New Concepts/Content Megathread



  • KDSuperFlash10KDSuperFlash10 Member Posts: 5,869 ★★★★★
    TP33 said:

    I’ve got an idea:


    How will it work?

    Every day in the daily quests tab a new quest will appear. This is how it will work;

    Monday- Tech
    Tuesday- Mutant
    Wednesday- Skill
    Thursday- Science
    Friday- Mystic
    Saturday- Cosmic
    Sunday- Random.

    Each day there are 4 difficulties;

    3* (PI around 4K)
    4* (PI around 10K)
    5* (PI around 20K)
    6* (PI around 30K)

    For each difficulty you are only allowed to bring in champions of the quests rarity (like V4). This means that you can only really enter the quest based on what sig stones you actually need.

    The layout and energy requirements of the quest will be exactly the same as the current class catalyst daily quests.


    For each of the quests the rewards are based on the * level of the quest you take on
    On Monday to Saturdays quests the rewards will be set out like this

    Path 1 (completion)- 1X +5 sig stone of the rotating class
    Path 2 (exploration)- 1X +5 sig stone of the rotating class
    Chests: Lower level- 2X +1 sig stone of the rotating class
    Higher level- 1X +5 sig stone of the rotating class

    On Sunday the rewards are as follows

    Path 1- 5X +1 sig stone crystals
    Path 2- 5X +1 sig stone crystals
    Chests: Lower level- 2X +1 sig stone crystals
    Higher level- 5X +1 sig stone crystals.

    This would be a great way to slowly buff up the sig level of a specific champion. I think the quest should only give class based stones because if it gave generics then it would take 6 days to max out a 3/4* sig level and 12 to max out a 5/6* sig level, which I don’t feel is long enough (especially with the 6* stones). Instead it’s about 17 sigs of a class a week (or more depending on Sunday luck)

    I think that this is the solution to the f2p 6* sig stone issue, where it is impossible for a f2p player to actually get 6* sig stones other than from the abyss. But even then P2W players would still have that natural advantage needed for kabam a buissness model to survive (with this system it takes around 11 weeks to max out a 5/6* sig level, for 5*s that’s fine bc you can get the sigs from other sources and it works for 6*s because it should take a long time to max out a 6*)

    I absolutely love this!
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    I’m bored, so I’ve got another idea: The Gauntlet Of Champions

    There are two possible variations that Kabam could do for this.

    The first one is just it starts with one stars and it ranks in terms of pi and star level as you go on, and eventually you’re just fighting 5/65 max sig six stars.

    Or, they could do it my preferred way.

    There is one difficulty: But the fights are structured like this:

    Fights 1-5: Quest 1, Chapter 1 of Beginner eq difficulty
    Fights 6-15: Quest 2, Chapter 1 of Normal eq difficulty
    Fights 16-30: Quest 1, Chapter 2 of Heroic eq difficulty
    Fights 31-50: Quest 2, Chapter 2 of Master eq difficulty
    Fights 51-75: Quest 1, Chapter 3 of Uncollected eq difficulty
    Fights 76+: Quest 2, Chapter 3 of a Cavalier eq difficulty level.

    Arguments can be made for shortening how many fights per difficulty, but I have my reasons.

    The opponents you face are random, and will change every time you enter the quest anew.

    You bring in a full team of five, and you cannot use boosts, revives, potions, or items of any kind. It’s zero energy per tile, and once a champion is knocked out they are knocked out until you end the gauntlet.

    There are rewards on the path, and they get better as you go on and are suited to the difficulty level you are currently at in the quest.

    Once your entire team is knocked out, you exit the quest, taking all of the rewards you collected along the path with you.

    This is just a fun, skill based challenge for everyone, as the better your skills and roster get, the farther you can go and the better rewards you will acquire.

    As a note, certain fights will have nodes to counter cheesing fights with champions like Quake, Ghost, Corvus, etc.

    This idea can be fleshed out, feel free to expand upon it.

    Have a good one!

    Just to expand on the rewards, after every fight there would be a reward on the next tile. It would go fight, reward, fight, reward.
  • Gregdagr8Gregdagr8 Member Posts: 385 ★★★
    Having a huge Boss fight every month is SUCH A GOOD IDEA! But it must come with leaderboards! Talking trash to your ally mates and friends would be so awesome. But PLEASE have multiple boss fights with star restrictions. We can't have all the whales winning everything, it has to be about SKILL. It would be awesome to have a boss fight for every star level. Make those 4* relevant again!
    If not a boss for every start level then three boss rushes every month. One for 4* and below. One for 5* and below. And one for 6* and below. Here's the important part!!! Make the 4* boss rush the highest rewards! This will involve the entire community and will reward strictly based on your mind and skill.
  • Sidd777Sidd777 Member Posts: 188
    @SpideyFunko to expand upon your idea a little bit, this could be a monthly event on the last week of every month let’s say, and every month it could be a different theme based on what was released that month and you could be restricted to different champs every month, like one month you can only bring in #avengers, and other months you can only bring in spiderverse characters. This would force players to not just use ghost, quake or Corvus and would force them to think about their strategy, team and synergies they bring

    Feel free to add on!
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    @Sidd777 I’m assuming you are talking about the gauntlet?
  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020
    Good morning, folks! Hope all is well!

    First of all, I am so freaking glad to see KabamVydious pop in here — note, I didn’t tag him — because we all get it: These guys are professionals, and we’re fans. We aren’t thinking of anything they haven’t or couldn’t.

    But the reason this kind of thread can have value is that it might give that final push to an idea that players might want and commit to paying something. It can’t all be free. It simply can’t. Some aspects can, but Kabam is a business.

    So with that...I have more ideas! They will always have benefit for three stakeholders: Kabam profit, spenders and F2P. So please don’t lose your minds if you are F2P — I always consider how to keep the game as fair as possible.

    Idea: StarkTech Store

    What it does: Appeals to collectors and fans of Iron Man by creating a uniform system in the store JUST FOR HIM.

    How it’s implemented: Remember, I like to work through Kabam’s existing platforms that have already been built for profit. This time, we’re working through the Daily Offer platform.

    Why: One of the absolute best things about reading Iron Man material over the years was the fact that you knew every year or two there was going to armor. People loved it. What would the new armor look like? What would it do?

    But unfortunately, Kabam can’t just create Iron Man characters every year. This isn’t the comics.

    But at the same time...people love upgrades. Buffs. New effects. People LOVE them.

    So what to do? How can we satisfy the need for revenue, the love of buffs, and the love of new armors for Iron Man?

    Answer: Skins/uniforms, available in the Daily Offers initially, then 45 days later for units.

    These are not reworks. They use the existing meshes and animations of OG Iron Man, Civil Warrior and War Machine. They just change, strengthen or add effects, as well as change the appearance.

    For example, one of Iron Man’s iconic armors is his Stealth Suit. It’s basically an all-black version of the OG armor in the game.

    For $4.99, people can buy the Stealth Suit in the Unit Store and get that look plus effects like Invisible and Miss. Nothing crazy.

    Then, every 45 days, F2P can get the same new look, in this example the Stealth Suit, for 500 units.

    There are at least 40 armors — I know there are more than that, actually — that Kabam could create skins for and sell on the basis of appealing to collectors.

    These items — unlike the Squadron Supreme characters — can always be available. There’s no rush to buy them, for anyone. People will have time to complete the collection, as Kabam releases them.

    Why should Kabam do this? It’s a profitable appeal to collectors and nostalgia on older character meshes that aren’t likely to be fully reworked. Just create the skins, add a maximum of two effects, sell them.

    For the players, no one has to buy them — they aren’t game breaking. But like profile pics and titles, they allow you to customize the look and feel of a character who ALWAYS has changed his appearance.

    Spenders can get them immediately, F2P in 45 days, they all go to a dedicated Store tab just for StarkTech in the Unit Store.

    Everyone wins

  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★
    Hey, folks!

    Let me flesh out the StarkTech Armor store a little more, for those who might not see the value: There are tons of simple effects that the Armors have had over the years that are already in the game — that’s why it’s a win-win for Kabam and the players. They wouldn’t be creating new effects for these uniforms. I am a huge believer in using existing material in different spots. I am not a huge fan of reinventing the wheel.

    The OG Iron Man mesh is a great mesh — the animations are totally fine. There’s no need for a full rework — it can function perfectly well right now and into the future.

    But here are the kinds of effects that various Iron Man armors have had over the years that already exist in the game:

    Invisible and Miss
    Electrical/Shock Damage from Pulse Bolts
    Energy Absorption
    Incinerate/Coldsnap resistance from Refractory Coating
    Limited Magnetism
    Force Fields
    Targeting systems for True Strike
    Sonic Rays for Concussion debuff

    On and on.

    Again, stuff like that isn’t game breaking — it’s just fun. People LOVE the Silver Centurion look to this day. Extremis is a beloved armor. The Modular Armor from the animated series in the 90s.

    There are so many different looks. I think players would love it, again, a maximum of two new effects per uniform. But players would then be able to choose an Armor based on utility, which is also cool and allows Kabam to also provide counters to nodes.

    Just wanted to give people an idea of the scope. It could be AWESOME, yet simple.

    Thanks for reading!
  • Sidd777Sidd777 Member Posts: 188

    @Sidd777 I’m assuming you are talking about the gauntlet?

  • trindels23trindels23 Member Posts: 76
    Here's an idea for future content. Once you use a champ to complete a path, you lose them for that stage until its 100%. Here's an example of what I'm talking about using act 6.4. You bring a team built around Ghost in 6.4.1 and you complete the initial run. Those 5 champs are now locked out of 6.4.1 until its 100%. You could continue on and use that same team to complete all of 6.4, but you'll need different champs for full exploration. So if each stage has 6 paths, that means you'd have to use 30 different champs to complete.

    The majority of players won't have 30 maxed 5* or r2 6* champs, I know I don't have that many. But content in this way should be beatable by r4 5* or r1 6* and more skill based rather than just having a bunch of beyond god tier champs.

    Mini boss and boss nodes would need to be adjusted to fit the majority of champs and can't be too specific in the counters needed to beat them. The paths could still be somewhat specific to a handful of champions.
  • AburaeesAburaees Member Posts: 514 ★★★

    I’m bored, so I’ve got another idea: The Gauntlet Of Champions

    There are two possible variations that Kabam could do for this.

    The first one is just it starts with one stars and it ranks in terms of pi and star level as you go on, and eventually you’re just fighting 5/65 max sig six stars.

    Or, they could do it my preferred way.

    There is one difficulty: But the fights are structured like this:

    Fights 1-5: Quest 1, Chapter 1 of Beginner eq difficulty
    Fights 6-15: Quest 2, Chapter 1 of Normal eq difficulty
    Fights 16-30: Quest 1, Chapter 2 of Heroic eq difficulty
    Fights 31-50: Quest 2, Chapter 2 of Master eq difficulty
    Fights 51-75: Quest 1, Chapter 3 of Uncollected eq difficulty
    Fights 76+: Quest 2, Chapter 3 of a Cavalier eq difficulty level.

    Arguments can be made for shortening how many fights per difficulty, but I have my reasons.

    The opponents you face are random, and will change every time you enter the quest anew.

    You bring in a full team of five, and you cannot use boosts, revives, potions, or items of any kind. It’s zero energy per tile, and once a champion is knocked out they are knocked out until you end the gauntlet.

    There are rewards on the path, and they get better as you go on and are suited to the difficulty level you are currently at in the quest.

    Once your entire team is knocked out, you exit the quest, taking all of the rewards you collected along the path with you.

    This is just a fun, skill based challenge for everyone, as the better your skills and roster get, the farther you can go and the better rewards you will acquire.

    As a note, certain fights will have nodes to counter cheesing fights with champions like Quake, Ghost, Corvus, etc.

    This idea can be fleshed out, feel free to expand upon it.

    Have a good one!

    I’d really like to see something like the Gauntlet suggested by @SpideyFunko, or a challenge tower. The item less aspect is what appeals most to me, besides the fun of taking on the entire collection.

    I’d personally go for a team of 1 to help thin out the field of players reaching the upper echelons. This in itself would also handicap Quake without the need for nodes, as there are plenty of naturally bad matchups for her (I’m not as familiar with Ghost however).

    Difficulty levels, if there were any, could be set by reversing the rarity requirements e.g. Epic could limit you to a 4* attacker, and beyond Epic could limit you to a 3* attacker.

    Because the item less nature would remove a possible source of revenue for Kabam, the Gauntlet itself may need a small entry fee or champion refresh fee e.g. units or up front energy spend.

  • ESFESF Member Posts: 2,084 ★★★★★

    I’m bored, so I’ve got another idea: The Gauntlet Of Champions

    There are two possible variations that Kabam could do for this.

    The first one is just it starts with one stars and it ranks in terms of pi and star level as you go on, and eventually you’re just fighting 5/65 max sig six stars.

    Or, they could do it my preferred way.

    There is one difficulty: But the fights are structured like this:

    Fights 1-5: Quest 1, Chapter 1 of Beginner eq difficulty
    Fights 6-15: Quest 2, Chapter 1 of Normal eq difficulty
    Fights 16-30: Quest 1, Chapter 2 of Heroic eq difficulty
    Fights 31-50: Quest 2, Chapter 2 of Master eq difficulty
    Fights 51-75: Quest 1, Chapter 3 of Uncollected eq difficulty
    Fights 76+: Quest 2, Chapter 3 of a Cavalier eq difficulty level.

    Arguments can be made for shortening how many fights per difficulty, but I have my reasons.

    The opponents you face are random, and will change every time you enter the quest anew.

    You bring in a full team of five, and you cannot use boosts, revives, potions, or items of any kind. It’s zero energy per tile, and once a champion is knocked out they are knocked out until you end the gauntlet.

    There are rewards on the path, and they get better as you go on and are suited to the difficulty level you are currently at in the quest.

    Once your entire team is knocked out, you exit the quest, taking all of the rewards you collected along the path with you.

    This is just a fun, skill based challenge for everyone, as the better your skills and roster get, the farther you can go and the better rewards you will acquire.

    As a note, certain fights will have nodes to counter cheesing fights with champions like Quake, Ghost, Corvus, etc.

    This idea can be fleshed out, feel free to expand upon it.

    Have a good one!

  • LunaeLunae Member Posts: 371 ★★★
    An awesome game mode I think would be one like aq except maybe larger or smaller, where you work with a team to make it to a boss with crazy stats like one we’ve never seen before, think galactus level that no one can solo with one champin so it’ll take the whole team to chip him down.

    Another aspect of this mode would be to limit the number of champs players can bring in so each player has to choose a specific utility to make it though to the end. For example there could be a crazy evade champ, but only one player was smart enough to bring an anti evade champ then it would all be on him to take him down and help his team progress to the boss for some gnalry rewards.
  • LunaeLunae Member Posts: 371 ★★★
    Utilty based crystals sort of like the crystals Kabam already occasionally sells, but with a better average of champs aimed at mid tier players with price still being relatively the same or even exactly the same crystal just slightly cheaper.

    This idea largely comes from the theory that DNA proposed in his thread about the inability of the general average players being unable to progress through act 6 without it being toned down effectky shutting all progress leading to boredom and stagnation.

    Maybe even make it unit or shards based, but with the intention of the crystal giving players a chance at a champion that can used in act 6, and I mean actually used for some fights, lanes and bosses through their utility.

    Meaning viable, not meme tier with utility unless the crystals are cheap or shard based like old featured crystals then this could be the balance or safety net to keep things from spiraling out of control. Could also be monthly that they’re available if shared based. Maybe through black iso store limits.

    I’ve thought about crystal based on champs released by their year, but even still a risk that it will largely not benefit the players along with a type of class crystal.

    The developers who designed the paths should have had and I imagine they do have a clear idea of what is needed to clear each and every lane in act 6. From this the data could be pulled and the crystals could be made and even implemented into the champions hashtag feature.

    Also on another note, the community needs more communication from the team. Maybe even have the team weekly review a set of paths to share their thought process behind the designed paths, tips and tricks. I believe this would go a long way into easy the tension between the players and Kabam.

    I also want to make it clear that this shouldn’t be a means of necessary flooding accounts with a crazy number of new champions because then we’d all run into a problem similar to seatins. I use to think pricing down cav crystals would be a good idea, but have come the conclusion that they’ve only ruined the game and that I personally would never want to face seatins situation.

    DNA’s theory that the average player could have all the champions in the game, but still not progress I think is solid. They have to have the necessary champions and then slowly build the skill. So making more champs available through way cheaper crystals would unnecessary cause them to spend for champions that even if op would serve them no good in clearing content like act 6.
  • Mrspider568Mrspider568 Member Posts: 2,007 ★★★
    edited May 2020
    What about a world boss where we can choose our own villain boss and fight agaisnt him and three difficulty easy normal and expert
    Edit this idea is from marvel future fight
  • LosspikLosspik Member Posts: 253 ★★
    I still think a game mode similar to the ladder game mode as seen in Mortal Kombat would be great for mcoc.

    Everyday or every 3 days is a ladder of a different class with random champs from that class and a pool of set buffs you start with an easy fight with it getting progressively harder, the further you get the better the end rewards are.

    Rewards could be structured in various ways:

    Let us choose if we'd prefer Shards or rank up materials before starting the ladder (rewards scale with game completion cavilier etc) I would include the odd +5 sig stones in either to ease that burden on FTP players.

    You get battlechips, shards & Units per fight making it another option instead of arena at a certain milstone of number of fights you get the same milestone rewards as you wouldve gotten from arena.

    Have a team of 3 champs no pots no revives just skill these champs should not be locked in the quest or locked out by another like how it is in incursions.

    Gives another reason to Rank up champs and allows you to do it at your own pace can be monetized by costing unit to do a multiple daily runs with the cost increasing with every extra run.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    IamToast said:

    Here's one! It's been floating around in my head for a while!



    That's right, The ability to create your very own quests!

    There would be some sort of menu/HUD along the edges of the screen that has all you need to make your own quest.
    This would include: "create path", "place champion", "add node", "create portal", "create dialogue", "restrictions".

    "Create Path"
    - This seems pretty self explanatory, but I shall explain it anyways.
    - You can see a HUD that lets you create a path in any of the 8 directions that are allowed, up, down, left, right, diagonals.
    - You can choose between options of length before a new path is created.

    "Add Node"
    - For champions that have already been placed you may choose to toss a node onto them, allowing you to pick whatever node effect you wish to add.
    - You can choose between adding a Linked Node, Local Node, and Global Nodes.

    "Create Portal"
    - Allows for creation of portals to other areas of the map.
    - You can choose between the 3 types of portals, Singular, Multiple, and Random.

    "Place Champion"

    I have two ideas for ways to add champions to the map that Kabam can implement.

    1. You can only add champions that you can select from your roster.
    2. You can add any champion (including adaptoids, boss characters...) from a large roster that comes in all star ratings.

    At champion selection:
    You can choose its Rank and Level.
    You can choose whether or not it is Awakened and the level of their Awakened Ability.

    "Create Dialogue"
    - Allows for the little dialogue scenes to be added because EVERYONE LOVES THOSE! (Not sarcastically, unless you constantly have to skip through them while grinding exploration.)
    - Can add the "emote animations" to the dialogue scenes.

    - Allows for addition of restrictions for entering the quest like the Variant quests.(Champion Star Ratings, Champion Class, Recommended Power Rating.)

    Perhaps some sub-categories in a settings button, "change background", "lock camera" (like in LoL).


    You would be able to publish these quests onto a "Community Quests" tab located somewhere in the "Fight!" tab in the menu.
    Instead of being ordered like regular quests, since there are so many, it would be in lists, sort of like the global leaderboards. You can order it by categories, "Popular", "Recent", "Oldest", "Featured", and "Previously Featured".
    BUT, in order to publish your quest you MUST "verify" the quest by completing it yourself to show that it is possible to complete.

    Anyone who plays the quest can "rate" it after playing or completing it.
    They can do so by, "liking", "disliking", "REPORTING", "Give Difficulty Rating".

    "Give Difficulty Rating" would basically be the communities influence in the level of difficulty the quest should be classified as if it was to become "Featured" (Featured quests is an additional idea I added below.)

    These Quests require no energy to be used while playing.
    These Quests do not give rewards, besides maybe 50 Gold upon completion.

    You can only play 10 Community Quests a Day to avoid players creating "empty" quests and others continuously replaying the quests to get "infinite" Gold.


    Below is another possible addition that I believe would answer MOST of the "lack of content"/"burnout" questions and concerns.

    Community Featured Quests!!!

    Here, Kabam or verified Content Creators, would "Feature" about 4 quests total every week. Every Quest submitted to feature by a Content Creator would be reviewed by a Kabam employee to avoid "Self-Featuring" and "Featuring because you know someone". Depending on the difficulty (determined by the Kabam employee or Content Creator) the rewards would be picked among these below:

    Beginner: 50x Premium Hero Crystal Shards.

    Normal: 75x Premium Hero Crystal Shards + 75x 3 Star Shards + 1,000 Gold.

    Heroic: 100x Premium Hero Crystal Shards + 50x 4 Star Shards + 1,750 Gold.

    Master: 200x Premium Hero Crystal Shards + 100x 4 Star Shards + 2,500 Gold.

    Uncollected: 25x Grandmaster Crystal Shards + 50x 5 Star Shards + 5,000 Gold.

    Variant: 75x 4 Star Shards + 25x 5 Star Shards + 15x 6 Star Shards + 5,000 Gold.

    Beyond Hope: 500x Premium Hero Crystal Shards + 100x 4 Star Shards + Tier 4 Basic Catalyst + 7,500 Gold.

    Beyond All Hope: 100x 5 Star Shards + 25x 6 Star Shards + 10x Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystals.

    DESPAIR GIVEN FORM: 200x 5 Star Shards + 75x 6 Star Shards + 1x 2% Tier 5 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystal.

    How about that, huh? They seem like fair rewards for how many would be getting put out a week (2 to 4 a week).
    The rewards may seem "meh" to some, but remember! These would only be optional, completed only if the player wishes to do something besides grinding exploration, AQ, AW, Arena 24/7 (joke lol).

    There would be no Exploration Rewards, the player would simply be rewarded 500 Gold for every additional completion of any quest until fully explored.

    These "Featured" Quests would require a set amount of energy to enter.

    1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5.

    Energy required for each difficulty in that order.

    The Quest only gives the rewards for the rest of the week that it is in the "Community Featured Quests" tab. After the quests featured time is up it will be moved to the, "Previously Featured" category filter in the, "Community Quests" tab and does not require anymore energy to be used.

    NOW, what about the benefits for the creator of the quest???
    If your quest becomes Featured.
    - You earn 1 Gold for every 25 plays on your level.
    - You earn a title! Quest Creator.

    The Quest Creator would be earning around, 75,000 to 140,000 Gold for the week which doesn't seem to bad to me.

    Maybe there can be addition titles and rewards if you get more featured quests but that's up to Kabam to decide.

    I had a TON of fun writing that out for about an hour and a half! If anyone wishes to add more or any questions i'll try my best to come up with something for said question.

    Do you, by any chance, play Super Mario Maker?
  • Mrspider568Mrspider568 Member Posts: 2,007 ★★★
    No one liked my idea ? 😭😭😭😭
  • PsyLifePsyLife Member Posts: 399 ★★
    IamToast said:

    Here's one! It's been floating around in my head for a while!



    That's right, The ability to create your very own quests!

    There would be some sort of menu/HUD along the edges of the screen that has all you need to make your own quest.
    This would include: "create path", "place champion", "add node", "create portal", "create dialogue", "restrictions".

    "Create Path"
    - This seems pretty self explanatory, but I shall explain it anyways.
    - You can see a HUD that lets you create a path in any of the 8 directions that are allowed, up, down, left, right, diagonals.
    - You can choose between options of length before a new path is created.

    "Add Node"
    - For champions that have already been placed you may choose to toss a node onto them, allowing you to pick whatever node effect you wish to add.
    - You can choose between adding a Linked Node, Local Node, and Global Nodes.

    "Create Portal"
    - Allows for creation of portals to other areas of the map.
    - You can choose between the 3 types of portals, Singular, Multiple, and Random.

    "Place Champion"

    I have two ideas for ways to add champions to the map that Kabam can implement.

    1. You can only add champions that you can select from your roster.
    2. You can add any champion (including adaptoids, boss characters...) from a large roster that comes in all star ratings.

    At champion selection:
    You can choose its Rank and Level.
    You can choose whether or not it is Awakened and the level of their Awakened Ability.

    "Create Dialogue"
    - Allows for the little dialogue scenes to be added because EVERYONE LOVES THOSE! (Not sarcastically, unless you constantly have to skip through them while grinding exploration.)
    - Can add the "emote animations" to the dialogue scenes.

    - Allows for addition of restrictions for entering the quest like the Variant quests.(Champion Star Ratings, Champion Class, Recommended Power Rating.)

    Perhaps some sub-categories in a settings button, "change background", "lock camera" (like in LoL).


    You would be able to publish these quests onto a "Community Quests" tab located somewhere in the "Fight!" tab in the menu.
    Instead of being ordered like regular quests, since there are so many, it would be in lists, sort of like the global leaderboards. You can order it by categories, "Popular", "Recent", "Oldest", "Featured", and "Previously Featured".
    BUT, in order to publish your quest you MUST "verify" the quest by completing it yourself to show that it is possible to complete.

    Anyone who plays the quest can "rate" it after playing or completing it.
    They can do so by, "liking", "disliking", "REPORTING", "Give Difficulty Rating".

    "Give Difficulty Rating" would basically be the communities influence in the level of difficulty the quest should be classified as if it was to become "Featured" (Featured quests is an additional idea I added below.)

    These Quests require no energy to be used while playing.
    These Quests do not give rewards, besides maybe 50 Gold upon completion.

    You can only play 10 Community Quests a Day to avoid players creating "empty" quests and others continuously replaying the quests to get "infinite" Gold.


    Below is another possible addition that I believe would answer MOST of the "lack of content"/"burnout" questions and concerns.

    Community Featured Quests!!!

    Here, Kabam or verified Content Creators, would "Feature" about 4 quests total every week. Every Quest submitted to feature by a Content Creator would be reviewed by a Kabam employee to avoid "Self-Featuring" and "Featuring because you know someone". Depending on the difficulty (determined by the Kabam employee or Content Creator) the rewards would be picked among these below:

    Beginner: 50x Premium Hero Crystal Shards.

    Normal: 75x Premium Hero Crystal Shards + 75x 3 Star Shards + 1,000 Gold.

    Heroic: 100x Premium Hero Crystal Shards + 50x 4 Star Shards + 1,750 Gold.

    Master: 200x Premium Hero Crystal Shards + 100x 4 Star Shards + 2,500 Gold.

    Uncollected: 25x Grandmaster Crystal Shards + 50x 5 Star Shards + 5,000 Gold.

    Variant: 75x 4 Star Shards + 25x 5 Star Shards + 15x 6 Star Shards + 5,000 Gold.

    Beyond Hope: 500x Premium Hero Crystal Shards + 100x 4 Star Shards + Tier 4 Basic Catalyst + 7,500 Gold.

    Beyond All Hope: 100x 5 Star Shards + 25x 6 Star Shards + 10x Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystals.

    DESPAIR GIVEN FORM: 200x 5 Star Shards + 75x 6 Star Shards + 1x 2% Tier 5 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystal.

    How about that, huh? They seem like fair rewards for how many would be getting put out a week (2 to 4 a week).
    The rewards may seem "meh" to some, but remember! These would only be optional, completed only if the player wishes to do something besides grinding exploration, AQ, AW, Arena 24/7 (joke lol).

    There would be no Exploration Rewards, the player would simply be rewarded 500 Gold for every additional completion of any quest until fully explored.

    These "Featured" Quests would require a set amount of energy to enter.

    1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5.

    Energy required for each difficulty in that order.

    The Quest only gives the rewards for the rest of the week that it is in the "Community Featured Quests" tab. After the quests featured time is up it will be moved to the, "Previously Featured" category filter in the, "Community Quests" tab and does not require anymore energy to be used.

    NOW, what about the benefits for the creator of the quest???
    If your quest becomes Featured.
    - You earn 1 Gold for every 25 plays on your level.
    - You earn a title! Quest Creator.

    The Quest Creator would be earning around, 75,000 to 140,000 Gold for the week which doesn't seem to bad to me.

    Maybe there can be addition titles and rewards if you get more featured quests but that's up to Kabam to decide.

    I had a TON of fun writing that out for about an hour and a half! If anyone wishes to add more or any questions i'll try my best to come up with something for said question.

    First off, I love this idea @IamToast. In fact, I made a similar post when I first joined the forums.


    I think that if you can place a champ regardless of star level, you should be able to use any champ when playing in the created quest.

    Character Placement: These are champs you place in a created quest. You can place any champ you want with any nodes. I didn’t change this one, but put it for reference.

    Character Restrictions: This is kinda from my Alliance challenge idea, but there are two parts to this.

    1: You can choose whether the player in this quest has to use their own champs or gets to select from every champ in the game.

    2: Regardless of what you put, you can then put filters, like only five star rank 3 avengers. You could also do multiple filters like five star rank 3 avengers AND 6 star rank 1 lvl 1 black order champs.

    This does mean you can put filters on levels too.

    My last suggestion is the ability to put multiple of yours together into a chapter or an act that other people can do for much more gold. Or the other way to implement this is to make multiple into a series. If I like to test a lot of champs in their ideal and not ideal circumstances, then I could put into a series. If you have a good idea for a variant with existing nodes, you could make it into an act for others to test in their entirety. You also have the ability to play any quest in a series or act.

    I think tags should also be part of naming. If you have an event quest like quest, you can tag it with #eventquest this way we can filter it by type.
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    Z2f6hQ said:

    New make your own Crystal idea.
    I got this idea from watching a live stream from Brian grant where someone in the comment section said something to the extent of it would be cool if Kabam would allow us to make our own crystal.
    My idea for this would be where players participate in daily quests and event quests or get so Many points in the arena will be able to decide which champions Will get to go into the crystal pool (this Crystal will be specifically for that individual player) example: i get a certain amount of points in the arena. I am then able to choose 10 champions 4*-6* i then place them in the Crystal. This way players might not feel like grinding the arena or playing daily or event quests was just a big waste of time resources and maybe even money. This way if they need a specific champion to help get through a certain part of the game they’ll shouldn’t be so disappointed in pulling a champion out of that Crystal. Many times We as players finish content to just get champions that we have no use for.

    paragraphs σας παρακαλούμε
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Z2f6hQ said:

    New make your own Crystal idea.
    I got this idea from watching a live stream from Brian grant where someone in the comment section said something to the extent of it would be cool if Kabam would allow us to make our own crystal.
    My idea for this would be where players participate in daily quests and event quests or get so Many points in the arena will be able to decide which champions Will get to go into the crystal pool (this Crystal will be specifically for that individual player) example: i get a certain amount of points in the arena. I am then able to choose 10 champions 4*-6* i then place them in the Crystal. This way players might not feel like grinding the arena or playing daily or event quests was just a big waste of time resources and maybe even money. This way if they need a specific champion to help get through a certain part of the game they’ll shouldn’t be so disappointed in pulling a champion out of that Crystal. Many times We as players finish content to just get champions that we have no use for.

    Maybe like, instead of like, Cav crystals as A6+ rewards, they could have Cav crystals, but with an increased chance to drop “wish list” champions. Essentially a featured Cav but for those wish listers specifically.

    I can see something implemented like that where it’s not guaranteed but at least an increased chance for those wish listers specifically.
  • RU11011RU11011 Member Posts: 880 ★★★★
    @SpideyFunko both of those ideas are awesome!
    Regarding your first idea, it might need some other restriction to allow a leaderboard to actually work, because just about anyone with good skill and a g2099 or Aegon can take the boss down with relative ease.
    To even out the playing field and bring some competition in, it could be similar to what another person had said about the Thanos boss at NYCC (can't seem to find the comment). Maybe a 5-10 minute timer, as well as a set rarity and rank of Champions so anyone can get on the leaderboard.
  • DuplicatoreDuplicatore Member Posts: 3
    AQ Redesign - it is just a rough idea (not a native speaker^^):

    6-8 Paths, no Energy needed. No additional global nodes.

    _No_ linked Nodes on the paths, but each path has a linked node to the Boss at it's end. Your only goal is to kill the boss (no exploration needed). You get addtional rewards for each node, that is still active when you kill the boss.

    The higher the Maps the harder the paths are in itselsf.

    You can choose as batlegroup if you want to clear all paths. If someone struggles you have backups, as there are only 6-8 paths. If you want to go for a harder boss (and more rewards) you can leave some nodes on him and have more people go for him. You could also try it with alot of nodes active and have a backup team to clear some nodes if it's to difficult.

    You have 24h for this and as there is no Energy needed you do have enough time to plan ahead what you would like to do. Or you could just simply go in, clear all paths, kill the boss and be done at the evening or next morning.

    As i've said, it's just a rough idea, but i can see alot of additional finetuning in this kind of game mode.
  • AburaeesAburaees Member Posts: 514 ★★★
    IamToast said:

    Here's one! It's been floating around in my head for a while!



    That's right, The ability to create your very own quests!

    There would be some sort of menu/HUD along the edges of the screen that has all you need to make your own quest.
    This would include: "create path", "place champion", "add node", "create portal", "create dialogue", "restrictions".

    "Create Path"
    - This seems pretty self explanatory, but I shall explain it anyways.
    - You can see a HUD that lets you create a path in any of the 8 directions that are allowed, up, down, left, right, diagonals.
    - You can choose between options of length before a new path is created.

    "Add Node"
    - For champions that have already been placed you may choose to toss a node onto them, allowing you to pick whatever node effect you wish to add.
    - You can choose between adding a Linked Node, Local Node, and Global Nodes.

    "Create Portal"
    - Allows for creation of portals to other areas of the map.
    - You can choose between the 3 types of portals, Singular, Multiple, and Random.

    "Place Champion"

    I have two ideas for ways to add champions to the map that Kabam can implement.

    1. You can only add champions that you can select from your roster.
    2. You can add any champion (including adaptoids, boss characters...) from a large roster that comes in all star ratings.

    At champion selection:
    You can choose its Rank and Level.
    You can choose whether or not it is Awakened and the level of their Awakened Ability.

    "Create Dialogue"
    - Allows for the little dialogue scenes to be added because EVERYONE LOVES THOSE! (Not sarcastically, unless you constantly have to skip through them while grinding exploration.)
    - Can add the "emote animations" to the dialogue scenes.

    - Allows for addition of restrictions for entering the quest like the Variant quests.(Champion Star Ratings, Champion Class, Recommended Power Rating.)

    Perhaps some sub-categories in a settings button, "change background", "lock camera" (like in LoL).


    You would be able to publish these quests onto a "Community Quests" tab located somewhere in the "Fight!" tab in the menu.
    Instead of being ordered like regular quests, since there are so many, it would be in lists, sort of like the global leaderboards. You can order it by categories, "Popular", "Recent", "Oldest", "Featured", and "Previously Featured".
    BUT, in order to publish your quest you MUST "verify" the quest by completing it yourself to show that it is possible to complete.

    Anyone who plays the quest can "rate" it after playing or completing it.
    They can do so by, "liking", "disliking", "REPORTING", "Give Difficulty Rating".

    "Give Difficulty Rating" would basically be the communities influence in the level of difficulty the quest should be classified as if it was to become "Featured" (Featured quests is an additional idea I added below.)

    These Quests require no energy to be used while playing.
    These Quests do not give rewards, besides maybe 50 Gold upon completion.

    You can only play 10 Community Quests a Day to avoid players creating "empty" quests and others continuously replaying the quests to get "infinite" Gold.


    Below is another possible addition that I believe would answer MOST of the "lack of content"/"burnout" questions and concerns.

    Community Featured Quests!!!

    Here, Kabam or verified Content Creators, would "Feature" about 4 quests total every week. Every Quest submitted to feature by a Content Creator would be reviewed by a Kabam employee to avoid "Self-Featuring" and "Featuring because you know someone". Depending on the difficulty (determined by the Kabam employee or Content Creator) the rewards would be picked among these below:

    Beginner: 50x Premium Hero Crystal Shards.

    Normal: 75x Premium Hero Crystal Shards + 75x 3 Star Shards + 1,000 Gold.

    Heroic: 100x Premium Hero Crystal Shards + 50x 4 Star Shards + 1,750 Gold.

    Master: 200x Premium Hero Crystal Shards + 100x 4 Star Shards + 2,500 Gold.

    Uncollected: 25x Grandmaster Crystal Shards + 50x 5 Star Shards + 5,000 Gold.

    Variant: 75x 4 Star Shards + 25x 5 Star Shards + 15x 6 Star Shards + 5,000 Gold.

    Beyond Hope: 500x Premium Hero Crystal Shards + 100x 4 Star Shards + Tier 4 Basic Catalyst + 7,500 Gold.

    Beyond All Hope: 100x 5 Star Shards + 25x 6 Star Shards + 10x Tier 4 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystals.

    DESPAIR GIVEN FORM: 200x 5 Star Shards + 75x 6 Star Shards + 1x 2% Tier 5 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystal.

    How about that, huh? They seem like fair rewards for how many would be getting put out a week (2 to 4 a week).
    The rewards may seem "meh" to some, but remember! These would only be optional, completed only if the player wishes to do something besides grinding exploration, AQ, AW, Arena 24/7 (joke lol).

    There would be no Exploration Rewards, the player would simply be rewarded 500 Gold for every additional completion of any quest until fully explored.

    These "Featured" Quests would require a set amount of energy to enter.

    1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5.

    Energy required for each difficulty in that order.

    The Quest only gives the rewards for the rest of the week that it is in the "Community Featured Quests" tab. After the quests featured time is up it will be moved to the, "Previously Featured" category filter in the, "Community Quests" tab and does not require anymore energy to be used.

    NOW, what about the benefits for the creator of the quest???
    If your quest becomes Featured.
    - You earn 1 Gold for every 25 plays on your level.
    - You earn a title! Quest Creator.

    The Quest Creator would be earning around, 75,000 to 140,000 Gold for the week which doesn't seem to bad to me.

    Maybe there can be addition titles and rewards if you get more featured quests but that's up to Kabam to decide.

    I had a TON of fun writing that out for about an hour and a half! If anyone wishes to add more or any questions i'll try my best to come up with something for said question.

    Love it 😍

  • SharkfaceSharkface Member Posts: 27
    Firstly, I really like the Boss Rushes that come by every now and then. I was thinking, maybe every like 2 or 3 weeks they could make a boss rush. It would allow content creators to create new nodes that they think the people would enjoy and also allows for Kabam to get ideas on new nodes from these content creators. It would also be refreshing for the community to have different battles with different nodes.

    For rewards there could be the usual 10k 5*, or cut it to 5k 5* shards because it would appear every two to three weeks. I am not a Cavalier yet so I'm not sure what would fit them, but maybe like 3k 6* shards? They could also add a couple of heals/revives to help people with Act 6.

    This is just one of my ideas; people can add on/change some parts. :)
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★

    AQ Redesign - it is just a rough idea (not a native speaker^^):

    6-8 Paths, no Energy needed. No additional global nodes.

    _No_ linked Nodes on the paths, but each path has a linked node to the Boss at it's end. Your only goal is to kill the boss (no exploration needed). You get addtional rewards for each node, that is still active when you kill the boss.

    The higher the Maps the harder the paths are in itselsf.

    You can choose as batlegroup if you want to clear all paths. If someone struggles you have backups, as there are only 6-8 paths. If you want to go for a harder boss (and more rewards) you can leave some nodes on him and have more people go for him. You could also try it with alot of nodes active and have a backup team to clear some nodes if it's to difficult.

    You have 24h for this and as there is no Energy needed you do have enough time to plan ahead what you would like to do. Or you could just simply go in, clear all paths, kill the boss and be done at the evening or next morning.

    As i've said, it's just a rough idea, but i can see alot of additional finetuning in this kind of game mode.
    Tbh this basically sounds like AQ but able to finish in 20 min and encourages leaving linked nodes up. Or a solo players alliance quest. Don’t quite see the appeal...I feel like people would find the most efficient path and only run that, finish really fast, and be done with it until tomorrow. Unless you could do multiple, which might be something, but it would hurt players who can’t play all the time, which is the opposite of what you were aiming for I think.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    This just sort of came into my head, but I think it would be kinda interesting if there was a mode where the 5 person team limit is expanded to like, 20 or something, so people could get really creative with synergies and stuff. It would probably devolve into power gain stun lock stuff, but there are enough stun counters that it wouldn’t be too big of an issue. I love seeing big numbers (like in the Symbiote difficulty with the boosts), and this would be a cool way to do it. It would allow for a lot of creativity.

    Or alternatively, just have a mode where all synergies possible activate and you can see all of the ones active and just go ham on some big health pools.
  • Mrspider568Mrspider568 Member Posts: 2,007 ★★★

    This just sort of came into my head, but I think it would be kinda interesting if there was a mode where the 5 person team limit is expanded to like, 20 or something, so people could get really creative with synergies and stuff. It would probably devolve into power gain stun lock stuff, but there are enough stun counters that it wouldn’t be too big of an issue. I love seeing big numbers (like in the Symbiote difficulty with the boosts), and this would be a cool way to do it. It would allow for a lot of creativity.

    Or alternatively, just have a mode where all synergies possible activate and you can see all of the ones active and just go ham on some big health pools.

    Did you see my idea about world boss
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★

    This just sort of came into my head, but I think it would be kinda interesting if there was a mode where the 5 person team limit is expanded to like, 20 or something, so people could get really creative with synergies and stuff. It would probably devolve into power gain stun lock stuff, but there are enough stun counters that it wouldn’t be too big of an issue. I love seeing big numbers (like in the Symbiote difficulty with the boosts), and this would be a cool way to do it. It would allow for a lot of creativity.

    Or alternatively, just have a mode where all synergies possible activate and you can see all of the ones active and just go ham on some big health pools.

    Did you see my idea about world boss
    Yeah I never played FF for more than like 20 minutes a couple years ago, so I can’t comment on what I don’t know. Don’t see how it’s specifically relevant to synergy overloading.
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