Game - last straw? Maybe not?

Hello summoners!
Think we all know why we are here, where probably bored got nothing better to do.
Anyways. 3 of my ally/ex Ally friends have left in the past week. They all have something in common.
This game is more or less for the Whales i said more or less, doesn't include the super grinders who grind down the game.
Also they feel the 6* meta is totally unacceptable, one of them was looking for a 6*/5* HT or NF so he could do Abys of Legends. He pulled nothing but trash, he decided to go for the hourly Feature Cav Spent in the region of around 9k Units again nothing but Trash. He decided to Mod inform Kabam support and he got Banned because he decided enough is enough. He was vowing for a 6* Nexus Crystal to get added as the 6* Meta as we know is trash. Your chance of pulling anything decent is very very slim. I've pulled nothing but trash from my last 1mil 6* Shards! It's not easy getting 1mil 6* Shards. I have i would say 3-5 very good to good 6* champs out of 30 6* champions bare in mind i have a few trash Dupes.
The other 2 decided to Leave for Similar reasons, they feel the Game will be beyond them and they would rather Spend there time else where.
Im on the crossroad my self. I've gone from Plat 1/ Map 6 ally to a Silver 2 / map 4 ally ain't got no time to stress over some flow War or BS paths in Map 6 anymore. Im slowly coming to a halt. I feel that many are on the same boat.
No Harm in adding a 5* and 6* Nexus to the game for the same price as a Feature. The champion Meta is to big. It wasn't what it was a year or two ago. So Kabam you should evolve for the general community.
Dr Luciano
Think we all know why we are here, where probably bored got nothing better to do.
Anyways. 3 of my ally/ex Ally friends have left in the past week. They all have something in common.
This game is more or less for the Whales i said more or less, doesn't include the super grinders who grind down the game.
Also they feel the 6* meta is totally unacceptable, one of them was looking for a 6*/5* HT or NF so he could do Abys of Legends. He pulled nothing but trash, he decided to go for the hourly Feature Cav Spent in the region of around 9k Units again nothing but Trash. He decided to Mod inform Kabam support and he got Banned because he decided enough is enough. He was vowing for a 6* Nexus Crystal to get added as the 6* Meta as we know is trash. Your chance of pulling anything decent is very very slim. I've pulled nothing but trash from my last 1mil 6* Shards! It's not easy getting 1mil 6* Shards. I have i would say 3-5 very good to good 6* champs out of 30 6* champions bare in mind i have a few trash Dupes.
The other 2 decided to Leave for Similar reasons, they feel the Game will be beyond them and they would rather Spend there time else where.
Im on the crossroad my self. I've gone from Plat 1/ Map 6 ally to a Silver 2 / map 4 ally ain't got no time to stress over some flow War or BS paths in Map 6 anymore. Im slowly coming to a halt. I feel that many are on the same boat.
No Harm in adding a 5* and 6* Nexus to the game for the same price as a Feature. The champion Meta is to big. It wasn't what it was a year or two ago. So Kabam you should evolve for the general community.
Dr Luciano
Even if all they gave us was nexus crystals, you'd just complain when Iron Patriot, Thor Jane Foster, and Karnak pop up. Then you'll want a nexus crystal that gives you 5 choices and if all 5 are trash, then you'll just go back to asking to buy your own champion. It's a never ending circle.
If you aren't happy now, you'll likely never be happy since you are chasing people who will always out spend you to get to where they want to go.
There are alliances out there that do not take winning so seriously. I'm in one. Yes, we try to win our one BG alliance war, but we have a no apology rule for losing a fight, and if we lose a war, we just move on to the next one. Honestly, what difference does it make?
If people want to spend money just to have some status level in "the community" or whatever, more power to them. I don't want to be in such an alliance, and I definitely don't want to have people stressing out over my semi-reliable MCOC skills.
Anyway, MCOC is more fun than Tic Tac Toe, at least most of the time.
2019's Black Friday marked a record year for mobile game spending, with Marvel's Contest of Champions topping the charts for dollars earned, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Across both Google Play and Apple's App Store, Black Friday, November 29 - set a record mobile game spending in a single day, taking in a combined $55.8 million for the medium. That $55.8m accounts for a 25% increase in Black Friday mobile game spending over 2018.
Apple's App Store accounted for $42.1m of that figure, with Contest of Champions earning $2.7m overall.
Countless Summoners are still happily spending money to keep the game going.
If your feeling frustrated with the current state of the game; then take a break. Walk away from it for a few days.
Sentiment has gone real south side since last year
I do understand the frustration though. Part of the fun is “winning.” I don’t think many - if any - would play just to constantly lose fights
So. In order to win at hard fights the higher you go the better stuff you need. Skill only goes so far. It’s true that at a certain level you need champs or the ability to rank champs. That means more winning.
If you’re not winning, it can certainly not be fun.