How many units do you get per week?
How many units do you get per week and where do you get them? I was wondering because some people grind crazily and others just play the game at their own pace and I'm interested to see the range. It was also to see if I'm missing any unit sources to push up for the Cyber Monday deals. I'm interested to see any insights into the sources of units
Arena is your main source tbh. The classic variants and beginner/normal of EQ is easy units though, just autofight through
I like to save my battlechips and open them when I need units/gold.
800 and a bit from the arenas and another 200 from EQ exploration, calanders, solo events etc. Can get about 250k BC in a normal week
Lol syke syke. I get about 300 also. I don’t do insane arena but I try to get about that.
That's 1000+ that I've listed thus far.
weeks when i try to push through content- 500-800 units
Before my first AOL path I sweated arena hard and was getting about 400-500 units/cycle which probably worked out at around 1100/week including MEQ at various difficulties but that was followed by about 2 months of feeling queasy every time Kabam inboxed me with arena notifications.
All the milestones in the 4* basic, 4* featured and all the milestones that give units in the catalyst arenas. As for the 5* featured I normally get upto 7.5 million points and some days I push towards the 12 million milestone.