Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

🎁Join My 3rd Annual Gifting Giveaway!🎁



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    ArnMWArnMW Posts: 30
    IGN: Λaron
    1st- 2 GGC
    2nd- 1 GGC
    Best moment this year was I did initial clear for abyss and 7.1 and explored Variant 6 all in one week.
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    MattyPerlerMattyPerler Posts: 91
    Ign: mattylerler
    1 ggc + 10 energy refills, 2nd place 10 energy refills.
    Best moment was finally getting my void to sig 200 (favourite character in game) was my 3rd 5* so was nice to finally fully max him out.
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    rynaaarynaaa Posts: 3
    IGN: rynaaa
    1st: 2 GGCS, 2nd: 1 GGC
    Best thing ever was thinking about getting a 5* Doom after dual crystals just came to the game, opening up a science/mystic with friends on discord calling for it and actually getting him!!!
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    FlyGalaxyBombFlyGalaxyBomb Posts: 777 ★★★
    IGN: FlyGalaxyBomb
    Prize: 2 GGC or if you can, revives would be amazing
    My best moment was this month during my 7.1 opening. I was texting my friend right before I opened my 6* crystal and he was like imagine u get a ghost or doom. I was like a ghost or doom would be crazy. From the 6* crystal I pulled a 6* Ghost and me and my friend were freaking out 😂.
    I even have screenshots of everything.
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    IGN= Silver___Surfer
    That’s 3 underscores and I completely explored act 5.4 to get og captain marvel and my third mutant gem with no mutant to spend it on.
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    IGN: Mörderking
    1st: GGC and cores/a single carb core 2nd: GGC
    My favorite thing this year was my progression from uc to late cav and fun that came with it.
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    MrsGondola420MrsGondola420 Posts: 149
    IGN : MrsGondola420

    Prize: 1st 2 GG / 2nd : 10 energy refills.

    Best thing this year? Finally joining an alliance that suits my needs with some pretty chill peeps. And finally getting to take someone up to R5 , Cap IW 🙏🏻
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    L3amL3am Posts: 8
    IGN- L3am
    prize-ggc and 10 energy refills
    moment-6 star ghost and cosmic ghost rider out of 3 6 star features
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    AlmccarthyAlmccarthy Posts: 103
    Ign- Almccarthy
    2 ggcs
    1 ggc
    Beating the abyss to get a juicy red skull and karnak from my shards (also a skill to r3 my unawake Aegon)
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    D٨RK_ANG3LD٨RK_ANG3L Posts: 89
    Any gift listed would be ok if I win 😃
    Best Moment: After spending numerous units on elder slayer, opening a lot of 5*s, opening 80+ skill/mutant crystals in the hope of getting Aegon finally got him from one of the holiday crystals after two years he was introduced. YaY and took him straight to 5/200. Hell Yay!!
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    Blaker78Blaker78 Posts: 133
    IGN: Blaker78
    2 GGC for first 1 for second
    Finally getting thronebreaker after months of waiting for a decent champ to rankup!
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    Ben550pBen550p Posts: 38
    edited December 2020
    IGN: Hero Town
    Best thing was pulling a 5* ghost who helped me become cav
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    IGN: AstroGamer110
    2 Ggcs
    Best moments: completing act 5 and getting starky five star and a couple days later popping a five star not expecting anything and getting a quake, and also r5ing my nick fury
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    Prize request:
    1st place 2ggc
    2nd place 1ggc
    Best moments:
    I had so many great moments this year but the most recent one was getting 5* cosmic ghost rider from my last epoch crystal
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    TesladonTesladon Posts: 339 ★★
    IGN: Tesladon
    Prize request: 1st prize 2 GGC
    2nd prize 1 GGC
    Best things to happen this year was opening 5 stars of CG, Aegon, HT and Medusa and R5ing NF.
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    Le_GentlemanLe_Gentleman Posts: 34
    IGN: Le_Gentleman
    If first 2ggc if second 1ggc
    The best pull would have to be 5* doom from a legendary. He has propelled my account and helped ne so much eversince.
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    panda_mcocpanda_mcoc Posts: 32
    IGN: panda.exe
    Choice: 2 GGC or 1 GGC

    The best thing that’s happened to me is being the only person to complete the 2020 Convention Clash in my Alliance (my roster wasn’t too good for it, and neither am I). Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year!
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    Jet6_3Jet6_3 Posts: 43
    IGN: Whalemilker 6-3 (F2P player however, lol)
    If I get 1st place, I'd like 2 GGCs, if I get 2nd place, I'd like 1 GGC

    Man, 2020 has been an absolutely great year for my account. Got Cavalier, and got a 6* Dragon Man from a Cavalier Sexennium Crystal, he;s an absolute beast. Feeling grateful for what happened to my account this year.
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    AndrarioAndrario Posts: 17
    Ign : andrario
    Item i wanted : GGC and energy refills package
    Best moment : my first and second 6 star is guilontine original back to back
    And guess who my 1st five stars ?
    Yeap, thats her too guilontine original
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    Bigc20Bigc20 Posts: 14
    IGN is bigc20
    I would like the 2 GGC if 1st/ 1 if 2nd
    Best thing that happened in game this year was opening a 5* aegon then duping him on my following crystal
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    kingbradley1297kingbradley1297 Posts: 119 ★★
    IGN: Viserys II
    2 GGCs if first, 1 GGC if second
    My best moment would be opening my first 6* Crystal of the year for Colossus. I had taken a hiatus playing, came back and grinded and pulled him after 4 crystals of bad pulls. He changed my account in a huge way
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    Skillful_starSkillful_star Posts: 756 ★★★
    Ign: Skillful star
    1GGC 10 energy refills
    The best thing this year for me was me r4ing my 5* groot. He'll soon be r5. So yay me.
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    PRIZE: 2xGGC
    Achievement: finally got cavalier and also managed to pull Doom as 4th 6*.
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    IceBroIceBro Posts: 179 ★★
    IGN: IceBro
    Prize: 1 GGC and 10 Refills or 10 Refills

    My best moment of 2020 in this game was beating the Grandmaster and pulling a 6* torch, elsa, and warlock. I don't think anything will ever give me as much joy as that day.
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    bumble-beebumble-bee Posts: 137 ★★
    IGN: bumble-bee
    2 GGC + Stony if first
    1 GGC if second
    My best moment in 2020 was when I duped my 6* aegon from just 1 elder slayer (featured cavalier) crystal. It was totally worth it.
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    AstinioAstinio Posts: 8
    IGN: Astinio
    1 GGC + 10 energy or just the 10 energy.
    I completed first path of abyss this year, didnt think id ever be doing content like that, but i got the team, and saved up the units, and got it down. Goal for next year is 100% act 6 and abyss, and as much of act 7 as possible.
    Thanks for doing this giveaway, merry christmas, happy holidays.
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    andreebeeandreebee Posts: 7
    ig: andreebee
    1st place: 2 GGC
    2nd place: 1 GGC
    Finishing John Mulaney’s Champion Challenge with only 2 free revives 🙏 (thought I would need to knock out my entire pots stash so this was a pleasant surprise!)

    Also appreciate you doing this — really goes to show how people can share love and joy in these difficult times midst the holiday season! Respect man. Wishing you a blessed year
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    GGC+10 ENERGY REFILLS if first
    1 GGC if second
    The greatest thing that happened to me is my first 6 star this year.It was luke cage.Glad it was not anything worse.
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