Disappointing calendar comparing to the cavalier version. when you compare the TB daily crystal vs the cavalier daily crystal, that was a huge increase. The T5C frag crystal should be a 10%, not 5%. Should be 5* champ but at least increase the odd of getting a 5*. Units is same. Gold increase will barely make a difference.
I’m SpideyFunko, here for Spicyslicer is grumpy news and- wait what’s this? It appears Spicyslicer is happy with something! Well folks, it’s a Halloween miracle. Good night.
I don't know.. considering that Thronebreaker have at least one r3 6star champion, I hoped in something more.. maybe 5/6 star version of the featured champion? I hope there will be a higher chance to get the 5 star version at least.
Feels dated upon release. So far the title has gotten me some extra t4b and t4cc, and now a tiny bump in calendar items. I mean, so I expect more t5cc? Not really. But with perfect drops of equal classes, I’m looking at 10 years to form one of each class. Nice bonus, but those need to be upped somewhere. Add more to legendary side quests, cavalier difficulty, or the special challenge.
I like it but miss the t4basic you need 7 to rank up a six star. They do not come fast enough. T5basic is coming much faster now.
Thronebreakers should be getting a lot more T4B from daily crystals. In 21 TB daily crystals I've so far gotten the equivalent of 6.5 T4B between whole cats and T4B fragments. For most Thronebreakers the net change overall is a significant increase in T4B in the average month.
1) They force us to Form a T2a over 3 weeks rather than just logging in one day to get a fully formed T2a for a Cavalier Calendar.
2) Gold is way too low - Gold Crystals are fine, put something more valuable rather than the paultry Gold on those days.
3) Mojo should allow a chance at 6 Star Version
4) One Energy refill?
5) 100 Total Units?
Overall pretty low. I'd prefer Cavalier Calendar over this one except the one nice thing is 5% T5CC Fragments Crystal.
5% of a t5cc isn’t exactly gonna make me lose my mind
BUT excited for the future of other things haha
I honestly would prefer the t4b compared to the uncollected shard crystal
I have the 'Thronebreaker' title but I dont want more rewards on calendar. I want them in quests/arena/aw/aq