Any word about Android Oreo 8.0.0 update issue? [Fix in for Next Update]

Kabam Mike posted back on August 28th about this issue, but have not heard anything since.
Even if it is only impacting a small amount of users, not being able to log in is immensely frustrating.
I don't have another device to play this game on and it's hurting me and my Alliance.
Has anyone heard anything about a fix?
Even if it is only impacting a small amount of users, not being able to log in is immensely frustrating.
I don't have another device to play this game on and it's hurting me and my Alliance.
Has anyone heard anything about a fix?
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on
I can confirm in this post that a fix is underway for the issue. I can't provide a definitive ETA on when exactly it'll be ready because of how varied Android devices can be, and how many manufacturers and such there are who run the Android OS.
It's a top priority for the team though, so I do thank you very much for your patience, and I apologize for all the trouble that this has caused.
Seriously. Haha. I would rather they come right out and say no than not give a definite answer. At least we would know we are getting hosed out of rewards. Haha.
Thank you.
Well if we keep this thread active, it will stay towards the top and more people will see it. Then maybe we will see it is impacting more people than Kabam thinks and they will work faster on an update.
There are news? I also have this problem
It's really absurd what's happening with Android 8
I too have the same problem!!!
I Need help!!
We need help!!!