Why do 5* and 6* dupes give the same amount of iso as 4*???

Can anyone besides the unholy trio of kabam worshippers (you know who you are) give a viable reason why 5 and 6 star dupes shouldn't give more ISO than 4 stars? It scales up from 2 to 4, so why does it stop scaling at 4?
Does it make sense when you factor in the rate at which you’ll be opening 4s, 5s and 6s?
When 4s first came around they were not very common, similar with 5s and now with 6s but over time the lesser rarities have become more common, by a significant factor. Being more common means their dupes can be used towards higher rarity rank ups.
You’ll be opening x4s to open 5s and x5s to open 6s. When factoring that in 5s and 6s award more iso than 4s given the rate at which you open and dupe them.
If you sell them...well don’t sell them.
5*s on dupe should at least award 48x tier5 class iso and
6*s at least 72x tier5 class iso 👍
They really should update how much ISO you get and how many shards you get on dupes.
Kabam is always way behind in all this--unless of course you want to buy Cavs, then they don't care about game economy.
Kabam Should increase the ISO count for duped 5* & 6*.. it will also help in resolving gold scarcity to an extent but i am pretty sure they won't. Another logical post will go unanswered
P.S: i am sure of 3 dislikes
But as someone said earlier, once you are up to having plenty of 5*'s and some 6*'s, you'll open plenty of duped 4*'s and that is where the ISO you need comes in. I have never run out of ISO needed for upgrades. In fact I often end up having to sell it to get extra gold.