July offers - 2020

LucianoDelHoyaLucianoDelHoya Member Posts: 1,458 ★★★
Hello Summoners!. We are getting close to that time of the Summer again! (Winter in Australia lols).

What will your budget be for this year?

Will you decide based on what's on offer?

Will you buy regardless? As the offers are normally well above what we get in 350 days in the year.

Will you quit the game if RNG screws you over and you've just had enough?

Are you one of the few whales who will spend £100000ands?

July offers - 2020 115 votes

Will spend between €$£0.00 - €£$4.99
TheJalliShrimkinsBigdogbobLosspikINTEGRALAspenLvernon15ascendanceNojokejaymWarBros23RoOOtsBrokenTheHeroDeservedLmaoLittlePeteSairam44jacboonXva23TheDuke899GAV3777 55 votes
Will spend between €$£4.99 - €£$10.00
AdvStaphMemberCHIEF1121 3 votes
Will spend between €$£10.00 - €£$28.99
Scopeotoe987Dnegrin6969Sparx265Emka007SeaminManofCumCrcrcrc 6 votes
Will spend between €$£28.99 - €£$49.99
IKONItsDamienJohnyBoyA_Cay47JJR22_ 5 votes
Will spend between €$£49.99 - €£$99.99
GiulioV99KRANꓘPyrdaStellan 4 votes
Will spend between €$£99.99 - €£$299.99
Jim0172TSM_McocTheTalentsMatty_IceShamir51 5 votes
Will spend between €$£299.99 - €£$499.99
Sw0rdMasterStevieManWonderTotalMonster109Arifutera 4 votes
Will spend between €$£499.99 - €£$ 999.99
GodrohrAldacbrandinhoChriissRCapAvenger 5 votes
Will spend €£$999.99+
Spity68SavageYeti2631MathgeekVedant_Mehta 4 votes
Corona-Virus hit me hard (financially)
JestressCarnageQueenVivek_786LilMaddogHTTimrosArceus111Saransh245RaikisStagedear85Legendboy2411TheKiryuAleorPImpDaddy_Sham_CASrinivaskubricknolanBlackadder17996SPIDER_MANLovekJtheGoat 24 votes


  • GOTGGOTG Member Posts: 1,040 ★★★★
    No from me unless the offer helps.

    You will not buy 10% tier 5 class catalyst if you have done everything in the game. It's beyond stupid. I will bypass.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,463 ★★★★★
    It would need to be something transformative for my account and also linked to a unit purchase (which it usually is). I figure I will need to bank units for AoL, finishing out Act 6, etc., but I’m honestly not sold on that right now either.

    So consider me undecided—I suspect game team decisions over the next few weeks will have a fair amount of influence.

    Dr. Zola
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  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    Will spend between €$£299.99 - €£$499.99
    It depends on a few factors. If I’m back at work by then, if Kabam’s roadmap is any good, what’s being offered, and if Kabam handles the current situation with state of the game in a good manner. If those things don’t happen, then I won’t spend a dime, but if they do, I will probably spend my normal amount for July 4th and cyber Monday, which is around $300-450
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,257 ★★★★★
    Will spend between €$£99.99 - €£$299.99
    My spending is contingent on Kabam listening to the player base and providing concrete changes. This update is huge in determining on how I use my wallet moving forward.
  • RoOOtsRoOOts Member Posts: 234 ★★
    Will spend between €$£0.00 - €£$4.99
    Just 0€ should be a an option.
  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 877 ★★★★
    If it's RNG, no chance. My 6*'s suck so I have no desire to get a random t5cc. Needs to be selector
    I'd spend on a 6* and 5* class nexus.
  • ChriissRChriissR Member Posts: 655 ★★★★
    Will spend between €$£499.99 - €£$ 999.99
    Depends what the deals are tbh. If they're appealing, then I probably will.
  • Lvernon15Lvernon15 Member Posts: 11,599 ★★★★★
    Will spend between €$£0.00 - €£$4.99
    Not spending money, trying to build up 15k units though
  • Feeney234Feeney234 Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    Depends on how good the offers are. Also, what their next announcement says...
  • Agent_X_zzzAgent_X_zzz Member Posts: 4,498 ★★★★★
    All depends on the offers that come out
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  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    This poll needs a "willfully choosing not to spend" option.
  • AouxWouxAouxWoux Member Posts: 426 ★★★
    Will spend between €$£0.00 - €£$4.99
    Not spending any money. I am f2p and will skip this offer because I blew all my units on the doom crystals.
  • MenkentMenkent Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    I went pretty hard on black Friday because it was huge amounts of 6* shards and t5b. Granted, I got pretty lucky with the 6* crystals I opened (guillotine 2099, bwcv, ghulk). Had I pulled trash it would have been a very different experience. Given the state of the game and Kabam's refusal to address any of the systemic problems that have existed for years... idk. Maybe for a 6* awakening gem or a 6* 2>3 rank up? But I'm not dropping $100 for 10% of a t5cc, that's for damn sure.
  • lowlevelplayerlowlevelplayer Member Posts: 4,292 ★★★★★
    Will spend between €$£0.00 - €£$4.99
    I never spend, and the only time I'd ever consider spending is if they change AW, start listening to the community, make changes to the crystals, and start making reasonable offers
  • EtjamaEtjama Member Posts: 7,981 ★★★★★
    Will spend between €$£0.00 - €£$4.99
    I ain't spending a dime. I'll save 1000 units for the first deal, but that's it.
  • edited June 2020
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  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    this explains why you’re nuts.

    you’re an aussie.
  • LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★★
    Corona-Virus hit me hard (financially)
    Corona virus has not impacted me but my plan is to not spend any actual $$$. I have plenty of units though ready from the grind to get the unit cache offers Kabam typically puts out there
  • Moso_04Moso_04 Member Posts: 2
    Hey guys who knows when will be a 6 stat nexus crystal offer again?
  • Moso_04Moso_04 Member Posts: 2

    Hello Summoners!. We are getting close to that time of the Summer again! (Winter in Australia lols).

    What will your budget be for this year?

    Will you decide based on what's on offer?

    Will you buy regardless? As the offers are normally well above what we get in 350 days in the year.

    Will you quit the game if RNG screws you over and you've just had enough?

    Are you one of the few whales who will spend £100000ands?

    Hello Summoners!. We are getting close to that time of the Summer again! (Winter in Australia lols).

    What will your budget be for this year?

    Will you decide based on what's on offer?

    Will you buy regardless? As the offers are normally well above what we get in 350 days in the year.

    Will you quit the game if RNG screws you over and you've just had enough?

    Are you one of the few whales who will spend £100000ands?

    Hello Summoners!. We are getting close to that time of the Summer again! (Winter in Australia lols).

    What will your budget be for this year?

    Will you decide based on what's on offer?

    Will you buy regardless? As the offers are normally well above what we get in 350 days in the year.

    Will you quit the game if RNG screws you over and you've just had enough?

    Are you one of the few whales who will spend £100000ands?

    Hello Summoners!. We are getting close to that time of the Summer again! (Winter in Australia lols).

    What will your budget be for this year?

    Will you decide based on what's on offer?

    Will you buy regardless? As the offers are normally well above what we get in 350 days in the year.

    Will you quit the game if RNG screws you over and you've just had enough?

    Are you one of the few whales who will spend £100000ands?

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