[iOS] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • TelmaraelTelmarael Member Posts: 40
    In-Game Name: Telmarael
    Device and Model: iPhone xsmax
    Device Operating System: ios 13.5.1
    Cellular or WiFi: both.
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.0
    Game Mode: logging in
    Description of the Issue: currently in China...I can't log in with or without vpn. Sometimes it lets me through for a moment and then freezes again. If it lets me in, the connection gets lost at the end of the fight.
  • WandererJamesWandererJames Member Posts: 9
    In-Game Name: Wanderer James
    Device and Model: iPhone 7 plus
    Device Operating System: IOS 13.5.1
    Cellular or WiFi: The issue happens when using both Wifi and cellular data. The carrier of my cellular is Chinaunicom
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.0
    Game Mode: problem in logging in to the game and during incursions
    Description of the Issue: I am a player in China. Starting at around 3 AM EDT July 16th, I was unable to enter the game with either Wifi or cellular. The system informs me that there's a "problem connecting to network". However, all my other games run perfectly well as unaffected, and my network is proven to be fine when I do other things on a computer.
    Also, when I had access to the game before the problem arose, I always had a problem when doing incursions. Every time when a zone is completed I would make a decision with my teammate about whether to start a new zone or to conclude. But every time I was stuck at the decision-making step until I quitted the app and relaunched.
  • FoleaduFoleadu Member Posts: 4
    In-Game Name: Foleadu
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: IOS 13.5.1
    Cellular or WiFi: the problem occurs on both cellular (China Mobile) and WiFi, though yesterday WiFi had more problems.
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.0
    Game Mode: generally unable to log in to game as of today

    Description of the Issue: My problem is similar to others above. I’m a player in China. Starting from June 16 (about 3am EDT) I was usually unable to log in to the game on WiFi. I got the “problems connecting to network “ error or the loading icon just kept spinning. For a while I was able to connect on cellular data, but as of now (4pm EDT) neither WiFi or cellular are working. I’m able to connect on a VPN right now, but based on experience I expect that this will not be a reliable solution throughout the day. Other games and apps on my phone seem to be working normally.

  • SupaflyaznSupaflyazn Member Posts: 75
    In-Game Name: -Supaflyazn-
    Device and Model: iPhone 6
    Device Operating System: iOS
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.0
    Game Mode: Alliance War
    Description of the Issue: For the past week, upon entering a fight, the game crashes. A few days ago it was worse, because I was in the middle of a fight against a Doom mini-boss in War, and the game just crashed. Today, I was on lane 5 in War fighting against a Guilly99, and the game goes to the loading screen, struggles for a little and then crashes. The problem that I have is that this is a regular occurrence in the afternoon, even after clearing out cache and resetting my phone... and there is no auto-rejoining an AQ or AW fight after a crash, it just crashes, takes 1/2 our life, and then we lose an AB in War, with no compensation... THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. For as much as you guys make off in-game purchases, including all the recent 4th of July deals, you really NEED TO FIX YOUR SERVERS OR EXPAND TO BETTER SERVER RACKS!!!
  • Jay_2328Jay_2328 Member Posts: 1
    iOS 13.5.1 iPhone XR game couldn’t start. Loading took so long

    Whereas another device iOS 13.5.1 iPhone SE has got no issue at all

    Pls help. Tq
  • its_kenits_ken Member Posts: 36
    In game name: its_ken
    Device: iPhone 7+
    Device os: 13.4.1
    Cellular or Wifi: both
    Game version: 27.2.0
    Game mode: AQ, questing, WAR, arena, Variants
    Description of Issue: game crashes during fights. Sometimes with I restart the app the fight screen that shows a fight in progress is there and I can restart the fight. Other times, it is not and then my champs are just dead.
    Please help! @Kabam Miike
  • buffajrbuffajr Member Posts: 424 ★★
    In-Game Name: buffajr
    Device and Model: iPhone 7 Plus
    Device Operating System: iOS 13.5.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Sprint, Both
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.0
    Game Mode: All game modes
    Description of the Issue: Past 24 hours my game has been continuously crashing. I can only get a few fights in before it crashes.
  • SupaflyaznSupaflyazn Member Posts: 75
    In-Game Name: -Supaflyazn-
    Device and Model: iPhone 6
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.4.7
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi, Verizon Wireless
    Game Version Installed: Version 27.2.0
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Finding Sasquatch Side Quest, Arena & Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: So, every time that I am playing with Doctor Doom, or against Doom, for some reason the game crashes when either I launch a S2 or block an S2. This has happened when my phone is charged, and has been reset prior to Alliance War too (I blocked an S2 when it crashed). It seems that the animation is taking way too much power to animate, and causing my phone to crash every time.
  • MohammedalhadiMohammedalhadi Member Posts: 3
    In-Game Name: MohammedAlhadi
    Device and Model: iPhone X
    Device Operating System: iOS 13.6
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi, 4G
    Game Version Installed: Version 27.2.0
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Loading screen of the game
    Description of the Issue: stuck in the loading screen and want let me inter the game
  • ZombieDude1234ZombieDude1234 Member Posts: 66
    Will all of these emergency maintenances take up our daily calendar grace days?
  • DanosaurDanosaur Member Posts: 6
    iPhone 7
    iOS 13.6
    WIFI & 4G
    Version 27.2.0

    I cannot log in to the game; it won't progress past the Guardian loading screen.
  • ZatbustZatbust Member Posts: 23
    iPhone 7
    iOS 13.6
    WIFI & 3G
    Version 27.2.0

    Game crashes in random spots. Either at start up, after going to messages, after claiming rewards, after going to inventory, pre fights, during a fight, just before a win in either solo quests or arena. Game automatically makes me lose whichever fight I am in resulting in me losing my streak in arena or half/all my health in quests. Been experiencing this problem since this morning.
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  • ohgodnoohgodno Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: ohgodno
    Device and Model: iPhone 7 Plus
    Device Operating System: iOS 13.6
    Cellular or WiFi: Both (WiFi provider: Airtel, Mobile carrier: Jio)
    Game Version Installed: 27.2.0
    Game Mode: None. Issue happens during loading.
    Description of the Issue: The game never loads. When I click on the app it brings up the loading screen that says "KABAM" and then it goes to the screen that shows Guardian. The app never continues past this screen. On the bottom right of this screen where it says loading, the loading bar (circle) just keeps circling. This has been happening since around 6pm IST on July 31.
  • Thunderbolt4406Thunderbolt4406 Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2020
    Name in game:Thunderbolt4406
    Celphone: IPhone 7 Plus
    iOS: 13.6
    Game version: 27.2.0
    Game mode: act 4 chapter 4 level 5
    Celphone or wifi: Wifi (infinitum) Celphone (TELCEL)

    I have a big issue. I was trying to complete act 4 chapter 4 level 5, but I couldn’t because there’s a part where i can’t choose which way do i want to go. What I mean is that the path is moving alone. For example if i wanted to go right way i couldn’t because it automatically choose left side. This is not happening all over the quest. It is only happening in corner left side almost at the begining.

    I hope you can help me.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,952 ★★★★★
    Name in game: Will3808
    Device: iPhone 7
    iOS: 13.6
    Game version: 27.2.0
    Game mode: alliance quest, alliance war, and solo questing
    For the last week or so I’ve had problems of the game crashing while playing different modes. It happens more frequently in alliance war but has happened in alliance quest and solo questing too. I’ve also had a lot of game lag consistently throughout all three of the above mentioned modes. I updated my phone two days ago and both seem to have gotten better but they haven’t gone away. Thanks Kabam for checking in on this especially with all the other in game complaints people are having.
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  • Prajval849Prajval849 Member Posts: 16
    Asus zenfone 5z
    Android 10
    Mobile data
    Every game mode
    This might be the worst month in terms of updates and maintainence. Every game mode is bugged and tha crashing and in-game lagging issues have became more visible and occures more often then ever before. This leads to loss of so much resources and is frustrating. Giving out compensation is not the solution every time for these things. I suggest you to please fix the game for our better gaming experience rather than giving out rewards and not fixing the in-game problems.
  • Kpkp9879Kpkp9879 Member Posts: 13
    I have moto g5 s plus.when I play important fight then crash game.and I restart the game then I lose my health.always in aq and aw.i have fast internet wifi, high-speed fone.my fone have 50gb empty storage.every time I facing that problem from last update.plz solve that problem.
  • Wavey_bkWavey_bk Member Posts: 16
    In game: wavey Bk
    iPhone 8
    iOS 13.5
    Game version: 25.0
    Game mode: v3
    Description of issue: I went to buy units and it said my card was declined and I had to type in my Apple ID password so I went out of the game to check it, i come back, typed it in and then it kicked me out and kept saying network error. I was max boosted and had used lots of units on the final kang fight when the game kicked me out.
  • Space_gooSpace_goo Member Posts: 127
    Good fix today. Seriously. I was about to create a support ticket, but the interruption stopped. Glad you caught this one
  • Space_gooSpace_goo Member Posts: 127
    @MCOC Team

    Dropped again. Worked in Android. Eventually came back up in iOS. Know what's happening, and if this connection is fixed?

  • Space_gooSpace_goo Member Posts: 127
    @MCOC Team

    For tracking

    case #: 05566546
  • edited August 2020
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  • LSUCoolsLSUCools Member Posts: 49
    In-Game Name: LSUCools
    Device and Model: iPhone 11pro max
    Device Operating System: iOS 13.5.1
    Cellular or wifi
    Game Version Installed: 28.0
    Game Mode: ALL AREAS
    Description of the Issue: blocks will not register or they are about 0.5s too late. Dexing is also an issue! Parties not catching because of the blocking problems.
  • Prince32Prince32 Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2020
    This u worst game ever i played fill this form many time did you kabam guys with us or you need only money? To much angry on you i just fight in aw first i i won that fight then got a worst message Network disconnected even i have good connection. U guys deserve 0 rating in play store. Ju fully make this game a joke that's why peoples are leave this game.
  • Prince32Prince32 Member Posts: 10
    Didn't you guys ever solve this issue. I am sorry for bad words but it's truei love this game but youguys make this game fully a joke.
  • Space_gooSpace_goo Member Posts: 127
    Support doesn't know what's happening. They asked me to fill a form. Open a ticket with support, so they can track responses, and case tickets, to figure out the problem
  • JfinchJfinch Member Posts: 6
    Just updated on my samsung S8 and went into INCURSIONS and game went dark once in a fight and block didnt work plus choosing hacks didn5 work had to choose 2 to 4 times and made me back out. Restarted game and no change
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