Ronin discussion

I got a 6* ronin and all i see in forums is..i love ronin, he is underated etc.
I really dont see and understand what he can do can someone help me bc i like to rank up different champs and my first rank 3 6* will be killmonger or ronin.! Thanks whatever
I really dont see and understand what he can do can someone help me bc i like to rank up different champs and my first rank 3 6* will be killmonger or ronin.! Thanks whatever
I have a 6* R3 Ronin and a 5/65 Ronin. He is easily my favorite champion, and is criminally underrated. Im converting people though.
This contains a guide of mine. I also have some videos on him, mostly just messing around.
Here is just some damage:
Gonna bookmark this thread to discuss!
he’s gotta decide Killmonger or Ronin
Ronin is clear in both damage and utility.
I can’t listen to you
I have a Killmonger guide here. As puff has mentioned, Killmonger has better utility, Ronin has better damage
I’m of the opinion that utility vastly outweighs damage. They’re both good champs. It’s entirely possible both puff and I overrate our respective champs. But I’ve got my 6* duped Killmonger and I’ve never regretted. You won’t use him for every fight, but where he works, he freaking works
I can’t emphasise how useful his true strike and indestructible is. Some (*cough* KD *cough*) think this is ‘little utility’. But it covers a lot of the most annoying defenders and nodes in the game
Just don’t expect him to be hitting like Cosmic Ghost Rider.
I'd like to see a Killmonger tune-up or update in the future.
Nice discussion OP! I still don't really see what's that amazing about his damage, but it's still great
And good luck taking on an autoblock champ with them.
The indestructible charges, while they are a safety net, as useful so other significant ways. Such as tanking SP3’s in very high power gain scenarios, mitigating block damage from unavoidable specials, and indeed being a safety net
The only thing he needs is his bleeds being able to stack.
And don’t act like Apoc is a dud is your only bad take. Colossus third best champ? CGR third best champ? And that’s not an exhaustive list. I love ya KD, but your takes on champs are just awful