He has his niche uses, stuff like the gimme path in 6.4 and he’s still a solid magik counter, but he’s pretty much never the best option for anything these days
He has his niche uses, stuff like the gimme path in 6.4 and he’s still a solid magik counter, but he’s pretty much never the best option for anything these days
I’ll also add to this that his biggest drawback is that his biggest synergy is ghost rider, and ghost rider has little-no viability outside of map 6 and below aq past act 5, and blade simply does not justify bringing a near enough dead weight champ with him, which is why I consider him niche
For Act 5 and below, he is still a beast. Just not viable for more higher content. AW : He is still a beast, I see almost two or three blades as Attacker in Gold Wars. AQ he is a beast no words. Just that other champs has taken over his God tier title. When you compare him with other champs he can come in around solid God tier champ. But if you look only at him, he is still beyond God (atleast for me) My personal opinion is that people would think twice before ranking him cause members are looking for beyond God tier champs with high prestige and since blade is 11th highest skill champ, sooooo.... Yeah. Again this my personal opinion.
For Act 5 and below, he is still a beast. Just not viable for more higher content. AW : He is still a beast, I see almost two or three blades as Attacker in Gold Wars. AQ he is a beast no words. Just that other champs has taken over his God tier title. When you compare him with other champs he can come in around solid God tier champ. But if you look only at him, he is still beyond God (atleast for me) My personal opinion is that people would think twice before ranking him cause members are looking for beyond God tier champs with high prestige and since blade is 11th highest skill champ, sooooo.... Yeah. Again this my personal opinion.
Blade gets outdated very quickly, destroys act 5? Yes, anything further than that? Not at all. Aq he isn’t good for map 7, doesn’t have the utility, other maps are super simple and have millions of options. Aw he’s basically never used in high tier wars, and being 11th best prestige within a class isn’t an achievement in the slightest
For Act 5 and below, he is still a beast. Just not viable for more higher content. AW : He is still a beast, I see almost two or three blades as Attacker in Gold Wars. AQ he is a beast no words. Just that other champs has taken over his God tier title. When you compare him with other champs he can come in around solid God tier champ. But if you look only at him, he is still beyond God (atleast for me) My personal opinion is that people would think twice before ranking him cause members are looking for beyond God tier champs with high prestige and since blade is 11th highest skill champ, sooooo.... Yeah. Again this my personal opinion.
Blade gets outdated very quickly, destroys act 5? Yes, anything further than that? Not at all. Aq he isn’t good for map 7, doesn’t have the utility, other maps are super simple and have millions of options. Aw he’s basically never used in high tier wars, and being 11th best prestige within a class isn’t an achievement in the slightest
That was what I explained here 😅. Act 5√ Aw : yeah in high tier wars he isn't used much, but at gold level I actually have seen him several times. AQ: I don't know about Map 7 , never tried it so not gonna argue on it. I guess prestige is what people are looking for. And I meant that he is 11th highest prestige skill champ, so people don't want to rank him up. But yeah he is pretty much God tier still.
Having nick fury,aegon and blade at rank 5 I still use blade more often than the other two. He probably isn’t great for the end game players but if your a mid game player like myself he is amazing. I use him for every monthly event quest and he still has uses in act 6.
I can never bad mouth about Blade. He helped me to complete and explore Act 5, got me through Lol's first run, countless quests, aqs, wars. Effective from the first figh doesn't need ramping u. I can't bring him into Act 6 cause I don't have GR but if I had him, Blade would've shine in there too.
As someone said " Never forget those who helped you in tough situations."
3* blade vs the collector ftw But my guy couldn’t beat act 5 Ultron But fr, besides his danger sense, all he got is that regen and somewhat damage. Still a good champ tho (blade > Taskmaster) @MaxGaming
I still use him mainly without synergy (as I only have them unranked 4*) at r5.
He is good for diss track, buffet, masochism, any bleed based nodes, electro, magik, dormammu, mephisto. Stun immune matchups he’s good once you get going as his powergain allows him to throw specials on pretty much every combo giving your opponent proportionally more power too so you can just bait and punish specials without much blocking or intercepting.
Cav eq used him a lot in the science and skill chapters, one shot magik boss every time and killed biohazard electro.
Herald science quest killed most of the path and void boss.
Using him to clear paths in act 6 but still at champion in that acc. I’ll use him for do you bleed medusa in 6.3 but guess his usefulness in story might start to wane at that point, we’ll see.
Awakened he’s still one of the most durable champs in the game with regen on demand - my R5 heals around 700/tick. Providing they bleed it’s very easy to keep well topped up.
Danger sense is still a very useful tool IMO and with it he does hit hard. I’d describe him as a jack of all and master of none. For those of us sitting on 20-30 R5s we’re rarely going to use him but for progressing players I’d argue he’s still one of the best champs you could pull if you have GR to go with him.
Throughout 6.1-2 the majority of bosses are villains and blade is a very viable option - sure he’s not the best option, but the odds of a player working towards cavalier having the best option for each quest is low and he ticks a lot of the boxes to make them manageable.
He's a #medium sized champion so there's definitely enough room. But with 150+ champs, it is getting kinda stuffy especially with Warlock's big head in the way
I use my 5 star maxed out Blade all the time in AQ map5. However, lately i have been using him as a defender, since he benefits from the stubborn/defensive tag and usually gets me 2-3 def kills in Tier 5 AW. Blade with Danger sense is still one of the best option, sometimes better than HT. Let me explain you why. If you are up against a mystic/villain path, HT will get you throught it but he would lose HP along the way. With Blade abd his infinite regen, you will demolish that path and finish wiyh 70% HP. This month, Cavalier difficulty, chapter 3 Magik Boss... Blade was one of the best counters, along with HT and AA.
So yeah, overall he is still the 3rs best skill.champ out there behind Aegon and NF.
blade is just a great all rounder imo. even without danger sense i still consider him pretty solid because of his sig, easy access to bleeds, debuff reduction time and good damage. ill probably max him out when i get t4 skill cats
An ok champ without.
My personal opinion is that people would think twice before ranking him cause members are looking for beyond God tier champs with high prestige and since blade is 11th highest skill champ, sooooo.... Yeah. Again this my personal opinion.
Act 5√
Aw : yeah in high tier wars he isn't used much, but at gold level I actually have seen him several times.
AQ: I don't know about Map 7 , never tried it so not gonna argue on it.
I guess prestige is what people are looking for. And I meant that he is 11th highest prestige skill champ, so people don't want to rank him up. But yeah he is pretty much God tier still.
As someone said " Never forget those who helped you in tough situations."
He is good for diss track, buffet, masochism, any bleed based nodes, electro, magik, dormammu, mephisto. Stun immune matchups he’s good once you get going as his powergain allows him to throw specials on pretty much every combo giving your opponent proportionally more power too so you can just bait and punish specials without much blocking or intercepting.
Cav eq used him a lot in the science and skill chapters, one shot magik boss every time and killed biohazard electro.
Herald science quest killed most of the path and void boss.
Using him to clear paths in act 6 but still at champion in that acc. I’ll use him for do you bleed medusa in 6.3 but guess his usefulness in story might start to wane at that point, we’ll see.
Gets a bad deal imo, he’s a really useful champ.
Danger sense is still a very useful tool IMO and with it he does hit hard. I’d describe him as a jack of all and master of none. For those of us sitting on 20-30 R5s we’re rarely going to use him but for progressing players I’d argue he’s still one of the best champs you could pull if you have GR to go with him.
Throughout 6.1-2 the majority of bosses are villains and blade is a very viable option - sure he’s not the best option, but the odds of a player working towards cavalier having the best option for each quest is low and he ticks a lot of the boxes to make them manageable.
However, lately i have been using him as a defender, since he benefits from the stubborn/defensive tag and usually gets me 2-3 def kills in Tier 5 AW.
Blade with Danger sense is still one of the best option, sometimes better than HT. Let me explain you why. If you are up against a mystic/villain path, HT will get you throught it but he would lose HP along the way. With Blade abd his infinite regen, you will demolish that path and finish wiyh 70% HP.
This month, Cavalier difficulty, chapter 3 Magik Boss... Blade was one of the best counters, along with HT and AA.
So yeah, overall he is still the 3rs best skill.champ out there behind Aegon and NF.