% of damage dealt (increased by 2% for each bleed on the opponent).

    Amount of bleeds (additional abilities are granted based on the amount of bleed on the opponent):

    3 stacks: White fox is granted plus 30% power rate.
    5 stacks: Special attacks deal 40% additional damage.
    7 stacks: Special attacks life steal 45% of damage dealt.

    While dashing in:
    Grant a fury, increasing attack by 80% and have a 100% chance to crit on next three attacks.

    Heavy attacks:
    Each hit replaces one bleed with a critical bleed, dealing 50% additional damage.

    Special attacks:
    Upon activation, refresh all bleeds on the opponent. Additionally, grant a sharpened claws buff for 12 seconds. While this buff is active, increase attack rating by 20% and increase chance to cause bleed to 75%.
    Additionally, for each bleed on the opponent regenerate 1.5% of max health and convert one non-damaging debuff to a fury, increasing attack by 12% permanently (up to a max of 10 furies)

    Special attack one:
    This attack has a 100% chance to be a critical attack.
    If the opponent has more than 3 bleeds, this attack is unblockable.

    Special attack two:
    This attack cannot activate enemy abilities.
    If the opponent has 5 bleeds or more, this attack is unblockable and deals 35% additional energy damage.

    Special attack three:
    The sharpened claw triggered by this attack has 50% more duration.

  • bcharron117bcharron117 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2020
    Adam Warlock
    Synergy with The Infinity Watch (Gamora, Drax, Thanos, and if added: Pip & Moondragon), synergy with Guardians of the Galaxy, synergy with Mole Man. Synergy with Silver Surfer/Mephisto.
  • UnassignedtesterUnassignedtester Member Posts: 24

    Adam Warlock
    Synergy with The Infinity Watch (Gamora, Drax, Thanos, and if added: Pip & Moondragon), synergy with Guardians of the Galaxy, synergy with Mole Man. Synergy with Silver Surfer/Mephisto.

    I think Adam will be added when he is brought into the MCU( probably the next Guardians of the Galaxy movie). Just bear with the game until then.
  • DoppelgangerDoppelganger Member Posts: 40
    Sandman by Doppelganger

    Signature Ability
    On well-timed blocks gain mass(max stack 10) increases critical chance and damage by X (Rases with signature level).

    (Gains Ultimate stance)
    Is immune to bleed, armor break, incinerate, and shock.

    When hit with incinerate gains 1 sandstone per incinerates purified.(superheated sand turns to glass)

    If Sandman's sandstone is reduced to 0 all Sand Charges and Mass are removed and he is hit with a vulnerability debuff.

    If Sandman has no Sandstone buffs then he is no longer immune to shock and armor break.
    Sand Charges
    Attacking the opponent: Every hit Sandman deals to the opponent has a 50% chance to please a permanent sand charge debuff (max stack = 10) that decreases the opponent's critical chance by 5%. When the opponent has 10 sand charges they gain a slow effect preventing the opponent from evading or becoming unstoppable.

    Sandstone buff
    While blocking: While blocking Sandman gains a sandstone buff over 4 seconds giving X% armor rating, sandstone buffs do not expire unless hit with a cold snap, bleed, or armor break. (Max stack = 5)

    If hit while sandstone is active: Sandman has a 25% chance to evade any oncoming attack draining one sandstone buff.
    Hammer Fist: When Sandman gains Hammer Fist he reduces the opponent's block proficiency by 5% per sand charge on the opponent this lasts 12 seconds.

    Mace: When Sandman gains Mace he has a 60% chance to place a stackable bleed when hitting the opponent this lasts 12 seconds.

    Ultimate Combination: when Sandman has both Mace, Hammer Fist, and has 10 mass charges on himself and 10 sand charges on the opponent he becomes unblockable along with the 60% bleed for as long as both mace and Hammer Fist are active. Otherwise only gives him the benefit of both Mace and Hammer Fist.
    Special 1
    If this attack is activated after striking with a medium attack gain Hammer Fist, if Hammer Fist is already active then it refreshes.

    If this attack is activated after striking with a light attack gain Mace, if Mace is already active then it refreshes.
    Special 2
    Removes all sand charges that the opponent has and grants a furry that grants 5% strength for every charge removed.
    Special 3
    When this attack ends automatically places the max amount of sand charges onto the opponent.

    This is just a thought of what his abilities could be like, I have always loved Sandman as a character and really would love to see him as a character in the game, I know that he has great potential to be an amazing offensive champ and fair on defense but who is an all-around fun character to fight and play as. Please contact me if you do decide to add this champion. I'd love to see what his specials would look like. It would be so cool if his third would involve the fact that he is constantly changing shape, size, color, and density. I hope to be able to contribute to the ever-growing Contest of Champions! (: (:
  • Habsfan654Habsfan654 Member Posts: 2
    There should be a spiderman with mecahnical arms as a tech champion that inflicts bleed on contact with the arms
  • Bighippo78904Bighippo78904 Member Posts: 1
    My character wishlist.
    Ulysses bloodstone
    Kevin connor (starbrand)
    Old king Thor
    Red lotus
    Doctor Midas
    Amanda sefton
    Gray hulk redux
    War zone
    Dark thanos
    Joe wade
    The superior

  • FighterDebashisFighterDebashis Member Posts: 45
    Put Barely mentioned but one of the most powerful villian "Abraxas" in the contest!!!

  • Mankind5Mankind5 Member Posts: 19
    edited May 2020

    I would like meet new champion tryout, Punisher War Machine called War Punisher.

    He can be mix Punisher and War Machine by all in one domination combos, guns style, bomber sensors, and shield up stronger Hulkbuster type. Why not?
  • WRIRWRIR Member Posts: 563 ★★★
    Tags: #Defense: Tank, #Villain, #Size:XL
    *All stats based on 5-Star, Rank 5, Level 65, Signature Level 200

    HEALTH: 31697 ATTACK: 2502
    MAX PI: 10639
    WITHOUT SIG: 7642

    Character Class: Mutant

    Basic Abilities: Regeneration, Armor Up, Unstoppable, Physical Resistance.

    Passive - Self-Molecular Control

    • Due to his ability to control his own body's molecules, all debuffs last 65% less and debuffs that deal damage over time deal 85% less damage.
    *All attacks: Apocalypse has 20% chance to trigger a regeneration regaining 2472.366 health over 10 seconds.
    *When struck, Apocalypse has 50% chance to regenerate 20% of the damage taken. When struck with a critical hit, this ability's chance is doubled and its potency is increased by 300%.

    Passive: Celestial modifications:
    Due to his celestial modifications, Apocalypse is immune to reverse controls.
    For each active buff, Apocalypse gains 30% increased attack.

    Pre-Fight Ability

    Apocalypse can change his body at will, granting him an ability to choose one of the following abilities as a pre-fight ability. If nothing is chosen he is set to War.

    War: Apocalypse starts the battle with one indefinite Physical Resistance buff granting 650 physical resistance. Each time Apocalypse triggers regeneration, he gains an unstoppable buff for 3 seconds.(Does not stack) Whenever Apocalypse's buff is nullified, he deals 750.6 damage to the opponent as direct damage.

    Famine: Each time Apocalypse triggers a regeneration buff, he gains a Power Steal buff for 10 seconds, stealing 15% of the power the opponent gained when striking into them. Additionally landing a Heavy attack Armor Breaks the opponent, reducing the opponent's armor by 1526 (Does not stack). If the opponent is immune to Armor Break, instead he nullifies an Armor Up buff.

    Pestillence: Apocalypse starts the fight with two Armor Up buffs each granting 985 Armor rating.

    Death: Apocalypse periodically gains a Power Rate buff increasing his offensive power rate by 35%. While his Power Rate buff is active, each time Apocalypse triggers a regeneration or lands a heavy attack he gains a Prowess Buff granting 50% more damage on the next special attack for 3 seconds.

    Special 1 -
    Apocalypse uses his telekinesis to strike his opponent then blasts them with cosmic energy.
    • First hit cannot be miss. (Psychic projectile)
    • Gains a True Damage buff for the duration of the Beam attack.

    Special 2 -
    Apocalypse shifts his body to mercilessly lacerate and incinerate his enemies.
    • Cruelty buff granting 1986 Critical Damage rating for 12 seconds.
    • First hit has 60% chance to inflict bleed dealing 3252.6 damage over 3 seconds.
    • Second hit has 70% chance to incinerate dealing 3502.8 damage over 3 seconds

    Special 3 - Age of Apocalypse.
    Apocalypse and his army tears his opponents apart.
    Apocalypse gains a Fury buff increasing his attack by 1000.8 for 35 seconds.

    Signature Ability - Eternal Pharaoh
    Apocalypse reaches near immortality by absorbing energy and reaching longevity.
    • Apocalypse's blood is fatal to humans, so that whenever Apocalypse is under a bleed effect, if the opponent is not a Mutant or a Tech champion, he deals 125.1 damage as direct damage every 0.5 seconds.
    • Apocalypse gains the ability to reincarnate himself through other Mutant's deaths. Whenever another character on the team dies, if Apocalypse is dead, Apocalypse has 50~80% chance to come back at 20% of his maximum health.


    Enemies: Wolverine, Storm, etc

    Rivals: Magneto

    Archangel: Ascension- Unique Synergy.

    Archangel: Archangel gains a Death Seed passive at the start of the fight granting 1500 Critical Damage and 1100 Critical rating if Apocalypse is dead. Each time an opponent's immunity triggers against Archangel's debuff while Death Seed is active, he instead deals 120% of his attack as direct damage to the opponent.

    Storm Pyramid X: The Herald Unique Synergy

    Storm(Pyramid X)'s Buffs gain 50% potency and last 15% longer.

    Any Mutant: Power of Apocalypse
    All mutants gain 12% increased attack while Apocalypse is alive.
  • MarveellllllllllMarveellllllllll Member Posts: 5
    Here’s my wishlist rescue,galactus,spider woman,scream,she venom,morbius movie,new mutants
  • MarveellllllllllMarveellllllllll Member Posts: 5

    Pyro. I haven't seen Pyro added into any Marvel game except for X-Men Destiny and Mavel War Of Heroes. He is my favorite X-Men character

    Pyro (Mutant), Should be around or above Iceman's prestige (maybe higher?), Synergys with Iceman, Magneto, Storm, Logan, Cyclops and Phoenix (Rival Synergy with X-Men team, teammate synergy with Magneto), maybe good health and very good attack?

    Hopefully its not much to ask for.

    Pyro. I haven't seen Pyro added into any Marvel game except for X-Men Destiny and Mavel War Of Heroes. He is my favorite X-Men character

    Pyro (Mutant), Should be around or above Iceman's prestige (maybe higher?), Synergys with Iceman, Magneto, Storm, Logan, Cyclops and Phoenix (Rival Synergy with X-Men team, teammate synergy with Magneto), maybe good health and very good attack?

    Hopefully its not much to ask for.

    Pyro. I haven't seen Pyro added into any Marvel game except for X-Men Destiny and Mavel War Of Heroes. He is my favorite X-Men character

    Pyro (Mutant), Should be around or above Iceman's prestige (maybe higher?), Synergys with Iceman, Magneto, Storm, Logan, Cyclops and Phoenix (Rival Synergy with X-Men team, teammate synergy with Magneto), maybe good health and very good attack?

    Hopefully its not much to ask for.

    Spider woman rescue Deadpool mask off morbius comic book Verizon,galactus
  • Serious_786Serious_786 Member Posts: 99 ★★
    Buff Magneto😑
  • MarveellllllllllMarveellllllllll Member Posts: 5
    spider woman rescue black cat lady spider Toxin scream morbius comic book galactus boom boom marvel girl jean grey avengers endgame captain marvel black panther suit purple us avengers Kate bishop riot movie Deadpool
    mr immortal Titania runaways blue marvel
  • MulticatkidはいMulticatkidはい Member Posts: 11
    Stan lee
  • MulticatkidはいMulticatkidはい Member Posts: 11
    Titanium man
    Crimson dinamo
    The leader
    Radioactive man
    Absorbing man
    Vapor or gas (can’t remember)
    Zask electric hulk villain
    Madam masqe
    Immortal hulk abomination
    Immortal hulk red she hulk
  • MulticatkidはいMulticatkidはい Member Posts: 11
    Savage banner or professor hulk
  • MarveellllllllllMarveellllllllll Member Posts: 5
    I going to do a top 5 roster 1.spider woman beacuse theres only Gwen spider I would like to see more spider woman 2.rescue because I think it would be cool to see iron man and rescue on same team by side 3.scarlet witch avengers movie because in Mcoc there’s Hero’s from Movies so why not add scarlet witch it would be cool 4.galactus because without silver surfer there’s no galactus last on 5.deadpool from the movie I think. His suit would be really cool and Deadpool with no mask plus he should get a new 3 star attack
  • NinjaNate90NinjaNate90 Member Posts: 52
    Just back off the spin offs please. We have 6 spiders, 4 caps, 4 hulks, 4 venoms etc. Add more that aren’t variations of current champs. Here’s some examples:

    The Lizard
    Black heart
    Nate Grey
    Silver Samurai
    The shocker
    Werewolf by night
    The Scorpion
    Dragon man
    Fin fang foom
    Eternals (comic plz, not movie)
    Gorr the God Butcher

  • Aliainlion365Aliainlion365 Member Posts: 1
    My wishlist
    Harry Leland
    Crime master (Sammy)
    Ex Nihila
    Kali (oblivion)
    Fever pitch
    Ghost maker
    Fahd alireza
    Firebrand (Dennison)
    Firebrand (Gilbert)
    Shinobi shaw
    Mastermind (clone)
    Silver samurai (shingen)
    Wild child
    Abigail whistler
    Gorgon petragon
    Arcurus rann
    Lady mastermind
    Dangerous jinn
    Ruby heart
    Talia wagner
  • TexasTitanTexasTitan Member Posts: 1
    Okoye (Skill) the general of the Dora Milaje. One of the main fighting characters in the Black Panther movie and she is a black female (only 1or 2 in the game maybe) she is one of the most skilled fighters in DC. She Will definitely bring a different flavor to the game especially for skilled champions. I know there are so many characters in the marvel universe but I believe this is a must. As you can see I don't have a list of 100 characters. I need some more skilled champions and she would be perfect!
  • Happyworld5Happyworld5 Member Posts: 1
    My character wishlist
    Blue streak (swift)
    Max young
    Captain kid
    Killer frost
    Harbinger of apocalypse
    Margali szardos
    Orange hulk
    Black hole
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