Act 6.2.5 is The Worst Created Content in The Game.

I %100 Act 7.1 This is so much fun and all good created chapter.
Complete Abyss of Legends (this is fun as act7) / AND I am Thronebreaker player but ;
What is this Act 6.2.5 ??
So much nonsense nodes as if that wasn't enough , it have class gates...Not enough ..And absurd boss mordo nodes...
Excuse me But What the hell is this ? İs this Act 15 or more ?
Act 6.2 is definitely need rework...
The class gates are there as a progression brake. You can't get the Breaker of Thrones title until you have a broad roster of 5* champs across all classes and know how to use them. This is welcome as everywhere else you can just batter through with the same 10 champs everyone else has.
Breaker of Thrones is the one remaining title that has some meaning in terms of roster and skill quality, and is a vital distinction when recruiting players.
Gates should count both 5*s and 6*s.
Spended more units on that chapter than any other chapter from 6.2 and 6.3. Truly disgusting content.
If that one stupid node was taken off the mordo boss the chapter would actually be kind of fun, I like having to stretch out my roster a little. However in it's current state that single node ruins the entire chapter
If the Mordo fight didn’t had special delivery it would be an even great fight.
Paths are also very restrictive and niche at 6.2.5.
Wtf 4 5* cosmic champs path (that also require two specific champs to clear it out of ~180) in a quest that the final boss is mystic?
Also 6.2.6 Champion prove yourself is too much, even no retreat would be better and more manageable. At least if a player couldn’t manage no retreat he could unit his way through.
6.2 is harder and more costly to explore than an initial Abyss run.
Just compare the rewards 😂
Look, at first I was like you, I just hated the content because it's just too hard. But with time passes by, I realize how amazing and revolutionary it was. It's the most conquered content that I was proud of and I remembered all the details about it from the gates to Mordo and The Champion. It will live long with me until the final day I play this game.
About 7.1, lol, what can i say? A bit of s that nobody cares.
i did it without having quake ghost or void, so yh but its over