
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,986 ★★★★★
    Out of curiosity, what are your Mystic options?
  • 100100100100 Member Posts: 111
    SWORD78 said:

    In all fairness it’s your fault for spending 12000 units

    Yup. Or keep waiting months to pull champ you want. Lol
  • 100100100100 Member Posts: 111

    You could have used those units to fully explore Act 6 and try your luck with the 6-star Nexus Crystal - and grab another T5CC Crystal.

    If you do all content (100% act 6 and Abyss) - you'll more than likely be in a position to Rank 3 a champion that you're happy with, especially with the Abyss Nexus Crystal.

    That i agree but. Nothing is confirmed evem in act 6 exploration bro.

    No t5cc selector and chances to get 6* good mystic from 1 crystal is very less then all these i opened.

    And abyss exploration is only hope remaining for mystic champ now.

    Everywhere else its just crystals and no selsector anywhere
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    100100 said:

    For that matter, they could have saved for Cyber Monday or some other Offer.

    Those officers also gives crystals. They don't give champs
    they give 6* nexus crystals..... like 3 of them, plus 25k 6* shards for 2 bps offers for that amount of value.
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,593 ★★★★★
    Well that was a mistake. The benefits of the title are not worth throwing away that many units on cav crystals.
  • 100100100100 Member Posts: 111

    Ebony_Naw said:

    This hurts my soul. If you're halfway to Act 6 exploration and had 12k units why weren't Act 6 and Abyss exploration on the table? Much better odds of getting a worthy r3 through those routes.

    Exactly this. Why spend 12k units on cavs instead of finishing Abyss. Terrible, terrible decision. But hey, anything to place blame away from them self huh.

    Absolutely ridiculous.
    I already completed abyss
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    100100 said:

    Ebony_Naw said:

    This hurts my soul. If you're halfway to Act 6 exploration and had 12k units why weren't Act 6 and Abyss exploration on the table? Much better odds of getting a worthy r3 through those routes.

    Exactly this. Why spend 12k units on cavs instead of finishing Abyss. Terrible, terrible decision. But hey, anything to place blame away from them self huh.

    Absolutely ridiculous.
    I already completed abyss
    did you EXPLORE?
  • 100100100100 Member Posts: 111

    100100 said:

    My act 6 is complete and more then 50% explored.
    Initial run of abyss done.

    But title requires a r3 6* too.
    I only have 1 fully formed t5cc that is mystic .

    But no good mystic champ to r3. So i tried for Morningstar in crystals.

    Spend 12000 units . Here are the results. Thats why i think r3 requirement should be removed.

    You can do all the content and still not get the required t5cc for your champion or champion of t5cc class you have.

    It's funny you say that you can do all the content yet you don't and blow $400 on Cavalier crystals. So stupid. You don't deserve Thronebreaker.
    Ok genius. Thats not the point. I wanted tp get title when it comes out tomorrow. Not in few months. Thats why i opened crystals.

    And its not a regret post. I got few good pulls and they are worth 12k units.

    The point is that this requirement is dependent on luck. No fixed way to get it
    You can get t5cc of different class and good champs worth ranking in different class
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    100100 said:

    My act 6 is complete and more then 50% explored.
    Initial run of abyss done.

    But title requires a r3 6* too.
    I only have 1 fully formed t5cc that is mystic .

    But no good mystic champ to r3. So i tried for Morningstar in crystals.

    Spend 12000 units . Here are the results. Thats why i think r3 requirement should be removed.

    You can do all the content and still not get the required t5cc for your champion or champion of t5cc class you have.

    You can just wait and get the title later. A month ago you didn't even know you wanted this title. Now you are willing to spend 12K units on the chance you might get it?
  • CrcrcrcCrcrcrc Member Posts: 8,002 ★★★★★

    100100 said:

    You could have used those units to fully explore Act 6 and try your luck with the 6-star Nexus Crystal - and grab another T5CC Crystal.

    If you do all content (100% act 6 and Abyss) - you'll more than likely be in a position to Rank 3 a champion that you're happy with, especially with the Abyss Nexus Crystal.

    That i agree but. Nothing is confirmed evem in act 6 exploration bro.

    No t5cc selector and chances to get 6* good mystic from 1 crystal is very less then all these i opened.

    And abyss exploration is only hope remaining for mystic champ now.

    Everywhere else its just crystals and no selsector anywhere
    I don't know the exact mathematical numbers, but I can almost guarantee you that the chance of pulling a decent 6* champion from the nexus crystal to go with the two T5CC you'd have is better than pulling a Rank 3 "worthy" 6* mystic from Cavalier Crystals.
    The numbers would be a 0.16% chance to get a mystic 6*, and about a 0.03% chance to get a good one if 6 of the total mystic champs are worthy of r3. Terrible odds
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,813 ★★★★★
    100100 said:

    100100 said:

    My act 6 is complete and more then 50% explored.
    Initial run of abyss done.

    But title requires a r3 6* too.
    I only have 1 fully formed t5cc that is mystic .

    But no good mystic champ to r3. So i tried for Morningstar in crystals.

    Spend 12000 units . Here are the results. Thats why i think r3 requirement should be removed.

    You can do all the content and still not get the required t5cc for your champion or champion of t5cc class you have.

    It's funny you say that you can do all the content yet you don't and blow $400 on Cavalier crystals. So stupid. You don't deserve Thronebreaker.
    Ok genius. Thats not the point. I wanted tp get title when it comes out tomorrow. Not in few months. Thats why i opened crystals.

    And its not a regret post. I got few good pulls and they are worth 12k units.

    The point is that this requirement is dependent on luck. No fixed way to get it
    You can get t5cc of different class and good champs worth ranking in different class
    Hey Genius, it's still delayed and not coming tomorrow. It's aimed at sometime this week but they haven't given a date yet as said by big ass green banner on the forum.

    It's even more funny you are complaining about luck and you opened 12k units worth of terrible RNG based crystals.

    You are right about one thing, it's not a regret post. It's fantastic post about exactly what not to do and supports having a R3 requirement even more.
  • Thicco_ModeThicco_Mode Member Posts: 8,852 ★★★★★
    100100 said:

    You could have used those units to fully explore Act 6 and try your luck with the 6-star Nexus Crystal - and grab another T5CC Crystal.

    If you do all content (100% act 6 and Abyss) - you'll more than likely be in a position to Rank 3 a champion that you're happy with, especially with the Abyss Nexus Crystal.

    That i agree but. Nothing is confirmed evem in act 6 exploration bro.

    No t5cc selector and chances to get 6* good mystic from 1 crystal is very less then all these i opened.

    And abyss exploration is only hope remaining for mystic champ now.

    Everywhere else its just crystals and no selsector anywhere
    but 12000 units on frikin cavs has a higher chance?
  • Forgotten2Forgotten2 Member Posts: 203 ★★
    You spent 12K units just to get access to a new daily crystal and 4 hr crystal?

    100100 said:

    My act 6 is complete and more then 50% explored.
    Initial run of abyss done.

    But title requires a r3 6* too.
    I only have 1 fully formed t5cc that is mystic .

    But no good mystic champ to r3. So i tried for Morningstar in crystals.

    Spend 12000 units . Here are the results. Thats why i think r3 requirement should be removed.

    You can do all the content and still not get the required t5cc for your champion or champion of t5cc class you have.

  • BigManOnCampusBigManOnCampus Member Posts: 376 ★★★

    Are you telling me you spent 12k on cavs instead of exploring act 6 to get a second t5cc...

    that is insane ...
  • Deadpool87Deadpool87 Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    You could've saved those 12,000 units for the Gifting Event or whatever Kabam is doing this December and got some Greater Gifting Crystals or their equivalent and probably gotten a **** ton of 6* shards.
  • TesladonTesladon Member Posts: 351 ★★
    OG Iron Man was my first maxed 4-star. Nice pull at the 6 star level. 👍
  • PolygonPolygon Member Posts: 5,165 ★★★★★
    Man he doesnt have to explore Abyss/Act 6. He literally couldve just waited for Cyber Weekend and spent on the unit offers. Theres bound to be t5cc selector fragment offers in them
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,986 ★★★★★
    I'm still curious what the options for Mystics are.
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