Most underrated champ

A lot of champs get a bad press. Mostly deserved in many cases, but I feel some comes from people not knowing how to use them effectively or lacking a desire to use them because they don't fit their style.
Sure, they'll be a lot I've missed and some you feel don't belong
Sure, they'll be a lot I've missed and some you feel don't belong
Most underrated champ 110 votes
Some characters get improvements as the game updates or they serve to defeat a newer champ easier and deserve a second look. Spider-Gwen seems to have improved greatly recently IMO
I've nothing against OML, I would feel the cats would be better spent.
I'm not a fan. Falls into what I commented, doesn't fit my style or I don't know how to get the best use
His one purpose is to stop evaders, but you need to use S1 every time for that. He needs to be reworked for sure. Add dmg to s1 and/or make true strike permanent til you're struck like focus.
This, I find amazing to believe mate! But I voted spidergwen so what do I know
I agree. Ant man is a tank, has a really good defense Sig (which is effective against SP3s) and useful (if not inspiring) poison damage. Obviously he could be better ( but he doesn't deserve the negativity he gets.
Hawkeye isn't really underrated, everyone knows about him now since the Bautista challenge
Another believer, I love my R5
I think his focus should have different tiers.
Like, after not getting hit for 10 seconds, it gives you the regular crit buff (tier 1)
After another 10, a crit damage buff (tier 2).
After a final 10, a small (20% maybe?) power gain buff (tier 3).
Works with the whole focus concept and compliments his kit. His special one would just move you up a tier.
I really do like Karnak, btw, and I'd say he's my favorite underrated character. He and most of the other characters on this list really just needs a little nudge. Or a huge push if we're talking about colossus.
Definitely another solid one. His power reduction on L2 is crazy good. Just wish it was his L1 and he would be a prime collector killer