Bleeeds not converting to prowess. Cavelier quest. Mutant quest
Is anyone else having it to where none of the bleeds on there mutants are being converted to prowess buffs when activating specials.
the node doesn't say oh by the way this only applies to champs without AAR .. if they designed it that way, then they need to start using better descriptions on these nodes so we're not left guessing what they meant or searching through the terms of use trying to find out how all of these things interact with each other.
sorry just my rant. but often times when you read a node's description and expect it to perform the way that it reads, it doesn't and you're left losing a path or fight or whatever when some clear and defined descriptions could alleviate the issue.
posts like these are far too common. so we definitely need better descriptions on some of these nodes and how they interact with abilities. not every summoner in the game is versed in the intricate details of abilities and nodes and samba dances.