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  • Carnage313Carnage313 Member Posts: 359 ★★★
    I’ve done two. No where is it fun or engaging. Rewards horrible and not worth time as usual. I’ll be passing on this event for rest of month.
  • PulyamanPulyaman Member Posts: 2,365 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020

    Here is my issue. Epic is for all intents and purposes for anyone Uncollected and up. In reality, for anyone capable of it, but the majority have been people capable of Uncollected. Most of the time the difficulty of it is within consistent range. Especially for something that needs to be done once a day. People do it month after month because they need said Rewards to develop their Accounts. Not just because they want to. Not just because they "can always pass or do lower", or "get better". They know they're fully capable of Epic because they've done it month after month.
    Then a month comes that the amount of difficulty is jacked up because "What about the End-Game Players?". They say they're bored and want it harder and harder. Only they scarcely need the extra 5* and 1k 6* Shards. So what you end up doing is making a Difficulty noticeably harder for a very large number of people compared to the number that are bored and not challenged by it at all, all so they aren't satisfied with the Rewards. Meanwhile, the rest of the people not in that small number are left with discouragement and frustration for an entire month, and having to settle for Rewards that barely suit them. Then they're told they're just not skilled enough. Git gud.
    I've made this point repeatedly, and I will make it everytime it comes up. Taking Epic and jacking it up just to make End-Game people happy is a huge flaw. Add something else for Cavalier only if that's the case. Even if the EQ isn't out yet. There are far more people being left with a sour taste in their mouth all month long than those who are whizzes. It's disappointing to be able to complete one aspect consistently and depend on those Resources, only to be told now and then "Not this month. Maybe next.".

    Aren't you always the one telling people that if they don't have the roster they should be patient? As a Cavalier player this difficulty seems just fine for me. 26 r5 champs, I might lose one or two champions tops per run.

    I would like you to keep this feeling in mind the next time you respond about act 6.
    I was just about to type the same thing when you chimed in. I only have 6 R5 champs and the quests were easy for me. I did not die the first two times, and died to tigra once because I did not know her special animations. But, got her down with CAIW
  • SeraphSeraph Member Posts: 65
    I have the roster to do Epic but there appears to be a lack of understanding when setting the difficulty/rewards?
  • robination3788robination3788 Member Posts: 19
    The randomizers on the final boss node only cycle between 3 main nodes (Masochism, Oscillate, Fury). That's a bit frustrating, and it feels like game play hasn't really changed. We need a specific set of champions to deal with Oscillate, Masochism and Fury. Slightly frustrating.

    Also, the last encounter on the selected path seems a bit over-tuned, even for a somewhat okay mid-level player. I ran into Viz-Aarkus on the last path, only to burn through MORE revives. Admittedly, I botched the first two rounds of fights, but, when Viz-Aarkus manages to shake off 5 parries in a row, that does not inspire confidence that "fight cadences" are the same across the board.

    In the end, it's like we've got two boss encounters on the level of Act 5.6 / Act 6.1 for somewhat mediocre daily rewards.

    I'm just musing, and I'm not sure if anyone else feels the same. I could be missing the point as well.
  • Just_grindingJust_grinding Member Posts: 115
    Difficulty of the content does not match the rewards. And Kabam adding a few more T5B does not make up for it. Epic is way harder than event quest, but rewards mediocre in comparison.
  • Panda504337Panda504337 Member Posts: 77
    are we ever gonna hear about the buffs not being random???
  • CrainOnTheBrainCrainOnTheBrain Member Posts: 82
    I really like this event compared to last month’s. Lots of good improvements to the modok labs. I know they recently added 5* shards to the store for Cav players. I’m uncollected, and I would be extremely happy if we could pay for 5* shards at a higher token price or for less shards or a lower cap for buying compared to the cav players. Uncollected players are at the level where 5*s are expected for us to be using to clear content. I would also argue that cav players are expected to have 6*s and should be able to buy a few 6* shards with tokens. Nothing insane, but like, a total of 1000 available for a high price. The grandmaster and cavalier crystals reflect the expectations of players rosters compared to their content difficulty level, so I feel like this is a fair ask.

    Other than that, this is a really good event quest and I appreciate the improvements made to the modok labs. I like this month! Thanks for constantly showing how Kabam is listening and improving on feedback for the game.
  • Scopeotoe987Scopeotoe987 Member Posts: 1,552 ★★★★★
    Is there gonna be anything else this month? What about platinum pool?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian

    Difficulty of the content does not match the rewards.

    Difficulty is both relative and subjective. If the content was exactly as difficult as you thought it should be for the rewards given, anyone who perceived the difficulty to be higher, such as a weaker strength player, would see the difficulty being much higher but the rewards would not generally be seen as proportionately more valuable. Everyone stronger than you would see the difficulty as lower than expected for the rewards. In both cases they would say that the difficulty did not match the rewards.

    So how do you make the difficulty match the rewards, when everyone is judging difficulty subjectively? What's the objective standard for matching difficulty and rewards?
  • 1_ShuNeu_11_ShuNeu_1 Member Posts: 375 ★★★
    I’ll have issue finishing this each cycle
  • WestleyLWestleyL Member Posts: 3
    So I have two MODOK contracts. The first is for Sabretooth and the second is for Beast. I just beat Beast and I did not get the reward.
  • PiviotPiviot Member Posts: 658 ★★★
    Same here I beat both
  • UgnautUgnaut Member Posts: 46
    I have been playing for 5 years and never have posted but this month side quest with Modok is ridiculous on the level of difficulty vs the rewards given. The ramp from the lowest champ is bad enough but then the extra buffs on top. The randomized don’t work well and why would I spend 20 gold to delete 1 buff that is 1/3 of the epic award for 1 buff. This event difficulty is inconsistent with all other events at this level historically. I don’t mind spending money on the game but this is just frustrating.
  • HieitakuHieitaku Member Posts: 1,374 ★★★★★
    Kabam, we know you can read all of our comments in this forum. Please. We just want to be treated fairly.

    I'd personally like to believe that you are working on a positive solution on the issues that have recently come up, in addition to the existing ones from the previous weeks and months. I want to have faith in your intentions. I prefer not to have this tension and loss of trust between you and the community.

    As with many situations, putting yourselves in our shoes and knowing the negative effects that these issues have brought up is a good place to start finding the best solutions. Apart from opposing game designers, I do not believe that anyone wants to be in the negative situation we are in right now. There but a few things that promote a game or service any better than having a happy and satisfied customer base.

    Please. Help us to help you.
  • UgnautUgnaut Member Posts: 46
    I agree with Grounded Wisdom on the rewards more or less between master and epic. I just recently became Cavalier and I don’t know if I am going to bother with the epic Modok quest at all this month. Most bosses in previous epic events have been around 24k, if you compare this event with last month and add in the buffs and ramping it is probably 3x harder, so maybe last month was too easy, I didn’t struggle with it all. But even so previous months epic events were no where near as hard and the rewards were atleast equivalent in previous months. This to me is a slap in the face to people who have been playing the game for a long time. I’m constantly asking people in my alliance to rank up their characters, contribute, etc.. but when you get whacked with something like this it is fairly demoralizing.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,058 ★★★★★

    For the sake of this point, let's say that Master is aimed at Uncollected Players, and Epic is aimed at Cavalier.

    Epic should be aimed at Elder's Bane.
    I sound like broken record.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,488 ★★★★★
    Ugnaut said:

    I agree with Grounded Wisdom on the rewards more or less between master and epic. I just recently became Cavalier and I don’t know if I am going to bother with the epic Modok quest at all this month. Most bosses in previous epic events have been around 24k, if you compare this event with last month and add in the buffs and ramping it is probably 3x harder, so maybe last month was too easy, I didn’t struggle with it all. But even so previous months epic events were no where near as hard and the rewards were atleast equivalent in previous months. This to me is a slap in the face to people who have been playing the game for a long time. I’m constantly asking people in my alliance to rank up their characters, contribute, etc.. but when you get whacked with something like this it is fairly demoralizing.

    Not just last month. Every month consistently this year, it's been reasonably doable for the majority. That's my biggest issue. When it's made harder, much harder, then it stumps peoples' growth.
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★
    Another issue is, you can't just go into a level of difficulty, and scout it out first, and decide if you have the correct champs for the job.

    Kabam should allow refunds of the 'sample collector' if you don't move, and just exit out.
  • LordLuizLordLuiz Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2020
    Acredito que a kabam deveria ter colocado 1000 fragmento de 5☆ para os não-colecionando,e deveriam colocar 1000 frag de 6☆.
  • GrimXYZGrimXYZ Member Posts: 110
    I find this version of MODOK labs much easier than the previous ones for one reason that many have already observed as a disadvantage: it seems like the randomizer does not do much of anything and you always end up with a similar set of nodes.

    Why does it make things easier? I have done the lab 4 times now, and I have always done the mutant path. I did it the first time because I thought I will just follow what Seatin did. Every other time I go in the champs and nodes are all very similar, quite often the same nodes as in previous runs but maybe in different combinations. It looks like there are not a lot of variations. So it was easy for me to plan who to bring for a counter. I have no idea if this is true for the other paths, or if I am just lucky so far...
  • Nish12Nish12 Member Posts: 4
    After wonderful event why it has to be so tough and not rewarding event.... now this is getting boring for me
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    I've haven't used that many randomizers. When I have I have occasionally seen the same node I was trying to remove come back, but I have randomizers in stash and haven't purchased any. Haven't deleted any nodes. I'm enjoying the quest.
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