Medium to Long Term Roadmap

I was wondering if we can get a date on the mid to long term roadmap.
On the announcement it said, "We’ll have more information on an updated Roadmap, and more changes we plan to make in the medium and long term for you in early June."
I consider "early June" to be the first week of June and it has been over a week into the month so can we get a date on when this will be coming?
On the announcement it said, "We’ll have more information on an updated Roadmap, and more changes we plan to make in the medium and long term for you in early June."
I consider "early June" to be the first week of June and it has been over a week into the month so can we get a date on when this will be coming?
You consider first week of June early, I consider anything before the 15th early.
a roadmap will do nothing more than cause false hope and failed expectations
All I know is that I'm not spending another dime on this game until I see the updated roadmap. My Sigil and Daily Unit Card expired over a week ago. And Kabam can forget my July 4th money too if they don't act before then with something that actually looks promising. This game is an absolute clown fiesta and I'm absolutely losing my interest in playing this anymore!
Seatin posted some very realistic concerns with this game on May 7th and left his alliance over the state of the game. Most of the other YouTubers expressed their concerns shortly after. Since then alliances have been passing around documents trying to organize a list of changes we'd like to see and trying to organize boycotts!
And Kabam has don't nothing in response for over a month now other than ask us to wait indefinitely while they take their sweet time responding to an angry community! This is BS Kabam!! Please respond sooner than later!