Which of these was harder at the level you were when you did them?
Which of these story acts was harder to explore and cost more items and headaches at the level you were when you initially did them? Also, which might you feel has better rewards for the difficulty and progression level at point of exploration?
Which of these was harder at the level you were when you did them? 98 votes
Besides that, the mutant quest will be fun because I can just domino trinity it into oblivion
But yeah, still pretty boring ngl.. Hope my opinion changes
‘Nuff said.
5.2.4 (caltrops path with a global machochism) was the hardest for me. There is an electro on that path already, and I still got ambushed by another electro on my way down that path. I was using all but 1 5 star (morning star) so the static shock damage I took from those two fights, were pure and unadulterated BS (I know pure is similar to unadulterated. But I just can't emphasize enough how I hated those fights.
This can be seen simply by comparing relative power levels of available champions vs defenders, let alone the crazy niche nodes so many encounters come with. To be able to roll up Act 6 in the way newer plAyers rolled up Act 5 they would require 8* champions to be able to ‘brute force’ it.