Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • 5Guysgooddays665Guysgooddays66 Member Posts: 1

    Ultimate green goblin

    Alpha ray

    Lord votan
  • OldymouldyOldymouldy Member Posts: 2
    Why do we have 3 of the defenders, but not the only female one? I mean, I’m a bloke and I’m pissed off at that! Jessica Jones already guys!
  • Equalizer24KEqualizer24K Member Posts: 14

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra, please let Kabam John know he is the champ we want.....

    This would be the most god Tier Champion in the game. We would need another similar level champ to combat, cause even grandmaster would drop like a sack of rocks. First for ur champ
    • Remove 10 minute deep dive; the entire idea would fail.
    • Don't allow hack selection. Instead, a random standard/rare hack is chosen.
    • Make the uniform look less like Collector and more unique.
    Now you have to make a champion who stands a chance. No, not Wiccan...get that out of your head. Seatin. Same beyond universal class, with extreme advancement in parry, dex, and a new prediction signature Ability, where fighting the same way becomes logged and seatin would easily counter your skills. (I'll get into a seatin trophy champ later; I have many ideas about it.)
    Of course, this would start as a limited time boss rush event, and these champs would not be available for use until after act 8+ . To the new legends. These champions could not be used in Alliance events, because it would be unfair. Oh yes one more thing:
    • Remove Diggety Dorky Dave Synergy, make this synergy go with a #hotelmodok champ that we will see in act 7.

    I hope you see this. As stated I will make a Seatin Champ breakdown one day. I also hope Maybe a dev would see this and consider it.
    Equalizer24K (ign is W0RLDBREΛΚΞR)
  • HwindHwind Member Posts: 1

    Fury the goblin queen


    Mister X
  • WRIRWRIR Member Posts: 563 ★★★
    There are a couple things the game is missing.

    The game very obviously lacks Asian characters.

    The game obviously lacks Science champions as of the moment.

    A solution to both problems would be..

    The Totally Awesome Hulk!

    I would need time to think about a Kit for him, but I'd say he would have two forms, and say, X Smart charges.

    Considering how he uses math and smarts to use opponent's weaknesses, he could inflict Vulnerability on opponents when say he dodges attacks, intercepts, stuns the opponent, or punishes a special.

    To justify his use of said Vulnerabilities, he could on certain attacks expend Smart charges for guaranteed Critical Hits attacks if the opponents have Vulnerabilities, giving him high Crit damage.

    I would guess that since he has incredible pattern recognition abilities, he could have some sort of disorient effect if the opponent uses the same move multiple times, decreasing their ability accuracy by a large amount.

    Since we know that Amadues can lose his control too, we could have a system for that.
    Say, whenever Amadeus takes damage when not blocking, he loses a Smart charge. When he loses all Smart charges, he would "Hulk Out" and lose control, increasing his Special damage by X% and gain a passive Fury increasing his attack rating by a bunch. It would last X seconds.

    Maybe his SP3 or SP2 can force him into Hulk Out for X seconds regardless of Smart Charges to Maximize his damage.

    I don't know. This is just a rough draft. But what remains, is that if Kabam makes Amadeus Cho and makes him God Tier or above, that'd fill our need for Asian characters and good Science Champs alike!
  • Ayan_645Ayan_645 Member Posts: 118

    Long over due!!!

    both came
  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra, please let Kabam John know he is the champ we want.....

    This would be the most god Tier Champion in the game. We would need another similar level champ to combat, cause even grandmaster would drop like a sack of rocks. First for ur champ
    • Remove 10 minute deep dive; the entire idea would fail.
    • Don't allow hack selection. Instead, a random standard/rare hack is chosen.
    • Make the uniform look less like Collector and more unique.
    Now you have to make a champion who stands a chance. No, not Wiccan...get that out of your head. Seatin. Same beyond universal class, with extreme advancement in parry, dex, and a new prediction signature Ability, where fighting the same way becomes logged and seatin would easily counter your skills. (I'll get into a seatin trophy champ later; I have many ideas about it.)
    Of course, this would start as a limited time boss rush event, and these champs would not be available for use until after act 8+ . To the new legends. These champions could not be used in Alliance events, because it would be unfair. Oh yes one more thing:
    • Remove Diggety Dorky Dave Synergy, make this synergy go with a #hotelmodok champ that we will see in act 7.

    I hope you see this. As stated I will make a Seatin Champ breakdown one day. I also hope Maybe a dev would see this and consider it.
    Equalizer24K (ign is W0RLDBREΛΚΞR)
    First off, that’s clearly a joke.

    Second, if anything should be fixed it’s the passive abilities section.
  • MajinbarnMajinbarn Member Posts: 36
    Here's my wishlist!

    Spider man 2099
    Iron Spider
    Adam Warlock
    Scream (Symbiote)
    Hybrid (Symbiote)
    Black Cat
    Beta Ray Bill
    Knull (Symbiote King)
    Baron Zemo
    Hydro Man
    Fin Fang Foom
  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    this is my list of some characters that would be awesome in the marvel contest of champions:

    GALACTUS (cosmic)

    KRONOS (cosmic)

    MYSTIQUE (mutant)

    QUIKSILVER (science)

    VULCAN (mutant)

    CYTTORAK (mystic)


    ULYSSES CLAUE (tech)

  • Vhjubucks83Vhjubucks83 Member Posts: 1

    Indian goblin


    Black mamba
  • Cedric_beHickoryCedric_beHickory Member Posts: 16
    I would love to see Quicksilver and Mystique in the game. I once saw a video about Quicksilver and Venom Wolverine. The s3's too long to add, but it's really fun, and you could shorten it. I don't think Venerine should necessarily be added to the game. He's really cool. I think Mystique should be the one from the comics, not the movie. To do Mystique right, she should be a mix of Hela, Invisible Woman, and Elektra. Very athletic, holds random skulls, and can pass everyone unnoticed. Quicksilver's s1 should be him running at the opponent, with frenzied kicking. The s2 could be a forward charge, then him punching repeatedly, causing a combo of 10 hits. His s3 could be the scene from X-Men: Days of Future Past, but shortened. With every 5-hit combo, the chance of him getting critical hits increases by 10%. If he gets a 10-hit combo, he gets precision and power gain, and causes internal bleeding and power drain. Mystique's s1 could be her doing a cartwheel and then slashing once and then stabbing twice with her swords. Her s2 should be her spinning around her swords and then shooting the opponent. Her s3 would be her transformed into the Collector, confusing the opponent. She turns back to Mystique, then goes running and jumping off the opponent's head, flipping, and shooting the opponent's head. She'd land with her swords out. She'd cause a lot of vital bleeds. She could have a 27.1# chance of evade, and could cause the stun buff randomly.
  • Equalizer24KEqualizer24K Member Posts: 14

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Lyra, please let Kabam John know he is the champ we want.....

    This would be the most god Tier Champion in the game. We would need another similar level champ to combat, cause even grandmaster would drop like a sack of rocks. First for ur champ
    • Remove 10 minute deep dive; the entire idea would fail.
    • Don't allow hack selection. Instead, a random standard/rare hack is chosen.
    • Make the uniform look less like Collector and more unique.
    Now you have to make a champion who stands a chance. No, not Wiccan...get that out of your head. Seatin. Same beyond universal class, with extreme advancement in parry, dex, and a new prediction signature Ability, where fighting the same way becomes logged and seatin would easily counter your skills. (I'll get into a seatin trophy champ later; I have many ideas about it.)
    Of course, this would start as a limited time boss rush event, and these champs would not be available for use until after act 8+ . To the new legends. These champions could not be used in Alliance events, because it would be unfair. Oh yes one more thing:
    • Remove Diggety Dorky Dave Synergy, make this synergy go with a #hotelmodok champ that we will see in act 7.

    I hope you see this. As stated I will make a Seatin Champ breakdown one day. I also hope Maybe a dev would see this and consider it.
    Equalizer24K (ign is W0RLDBREΛΚΞR)
    First off, that’s clearly a joke.

    Second, if anything should be fixed it’s the passive abilities section.
    I know it's meant to be a joke, but I think they could make popularity of they do it.
  • Cedric_beHickoryCedric_beHickory Member Posts: 16

    How about Marcus: the Diabetic Werewolf Centaur Symbiote Warrior? He is the best thing ever procured by man.

    He'd definitely be too OP. Though I could see him in the game if Dracula came too. My description of Quicksilver is way more descriptive. It is down in October 2020. Go check it out!
  • Cedric_beHickoryCedric_beHickory Member Posts: 16

    How about Marcus: the Diabetic Werewolf Centaur Symbiote Warrior? He is the best thing ever procured by man.

    He'd definitely be too OP. Though I could see him in the game if Dracula came too. My description of Quicksilver is way more descriptive. It is down in October 2020. Go check it out!
    Also, is it pronounced like MIKE N IKE, or MIKE N EEK?
  • RecrutadorOmegaRecrutadorOmega Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★★
    this is my list of some characters that would be awesome in the marvel contest of champions:

    BEYONDER (cosmic)

    MOLECULAR MAN (science)

    BETA RAY BILL (cosmic)

    GLADIATOR (cosmic)

    ANCIENT ONE (mystic)

    CLEA (mystic)

    AJAX (mutant)

    WEAPON H (science)

  • Vicegrip32Vicegrip32 Member Posts: 1

    Sword and Sorcery hobgoblin

  • Uiop59Uiop59 Member Posts: 1



    Doctor Midas
  • Knormen385Knormen385 Member Posts: 1


    Captain Britten

    Captain Britten Elizabeth Braddock
  • LlessurLlessur Member Posts: 488 ★★★
    You should add a one star collector as a reward for becoming uncollected. Taneleer collected you so now you collect Taneleer. Or the Collector controlled you now you control the Collector. We escaped the Collectors collection so he becomes part of our collection. He wouldn’t have special 3 as a one star he wouldn’t be dupeable and you could even take away his unblockable and power burn even though colossus has unblockable and vision has power burn. I think it would be a bit more of an incentive and since it’s a one star it won’t affect gameplay much it would be just a trophy champ and arenas. Rewards for uncollected are not great and this would help to balance it out.
  • JkiodzdtJkiodzdt Member Posts: 1

    Patton Parnel

    Utgard Loki


    Cu chulainn
  • NewDawnDebNewDawnDeb Member Posts: 106

    Emplate enters The Contest MM/DDth at TT AM

    About Emplate:

    Emplate, a vampire-like mutant who can take on the abilities of those he feeds upon as well as control their minds. Emplate was the main villain of Generation X, and will come into the Battlerealm to inflict "PESTILENCE"!!!

    Base Stats & Abilities

    *All stats based on 4 Star, Rank 5, Level 50, Signature Level 99

    .Health: 15660
    .Attack: 1227
    .Max PI
    .Without Signature: 3727
    .With Signature (99): 4737

    #Control: Counter #Villian #X-Men
    #Hellions #Size: S #Year: 2021

    Character Class: Mutant/Mystic

    *Passive: Pocket Dimensions
    .Emplate suffers from a permanent (active) Degeneration debuff that drains 0.2% health each second.

    .When against mutants, Emplate senses Mutant Aura of target which grants Emplate 1193 attack rating while also reducing the opponent’s Ability Accuracy by 50%. This Ability Accuracy reduction ignores mutants immunities.

    *Medium Attack Combo Finisher:
    .50% chance to cause your opponent to "Rupture" for 1500 direct damage over 15 seconds.

    *Heavy Attack: Vampiric Infection
    .100% chance to inflict Vampiric Infection to opponent, passively Heal Blocking and Slowing them for 7.5 seconds.

    ✓Developer Note - The Heavy Attack animation has to be of 6 hits for convenience of players during playing.

    ~Density Control: Another natural power Emplate does have, is ability to control his own density, from being intangible to invulnerable.

    *While Heavy Attack Charging -
    .Become Intangible and opponent has 100% chance to miss, providing the Opponent isn’t able to bypass Miss.

    *Dash Back -
    .Become Invulnerable for 3 seconds, this indestructibility also ignores all DOT debuffs and passives.

    *Special Attacks -
    .100% chance to cause your opponent to "Rupture" for 2000 direct damage over 20 seconds.

    #Signature Ability: Energy Siphon
    .Being a Energy Vampire Emplate has also the ability to Siphon Energy from his target through their Bone Marrow Sap, and utilising it for his requirements.

    *Bone Marrow Sap (Max Stack 42):
    .50% chance to gain 1 Bone Marrow Sap per Critical Hit.
    .For every 3 hit on Combo Meter gains 1 Bone Marrow Sap.

    ✓Developer Note - Emplate's normal Combo will be of 6 hits, i.e. he will gain 2 Bone Marrow Sap per 1 Combo Rotation.

    *Special Attacks:
    .Consumes same number of Bone Marrow Sap as number of Hits on that Special Attack.

    ✓Developer Note - Special Attacks effect will be depend upon, the type of Stance at which Emplate is during Special Attack activation.

    ~Emplate can Siphon Life, Power and Buff from his opponents depending upon his current Stance.

    *Emplate has 3 Stances -

    >Attack Energy

    .SP 1 - 100% Chance to Drain 35% of the target's current power.
    .SP 2 - 100% Chance to Steal 50% of the target's current power.
    .SP 3 - 100% Chance to Power Lock the target for 20 seconds.

    >Buff Energy

    .SP 1 - 100% Chance to Drain (Nullify) all of the target's current buffs.
    .SP 2 - 100% Chance to Buff Steal for 10 seconds.
    .SP 3 - 100% Chance to Buff Lock (Stagger) for 15 seconds.

    >Life Energy

    .SP 1 - Inflict Life Steal, Stealing 1000 Health from the opponent.
    .SP 2 - Inflict Life Steal, Stealing 2500 Health from the opponent.
    .SP 3 - Inflict Life Steal, Stealing 4000 Health from the opponent.

    ~Emplate will start every fight with Power Siphon stance when he gains enough Bone Marrow Mass.
    ~To change Stances from one to another dash back and hold block for 1 second.

    ✓Developer Note - If during activation of a Special Attack a minimum amount of Bone Marrow Sap is not present than the Special Attack will not produce any of the above listed effect.
  • SleipnirrodSleipnirrod Member Posts: 228 ★★
    Hellstorm Brothers, please!
  • LlessurLlessur Member Posts: 488 ★★★

    You should add a 1* THE COLLECTOR as a reward for becoming Uncollected because The Grandmaster crystallized him and is now a part of his own collection.

    Compared to a LVL 1 RANK 1 1*


    LEVEL 1/1
    RANK 1/1



    None he is just a 1*(The Grandmaster wants him to stay weak)


    I, the All-Powerful Grandmaster crystallized the Collector and realized the only fitting punishment for my treacherous younger brother, Taneleer, was to be a pawn in his own game. I have rewarded him to you Summoner for your loyalty to the Grandmaster, but beware cross me and your fate will be the same.

    PASSIVE: As The Collector loses health, he activates more and more of his ancient Relics to boost his stats and grant him new powers.

    PASSIVE: Below 85% Health - Protection Relic - The Collector can no longer take more than 3% of his Max Health as damage from any single source.

    PASSIVE: Below 70% Health - Offense Relic - The Collector gains a permanent boost to Critical Hit Chance and Armor Rating equal to 101.

    PASSIVE: Below 55% Health - Shatter Relic - The Collector's special attacks become Unblockable.

    PASSIVE: Below 40% Health - Immunity Relic - The Collector becomes Immune to all Bleed, Poison, Stun, and Power Lock debuff effects.

    PASSIVE: Below 25% Health - Blitz Relic - The Collector periodically becomes Unstoppable for 3.50 seconds.

    PASSIVE: Below 10% Health - Overload Relic - The Collector periodically activates an astral Overload, recovering 50 Health over 15 seconds and increasing Armor Rating by 100.

    PASSIVE: The presence of the ISO-Sphere slowly weakens the Collector's opponent, reducing their Ability Accuracy by 2.5% for every 5 seconds that the fight has gone on to a maximum of 80% reduction.

    The influence of the ISO-Sphere grants the Collector 5% increased Power Gain rate each time he launches a Special Attack.

    90% chance to Stun for 3.5 seconds.

    Launching this attack siphons off the opponent's Power meter and steals 75% of their current Power over 10 seconds.
    100% chance to Power lock, severing the target's flow of Power for 10 seconds.

    SPECIAL 3:
    None he is just a 1*
    (The Grandmaster can’t have Taneleer rebuilding his collection).

    He could look like this but maybe with a cosmic type to help nerf him as well. I wrote him so he could only be one rank one level so he can’t get more powerful in anyway. Maybe you could make him able to go to rank 2 but make it require expensive Catalysts or make it just got to rank one and have the ISO-8 required be insanely high.

    The 1* Collector would be useless in any quests an Uncollected Summoner would be completing and would only be a trophy champ or used in arenas.

    You don’t get much rewards for uncollected except the potential for better rewards. This trophy would make becoming Uncollected feel more desirable and more rewarding.

    Thank you for reading,
  • Travie24Travie24 Member Posts: 14
    Deadpool The Duck - A fun combination of Howard the Duck and Deadpool. (Skill)

    Throg - The frog version of Thor would definitely be different. (Mystic)

    Amadeus Cho - I think you should definitely include Marvels genius Amadeus cho, but not as the hulk version. Have him be a (Tech Class) with like a mech suit similar to Howard the Ducks, but for his Special 3 : have him become his hulk version. (Tech or Science)

    The Absorbing Man - I think he would be fun to fight as. Throughout a battle he can change to a steel form, or rock form or ice form. Each form causing different effects to the opponent when hit.(science)

    The Leader- I feel the game is in need of more Hulk villains, and the Leader is the Hulks most known. I could see him being a character similar to Red Skulls game play. (Science)

    GhostSpider - The Ghost Rider Version of Spider-Man , I feel that it would be cool to have a different Spider-Man in each class. There’s already a a Spider-Man for Skill, Cosmic, Tech, and Science. So I think the ghost rider Spider-Man could be for the mystic class. ( Mystic)

    Doppleganger- The mutant versions of Spider-Man with his six arms. He could fight a lot like Venom. (Mutant)

    Sandman- Sandman is a great Spider-Man villain who’s visuals would be fun in a fighting game (science)
  • Bigwing8907654Bigwing8907654 Member Posts: 1



    Solder Supreme

  • Travie24Travie24 Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2020
    Deadpool The Duck

  • Travie24Travie24 Member Posts: 14
    edited October 2020
    Throg. (Frog Thor)

  • Travie24Travie24 Member Posts: 14
    Amadeus Cho

  • Travie24Travie24 Member Posts: 14

  • Travie24Travie24 Member Posts: 14
    Ghost Spider

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