Announcing: Act 5 Chapter 3



  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    The parry timing and block penetration on 5.3 is out of control.

    I agree. Im fine with losing because i scre up or block too much, but not from a perfect parry that doesnt work
  • Carmel1Carmel1 Member Posts: 634 ★★★
    the blocking\parrying damage (i think i noticed that after v14) is much higher than what it used to be... not just in act 5.3 but also in other contests like AQ. it's very close the the damage we saw between v12 and v12.1.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Why not give us a 5 star crystal for 5.3?
    Why not make the 5 star awakening generic?
    Why not gives us rewards according to difficulty?
  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Why not give us a 5 star crystal for 5.3?
    Why not make the 5 star awakening generic?
    Why not gives us rewards according to difficulty?

    Because ita just a chapter. Chapter rewards have always been ****, act rewards are where its at. Just wait till December
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Rewards are trash for 5.3 just like they were for 5.2
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Rewards are trash for 5.3 just like they were for 5.2

    Pretty decent rewards for an easy chapter.
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    How about:Announcement: Most bugs fixed in next update.
  • Monk1Monk1 Member Posts: 762 ★★★★
    Next time they should make all paths only 10 steps and full of 3* champs.. then give 10 t2a and 3 5* champs as rewards - come on, it is meant to be hard. I ran 100% and prob spent 500 units on refills and the odd team revive. Not bad for effectively 10 t4b and 6 t4c.

    I also like the level up gems, as saves t4c just expiring or using in crappy champs
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    Just completed 5.3. It was a crazy journey, but very much doable.

    Yea, the block damage is damn high, which would mean you have to constantly parry. For me, there were 3 key champions in my team that I could use for any quest: My 5* R4 Magik, my maxed wolverine and my maxed 4* SL. Wolverine is really good since he can regenerate, so as long as you parry occasionally, you will out-heal the block damage and survive the fight.

    Magik was great for those fights with enemies that had difficult-to-dodge or must-block specials. Enemies like Venom and Punisher were some examples. She was also great against champions who triggered a ton of buffs like OML, Groot, War Machine and King Groot. Despite the weakness, her L3 does a lot of damage if there's a ton of buffs.

    Lastly, 4* SL. Pretty much any fight could be done by him. Sure, that dreaded 50% weakness slows things down, but he can still kill the opponent usually in less than a 100 hits since his attack still builds up.

    So yea, I'm going to explore 5.3 slowly and hopefully spend minimal potions. I'm a bit afraid of those paths behind key gates, but hopefully it'll work well when I bring my Ronan into them.
  • EdenrrificEdenrrific Member Posts: 57
    Really the only thing difficult in my opinion was the science paths in 5.3.5 and 5.3.6 which was spiked armor. Only CB is a good counter to this node. But overall I think the chapter was extremely long and tedious and honestly wanted a bigger challenge. When I say bigger challenge I mean also a revamp in rewards. I expect this to be the case in 5.4 but that is 3 months or so off. Cant wait!
  • AcanthusAcanthus Member Posts: 447 ★★★
    edited September 2017
    Edenrrific wrote: »
    Really the only thing difficult in my opinion was the science paths in 5.3.5 and 5.3.6 which was spiked armor. Only CB is a good counter to this node. But overall I think the chapter was extremely long and tedious and honestly wanted a bigger challenge. When I say bigger challenge I mean also a revamp in rewards. I expect this to be the case in 5.4 but that is 3 months or so off. Cant wait!

    My BW ran all over spiked armor. 5* R4 Ronan and Iceman could take 3-4 fights without dying. That node isn't really special
  • Monk1Monk1 Member Posts: 762 ★★★★
    Edenrrific wrote: »
    Really the only thing difficult in my opinion was the science paths in 5.3.5 and 5.3.6 which was spiked armor. Only CB is a good counter to this node. But overall I think the chapter was extremely long and tedious and honestly wanted a bigger challenge. When I say bigger challenge I mean also a revamp in rewards. I expect this to be the case in 5.4 but that is 3 months or so off. Cant wait!

    I used a r4 GP and ran through that path with no revive. Just takes time, let them bleed.
  • MegaVoltsMegaVolts Member Posts: 114
    Scottryan wrote: »

    I did that path with my r5 vis. Cable and deadpool were easy, the magneto between them was not. Any other things to look out for in exploration

    There are spectre nodes (I think 2 paths). Thats guilly's ability (reverse healing). So if you are running suicide and willpower, you will lose a lot of health.
  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    Reinstag wrote: »

    There are spectre nodes (I think 2 paths). Thats guilly's ability (reverse healing). So if you are running suicide and willpower, you will lose a lot of health.

    Thanks! I am not using suicides but will steer clear of my beast and x23 on those paths
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    Block damage is insane.

    They took out all Magiks but added awakened Dormammus. You're hilarious Kabam.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Power Reserve is bug and needs urgent fix.
    I was trying to spam Ronan sp1 against Dormammu in 5.3.4. Sometimes it fails and I don't get half of power bar back, meaning that I die with more unavoidable damage.
    These nodes are ridiculous. Separated would be "ok", but the two together are BS.

    Take this feedback and don't add Magik's, Dormammu's, Iceman's or Hyperion's in 5.4.
    Also don't create two powerful nodes and add them together
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    Did you Beta Test this?

    Yes we did! Thanks once again to our testers for their invaluable feedback. We made lots of changes based on their thoughts, perhaps most notably: we removed Magik completely from this Chapter, as her interactions with Power Reserve were… let’s just go with “fun” and “interactive.”

    So the beta testers didn't like Magik but they loved duped 20k Dormammus?

  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Any news about the issue with Power Reserve?
    I just did a 600 hit combo and lost the battle due to this bug
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    Morgan wrote: »
    One word to sum up: boring.

    Endless steps act4-alike, with yes, relatively easy fight where:

    1)There's at least 2 Champions with unevadable specials 1 or 2. Block dmg is your friend.
    2)There's Champions combined with nodes forcing you to stick to a non-100%dmg class in order to have a chanche
    3)You're pretty much dead if you get hit or fail a parry, and oh look, parry is broken still.

    And i'd be still good with it, as there's some interesting paths, and overall you need just to keep focused, if not for some "icing" on the cakes, among which, i'd like to point out a few:

    1)Dormammus. Every chap has its dormammu, with a mesely 1900 dmg x tic on his degen. Got rid of magik and put him instead. Basically you made our pacify void, and added a more unavoidable unavoidable dmg.

    2)Cable. On the power reserve node this Champions SHOULDNT EVER be placed. Again, you tried something new with class diversity and forced us to use just Magik for a Whole entire path. I'd like also to point out that every special used on power reserve by any champion actually gives them more than 50% of power back (l1 brings back to 65% dmg). Having to deal with 3 power gain and a costant healing, no matter how many l1 you evade isn't fun. It's just milking.

    3)ICEMAN. You placed him as pre bosses foe, forcing every path to deal with him in 5.3.6. WHich is absolutely a joke, considering the amount of unavoidable dmg you are forced to take, which, consequently, forces you to a full heal before attempting, and would you fail, more full heals.

    Overall, as much as i liked the idea of fixed classes, once more you screwed up for pure greed, as the purpose of making class specific teams was totally killed by the nodes, opponents, and choiche of enemies. Plus the notorious and now infamous wallet nodes above.

    Im trying HARD to be constructive, but this chapter, aside the rewards which will, unless you're a tuber, 99% disappoint you (tons of cosmic and science gems saw so far) started pheraps with good will and motivations but soon enough ends up being a long, boring, and frustrating chore.

    You still have a long, much longer way to go, Young padawans.

    If you're having issues with the paths then you're most probably not ready. Magik handles Cable and Dorm just about perfectly, and Iceman just needs you to have a decent health pool and play well. It was a lot better than when Iceman was first introduced bring unstunnable and all.

    Yes, some fights were longer than usual but definitely no money grabs. I didn't spend a single unit less energy refills exploring 5.3.
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    I think people need to relook at the previous Acts and how the rewarding was like.

    When you look back at those previous acts, realise how every chapter's completion and exploration rewards were quite little and measly compared to what you could get if you actually completed and explored the ENTIRE act?

    Everyone's judging these chapter 3 rewards as if that's the only thing you'll get when you explore the chapter. Erm, no, when you explore the chapter, you are one huge step closer to exploring the entire Act, and when you do that, you will get a giant boatload of rewards that you have been so eagerly waiting for.

    So really, look at the chapter rewards of Act 5, they are already pretty decent if you take difficulty out of the picture for a second. Ok, now think of those rewards...but you multiply their quality by like 6, that's your exploration rewards.

    I say we should judge the rewards only when the entire Act's rewards have been announced.
  • Kabam DKKabam DK Moderator Posts: 221
    Hey everyone, just wanted to give a quick update on some of the issues around Power Reserve. It appears as though there's 2 main issues at play for most folks:

    1. Sometimes Power Reserve doesn't work for you
    2. Power Reserve is making certain champs (Cable most notably) proc their abilities way too often.

    We just wanted to let you know we're looking at ways to solve these issues without opening it up to be broken again in the future, but we do not currently have a time-frame for these fixes. I will update this thread once we've addressed these issues or have more information, but I can tell you it won't be in the next update due to the complexity of the situation.

  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    I think Assassin mastery is interacting with Power Reverse. Most of the times that I didn't got any power back was when the enemy was under 18% HP.
    Also it failed when I was using the following: Special attack + 4 hit combo + special attack. All too quickly considering that the special stunned the enemy
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    Kabam DK wrote: »
    Hey everyone, just wanted to give a quick update on some of the issues around Power Reserve. It appears as though there's 2 main issues at play for most folks:

    1. Sometimes Power Reserve doesn't work for you
    Wow, glad to know it's actually an issue. Several times, I have gotten confused and thought I was crazy as to why my Ronan suddenly has not enough power for his next special attack after stun ends when the minimum power you can go down to with Power reserve is half a bar (unless you get power controlled).

    Shame to hear it won't be fixed for quite awhile, because I'm already exploring my final quest 5.3.6 as we speak, but I'm fine because the issue so far has cost me only 3 lvl 1 revives, which I guess I can let go.

    As for Cable triggering his buffs too much, yea, it's like Magik (if she was ever on power reserve) but with a different twist. He can be countered with Magik, which was what I did, but with any other champion he is wayyy too strong, very few power control champs can match this guy (Dormammu can, but anyone else, I don't know). But already dealt with him so yea. :/
  • Kabam DKKabam DK Moderator Posts: 221
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    I think Assassin mastery is interacting with Power Reverse. Most of the times that I didn't got any power back was when the enemy was under 18% HP.
    Also it failed when I was using the following: Special attack + 4 hit combo + special attack. All too quickly considering that the special stunned the enemy

    Was this happening to you on multiple fights? Which enemies were you facing? (this will help us ensure it doesn't crop up again - thanks!)
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    I think Assassin mastery is interacting with Power Reverse. Most of the times that I didn't got any power back was when the enemy was under 18% HP.
    Also it failed when I was using the following: Special attack + 4 hit combo + special attack. All too quickly considering that the special stunned the enemy

    That actually makes a lot of sense now that I think of it!

    During those times where I died, I think I went ahead and did MLLLM or MLLL special before I stunned the opponent again, but the original stun effect was still there, so maybe power reserve didn't trigger because of my pacify. Usually I would do MLM and then MLLL special, so by the time I throw in my special, the stun effect would have worn off.

    As for assassination, yes, I think that might be the cause too. One time, that issue popped up on my final stun, because I ended the fight with 0 power.

    Therefore, I think it is likely that Power reverse is being affected by the masteries Pacify and Assassination. Because Power reserve is a node on the opponent, it could be (accidentally) considered as a defensive ability, hence its interaction with such masteries.

    Good insight, I think I can agree with you.
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    Kabam DK wrote: »

    Was this happening to you on multiple fights? Which enemies were you facing? (this will help us ensure it doesn't crop up again - thanks!)

    For me, yes. It has happened on 4 different occasions, 3 of which resulted in my death.

    For those occasions, I believe I switched up my usual attacking tactic a bit so that I could use my L1 instead of my L2, since after all, L1 would use half a bar and L2 uses 1. The stun effect was still there when I threw my next special, and power reserve didn't work. I too, have the pacify mastery.

    For one occasion, at the end of the fight, power reserve didn't trigger and it consumed 2 bars of power when I popped my L2. I have assassination.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Kabam DK wrote: »

    Was this happening to you on multiple fights? Which enemies were you facing? (this will help us ensure it doesn't crop up again - thanks!)

    It was on multiple enemies, but it didn't happened in all fights.
    But there is one specifically that I remeber, which is Hyperion on 5.3.6. I was using Ronan, played well in the entire fight and then Power reserve failed at the end. I revived, and it failed again right in the first special attack.
    One more revive and it failed again in the first special. All when Hyperion was with low HP
  • BlackhawkbillBlackhawkbill Member Posts: 117
    edited October 2017
    For the record.....the science path w spiked armor in 5.3.6 is the epitomy of an example of what a bunch of mindless unimaginative and lazy **** your developing team is;)

    Unavoidable damage is hands down the largest pile of **** and a big **** you guys for creating it....
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