Act 6 Compensation

Bit of a broken record at this point but when is act 6 compensation coming out @Kabam Miike ? Now that the final changes are all planned with the next update, should we expect to see it around the same time? If not, does the team have a roadmap for when we can receive it?
It's been a long time since initial changes were made. Those of us with 100% act 6 have mostly finished all content by now. Don't limit compensation to consumables we can't use, please. Units would be a disappointing but acceptable alternative.
Expect this thread to be merged but I honestly can't see the latest thread on it anyway...which is weird! Strange for forum users to have gone quiet on this.
It's been a long time since initial changes were made. Those of us with 100% act 6 have mostly finished all content by now. Don't limit compensation to consumables we can't use, please. Units would be a disappointing but acceptable alternative.
Expect this thread to be merged but I honestly can't see the latest thread on it anyway...which is weird! Strange for forum users to have gone quiet on this.
This discussion has been closed.
My guess is that we recieve compensation for the 6.3 and 6.4 nerf this week (dont shoot me if Im wrong), given we recieved the 6.2.6 compensation a month after the update.
Or else 2 t5cc slector,30k 6* shards and 50k 5* shards
The next round of compensation will likely be similar to the one we received for the 6.2 Champion fight - boosts, revives, and potions. In all honesty I can’t see them issuing a chunk of units this close to Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
It would definitely be nice to receive these consumables in way that makes them exempt from expiration, but it’s not something I have high hopes for.
I’ve currently still got 2 more paths left of the Abyss, so I’ll make good use of them either way. My first 3 paths have been entirely unitless, and the extra boosts and consumables will go a long way in ensuring that the last 2 paths are similarly cost-effective.
Earlier each path required 500 units sometimes
Even you can check many YouTubers videos using that much pots
Now it’s just a cakewalk for everyone
People had actually burnt 3k units alone on 6.2 without even clearing him but what they got consumables which gonna expire.
Had you explored everything 100% you too didn’t wanted consumables too
No, I didn't use 6* shards to explore act 6. Yes, I did lose out on 6* shards and T5c fragments because I did it when I did it. So there really should be compensation beyond just consumables--especially as I have no content to use those consumables on anyway.
I think they should give us the choice of consumables, units or repeat of July 4th bundles. That would then cater well to everyone's differing progression and opinions on where best to invest units.
Can confirm though, Act 6 is pretty easy now, I explored most of 6.2 for free now. I’ve left Sinister and Mordo along with the 6.2.6 bleed path until last pending the nerf and my total spend has been 10-15 revives, of which a fair few were when I screwed up the Champion.
Update goes live tonight right? Next couple of hours?
I decided last week to go for the Abyss completion even though Black Friday and Cyber Monday are coming. Even if they decided to nerf Abyss in the future, I would not even think about demanding a repetition of said deals for compensation. It was my decision, and I knew that amazing deals are coming soon. I still thought that it would be a good decision, and I stick with that decision. Apparently, you were happy with your decision too.